Python: BlueprintImplementableEvent call fails

Hi everyone,
I’m looking to call a blueprint function from python.

Whilst we wait for a direct interface to blueprint functions, I’m using a C++ declaration of my function with BlueprintImplementableEvent, which is then overridden by the blueprint and called from python:

Not important: My function implementation

Important: My function declaration
bool clearSpline();

Important: My python function call
unreal.planeTrackEditableWrapper.add_new_point(actor, unreal.Vector(0))

I know that my BlueprintImplementableEvent is written correctly, as calling it from C++ prints “CLEAR SPLINE” onto the screen.
However, when called from python, no string is printed, and the function always returns False.

I understand this is a bit of a complicated one, so any help is very much appreciated.

As a side note, huge thanks to Alex Quevillon for his tutorial: How to call a C++ function using Python

Important: My python function call
I should also have mentioned that “planeTrackEditableWrapper” is the name of the C++ Class where the function is declared, and the parent to the blueprint class.

Managed to solve this one by myself;

In order to call a C++ function from python, it must be implemented as a BlueprintCallable.
You cannot implement a function as both BlueprintCallable and BlueprintImplementableEvent for obvious reasons.
(though i did try anyway, and no, it did not work)

So, the solution is to make another C++ function with UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable), with the sole purpose of calling your BlueprintImplementableEvent.

C++ function declarations (see image)
C++ caller function implementation (see image)

Because of this behaviour, I wonder if using BlueprintImplementableEvent would allow you to overload a C++ function in python…? Interesting, might look into it later.