Asset textures not displaying on Mac

Hi, I’m afraid if you look at the icons on the homepage for that asset, you can see it doesn’t support mac. That’s probably got a lot to do with it…

Hello! I’m having trouble getting downloaded assets to show their textures.

Both of my sons (10 and 9) and I are experimenting with Unreal Engine for fun and we’ve been downloading some of the free monthly assets to play around with. One son is using a Windows 10 laptop while my other son (and I) use my Macbook Pro.

Both computers downloaded the free Platformer asset last month, and the Windows laptop has had no issues at all. My Macbook, however, can’t seem to render any textures. Everything looks fine until we drag an object/mesh into the scene, and then it looks grey.

I’ve tried doing some research on this issue over the last day but being completely new, I have no idea how to fix this, and my sons obviously have no idea haha. I’ve tried migrating the assets, but it hasn’t helped. It’s also very possible I’m doing it wrong.

I think I read somewhere on a forum that it’s possible the assets could be looking for a Windows file directory path and that’s why it’s messing up on Mac? That makes sense to me, but I 't even know how to figure out if that’s even the problem.

Anyway, any help would be appreciated. I just feel bad for my one son who can’t get assets to display properly while my other son is building away haha.

I also saw people asking how they brought assets into their project. We just used the “add to project” button for both computers. Windows has been fine, Mac won’t display anything but grey models.


Thanks, guys!

Oh! Cool! I mean, kind of haha.

Thanks for pointing that out! I wouldn’t have even thought to look for something like that. At least now I know for the future.