Having a text render change from a editable text box

I am currently struggling on figuring out how to get a variable from my menu widget to my text render BP, I need to pass in the text that the player puts in the editable text box to the text render to update the text to change it to there name. I am new to unreal and would appreciate any help :smiley:

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Same situation here, would love any advice :joy:

Wenn creating the widget with the CreateWidget Node, this Node has a second output (blue). You can rightclick this and promote to variable.
This new variable now is your reference to the Widget.
With this variable, you can get the text object (make sure to set isVariable for the editable Text), and from this, getText.

Since you didn’t said where you created the widget, i can only guess, that you have one blueprint that creates the widget and holds the 3D Text.
get the Text from the Player Input via
Widget-Ref-Variablen > get editableText Widget > getText().

And set your 3D Text with:
Get 3D Text Component of your Actor > setText()

Hi, so I have one blueprint that holds a text render as a component

and I have created a widget blue print that has a editable text box

What I am trying to achieve is when user changes the text in the editable textbox, the text in the text render will change accordingly.
Below is what I tried so far,

but somehow I can not add the text render that I created earlier to the widget blueprint (I can only add a new text render instead of linking to the existing one)
The editable textbox will be added to view once the animation starts.


This is for future reference, in case anyone has the same situation and gets stuck. It works for me.