4.23 Crashes when moving assets

[UE4.23 (not 4.23 Preview)]

Hello, I’m getting an editor crash when I’m moving assets within the content folder.

Assertion failed: [File:D:/Build/++UE4/Sync/Engine/Source/Runtime/CoreUObject/Private/UObject/UObjectGlobals.cpp] [Line: 3067] Illegal call to StaticConstructObject() while serializing object data! (Object will not be saved!

The complete log is here: Clip #0IT8PL

Does anyone have an idea what could cause it?

Thank you very much.

Just got this by trying to save a pretty important BP, upgraded from 4.21 to 4.23 … should have waited for 4.23.1 I guess.

Again, this is just by saving a certain blueprint (gamemode in this case)

Same here, except it’s a UserWidget, and like yours it’s very important and it seems to know that I’m on a limited timeframe and it just doesn’t care.

Requestion 4.23.1 hotfix: blueprints care more.

So I finally got it fixed, but can’t explain why it came into being. In my case, it also happened since 4.22 -
and in my case, it was a custom event inside of a widget which caused the crash.
It didn’t throwed any compiler errors, but after I removing it and creating a new one,
no further crashes happened. I hope the staff will have a look on it soon.

Yep, custom event here too. I ended up adding my logic to the places the event was called as a workaround, but I’ll try doing what you did soon.

I also had this problem with a GameMode blueprint with an Event Dispatcher event node, after upgrading from 4.22 to 4.23.

I deleted and re-added the Event Dispatcher event node, and could then compile and save the BP.