Total newb needs some assistance with RPC/Replicating

Hey All,
I am very new to C++ and Unreal but have been learning quite a bit over the past couple months. I have been stuck on this issue for over a week and not been able to make any ground on it. In my game I have an issue that when a client equips a weapon only the client can see this has occurred. The server or other clients still see the weapon on the table. When the Server equips the weapon everything works. I know this is an issue with an RPC call from the client to the server but I have tried everything I can think of with no success. I believe the problem rests in either the character class or the weapon class or maybe even both.

In the weapon class I have an equip function:


void Equip(class AProto1Character*Char);


void Aweapon::Equip(class AProto1Character* Char){
if (Char)
{SkeletalMesh->SetCollisionResponseToChannel(ECollisionChannel::ECC_Camera, ECollisionResponse::ECR_Ignore);
SkeletalMesh->SetCollisionResponseToChannel(ECollisionChannel::ECC_Pawn, ECollisionResponse::ECR_Ignore);


const USkeletalMeshSocket* RightHandSocket = Char->GetMesh()->GetSocketByName("RightHandSocket");

if (RightHandSocket){
RightHandSocket->AttachActor(this, Char->GetMesh());


	if (OnEquipSound) UGameplayStatics::PlaySound2D(this, OnEquipSound);}

In my character class I have SetEquippedWeapon function


void SetEquippedWeapon(Aweapon* WeaponToSet);


void AProto1Character::SetEquipedWeapon(Aweapon* WeaponToSet){
if (EquipedWeapon)

EquipedWeapon = WeaponToSet;}

I have tried to create a ServerEquip function and have it call the equip function but still no luck. I am guessing its the act of equipping the weapon that needs the RPC since the weapon is based off the actor class and seems to already be replicating. I know this is very basic but I have read about all the documentation on RPC I can find, have taken codes off GITHub and looked at other peoples work, but for the life of me I am stumped. Any help in anyway would be awesome.

Thanks and sorry for the long post

try rpc multicast from player controller.