Navmesh Character Radius

I have a character moving on a navmesh with “AIMoveTo”, the character goes from point A to point B just fine, however it catches on edges, I was wondering what do I need to change in order to change the radius so that the navmesh takes this into account? I have tried adding a staticmesh and setting the bounds to be attached to the parent capsule and trying varying sizes but nothing seems to cause it to take a different route I would have thought this would just be the bounds of the actor as is.

I saw the min actor radius in the recast settings, but this isn’t what i’m looking for I don’t think.


You need to specify your agent size in Project Settings’ part for navigation system. Just add a supported agent and put you character’s size as agent’s radius and height.




Is there any place in the documentation I can learn more about all of this Navigation System stuff? I feel like there’s so much here I want / need to learn and understand. I’m trying to make it so that my 4 AI entities move only down the centerline of a corridor (not “cut corners” so to speak) and I feel like I’m hunting around the right area…but can’t pin down what it is exactly I need to do.