GenerateProjectFiles.command doesn't work for Mac OS X

Today, I wanted to browse the source in Xcode to learn about FGraphTask related stuff.
I found that GenerateProjectFiles.command doesn’t work. The script stops at
{Project Root}/Engine/Build/BatchFiles/Mac/

because of the line:

if [ ! -d ../../../Binaries/DotNET ]; then

It checks for a directory, DotNet, which actually doesn’t exist.

Could anyone successfully run this script? I tried both downloaded zip as well as 4.4 branch from github, which are supposed to be the same anyway, just to make sure.

Also, I found a small error in {Project Root}/Engine/Build/BatchFiles/Mac/

Instead of:


It should be:


I noticed that because I use fish shell, not bash shell. fish shell has quite different syntax when scripting.


Did you download and expand dependencies archives? contains DotNET

Ah… I read the instructions again. I didn’t move the dependencies archive into the engine folder.

Thanks for the quick answer.