How to change an instanced material param of a blueprint placed in the editor?

I have an instanced material and I can modify individual blueprint instances referencing it in game via scripts but I’d like to be able to do it on individual blueprint instances in editor mode. Right now I have exposed variables to the editor but changing them only takes effect in game mode.

I want to achieve this but in editor mode using only one instanced material like in game so I can freely change the material parameters to customize the individual blueprints placed in the scene and see the changes immediately.

Let’s assume that your material looks like this:

This material includes 2 parameters, a vector parameter named VectorParam and a scalar parameter named ScalarParam. The blueprint code you need to implement in order to have the required changes is the following construction script:

Once you compile your Blueprint and place it into the level you will be able to change the required properties in the viewport. Here’s the result:

Thank you, I had something a bit similar but I had the update routine hooked to the Tick event since it made more sense to me…