Motion capture files + Mixamo anim pack + UE4 animations + makehuman skeleton

I’m having serious trouble with this scenario…

I’m creating a char with makehuman…
I’m importing to blender and applying some motion capture files to makehuman skeleton… it works, but I needed the animations to stay in place, not walking forward. So I wanted to use the HeroTPP animations (and also mixamo animations pack), and here is the trouble…
The HeroTPP skeleton is so different that I can’t replicate it with blender and use a makehuman char at the same time… (at least I couldn’t, if you know how, please give me a hint!)
I also tried to use the makehuman mesh with HeroTPP skeleton, and it was a disaster, everything out of place.
I tried to use own makehuman skeleton to use HeroTPP animations, and disaster again!
Can’t I have a skeleton that works in common with all these programs and that is not so insanely hard to work with?

I’m running out of options… please help!


As far as I know the animations depends on the skeletons, so if you want to use TPP animations you have to use the TPP skeleton mandatorily.

I am trying to do the same. My option is to rig the TPP skeleton to makehuman meshes, but I am having problems with the Blender FBX exporter.