Wierd Issue with on begin and end overlap?

So I’m using BP for a game I’m making and having some issues with begin and end overlap, I have it set up on a dynamic object the player can pick up and attach to the character. I am trying to use it as a collision detection as BP is very confusing compared to unity’s C# and there doesn’t seem to be proper discriminatory collision, When I pick up the object the on begin and on end fire at the same time completely screwing up my game and creating somewhat of an infinite loop not allowing me to drop the object. If there is an easier way to trigger events I’m all ears.

Hi Chincy,

Can you post a screenshot of your blueprints so I have a better idea of what you are trying to accomplish? Also make sure that your overlap is not overlapping self. It may be that it is registering multiple begin and end overlaps. One way to get around this is if you only want your player to activate the begin or end overlap, make sure to have it check to make sure that it is a player that is overlapping.

Here is a picture, sorry for the delay I was at a 2 day Airsoft game.


Is there a way to have a straight up trigger check like Unity? This on enter on exit stuff is making a problem for me that really should not be there.

Hi ,

The picture unfortunately didn’t come through, can you try to re-upload it? Thank you!

Unfortunately no, it is still coming in as an error.


Can you see this image? Sorry I was in a rush and I put it in my private folder.


Last try try :confused:

I’ll shrink it and upload if it doesn’t work.

I can see it now and attempted to reproduce this on my end without any luck. Make sure that your sphere is not set to collide with self, you can do that like this:


Its not colliding with self, if it was it would trigger while my player cant touch it.

I found my own personal work around, this issue seems to be an issue in UE4 and the way it does its checks. You should maybe switch to an actual trigger on collide rather than this odd system with enter and exit collisions since when my character is half in and half out while moving with the object attached to him he is considered true for both the on exit and on enter arguments in your code.

Hi ,

I am glad to hear you found a workaround. We will take your suggestion into consideration. I am going to mark this as answered for tracking purposes. Thank you and have a great day!