Master-branch - OpenEXR absolute path fix

The master branch OpenEXR library has a few problems associated with it that need to be resolved.

The project contained within the openexr third party dependencies have absolute paths to zlib, which need to be replaced with a relative path.


Replace the absolute path for zilb with :


Hi MCiccarone,

Could you provide the file(s) and line(s) where the paths are not correct?

Branch: Master

File: /Engine/Source/ThirdParty/openexr/OpenEXR-1.7.1/vc/vc8/OpenEXR/IlmImf/IlmImf.vcxproj

Replace Absolute zlib path with relative path

Line#(s): 283, 428

Add missing zlib path

Line#(s): 173, 246, 320, 392,

Sorry for the delayed response. The IlmImf.vcxproj file is a project file including a number of different code files. Which of those code files are the one(s) you are looking at?

the vcxproj is just an XML format file that visual studio uses to prepare the code for compilation, similar to a makefile.

What you want to fix are the absolute paths and the missing zlib include directory within the meta tag.

The original post in answerhub is here:

I attached the updated IlmImf project file so that you can do a diff against the master branch.

Hi MCiccarone,

Sorry for the confusion, I was not opening the file for editing. I have entered a report about this issue for a developer to investigate further (TTP# 345975).

I was just notified that this has been corrected in the Master branch. Thank you for bringing it to our attention.