C++ Interface FScriptInterface::SetObject Compile time Error

I have an interface that I created by following the guide lines of the Interface article on the wiki called IInteractableActorInterface.


I have a Pawn that holds a pointer that references a IInteractableActorInterface that they are currently looking at and when you press E something happends. However for the life of me I get a compile time error that makes no bloody sense.

* Class required to support Interface Casting within the Unreal Engine System.
class UInteractableActorInterface : public UInterface

* InteractableActorInterface is an interface implemented by all objects within the game world
* that can be interacted with by a Pawn and Player.
class IInteractableActorInterface

	* Performs interaction on the object and supplies the instigator who triggered the action.
	virtual void Interact(APawn * instigator) = 0;

	* Sets the proper properties for the instigator to alert the player or AI 
	* that the item is available for interaction.
	virtual void PrepareInteraction(APawn * instigator) = 0;

	* Get a string that displays the interaction message.
	virtual FText GetInteractionMessage() = 0;

class AMyCharacter
// standard stuff here
IInteractableActorInterface * interactableActor;

IInteractableActorInterface * GetInteractableActor();
void SetInteractableActor(IInteractableActorInterface * interactableActor);

Error 7 error C2664: ‘void
*)’ : cannot convert argument 1 from ‘IInteractableActorInterface *’ to
*'InteractableActorInterface.cpp C:\Program
Engine\4.4\Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Public\UObject\ScriptInterface.h 144 1

Now this error ONLY occurs if I use a pointer of the type of the interface, if I switch it to a hard coded type all is peachy…

class AMyCharacter
// standard stuff here
APickup * interactableActor;

APickup * GetInteractableActor();
void SetInteractableActor(APickup * interactableActor);

I have even commented out any locations where a InterfaceCast(object) is performed and still I get this error.

Digging through the Output I find:

C:\Program Files\Unreal Engine\4.4\Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Public\UObject\ScriptInterface.h(144): error C2664: 'void FScriptInterface::SetObject(UObject *)' : cannot convert argument 1 from 'IInteractableActorInterface *' to 'UObject *'
1>          Types pointed to are unrelated; conversion requires reinterpret_cast, C-style cast or function-style cast
1>          F:\Projects\UE4\Vishnu\Source\MyGame\Classes\Player\MyGameCharacter.h(16) : see reference to function template instantiation 'InterfaceType &TScriptInterface<InterfaceType>::operator =<IInteractableActorInterface>(UObjectType *)' being compiled
1>          with
1>          [
1>              InterfaceType=IInteractableActorInterface
1>  ,            UObjectType=IInteractableActorInterface
1>          ]
1>          F:\Projects\UE4\Game\Source\MyGame\Classes\Player\MyGameCharacter.h(16) : see reference to function template instantiation 'InterfaceType &TScriptInterface<InterfaceType>::operator =<IInteractableActorInterface>(UObjectType *)' being compiled
1>          with
1>          [
1>              InterfaceType=IInteractableActorInterface
1>  ,            UObjectType=IInteractableActorInterface
1>          ]

I don’t think I need to say it… but having to use a hard coded type defeats the purpose of trying to use an interface… any suggestions on what this error means would be highly welcome…

Clarification of Subject header… wrote this late at night and was tired.

Okay so the problem comes down to the fact that my function within my class was declared as a UFUNCTION() a detail I left out in my initial description of the problem.

UFunction(BlueprintCallable, Category=MyFunctions)
IInteractableActorInterface * MyGetFunction();

The solution to this is to change the definition of my function to

UFunction(BlueprintCallable, Category=MyFunctions)
UObject * MyGetFunction();

This fixed the problem and all is working.

Note: My actual solution was to change
the return type ot AActor* because I
know my interface will always be
applied to an actor object, but
UObject* is the base object you can