Default values in DataTables using c++

I been converting my blueprints over to c++ but I seem to have an issue where I trying set values of one of the tables defaults when I pulling another table into linked table object.

here in my code for the padding:

#pragma once

#include "Engine/DataTable.h"
#include "CreditsPaddingMargin.generated.h"

struct FCreditsPaddingMargin : public FTableRowBase


		: Left(0.0f)
		, Top(0.0f)
		, Right(0.0f)
		, Bottom(0.0f)

	/** reference to the left margin. */
	UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = Credits)
	float Left;

	/** reference to the top margin. */
	UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = Credits)
	float Top;

	/** reference to the right margin. */
	UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = Credits)
	float Right;

	/** reference to the bottom margin. */
	UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = Credits)
	float Bottom;

but what I trying to accomplish in my textobject DataTable is change the default value of the FCreditsPaddingMargin::Bottom to the value of 10.0 as you would using the blueprint structs method.

here is my code for NameTextObject

#pragma once

#include "Engine/DataTable.h"
#include "CreditsTextProperties.h"
#include "CreditsImageProperties.h"
#include "CreditsPaddingMargin.h"
#include "CreditsNameTextObject.generated.h"

struct FCreditsNameTextObject : public FTableRowBase


		: TextProperties()
		, ImageProperties()
		, Padding() // @TODO need fix 10.0 default in Padding Bottom

	/** reference to the text properties. */
	UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = Credits)
	FCreditsTextProperties TextProperties;

	/** reference to the image properties. */
	UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = Credits)
	FCreditsImageProperties ImageProperties;

	/** reference to the padding. */
	UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = Credits)
	FCreditsPaddingMargin Padding;


in the reference too FCreditsPaddingMargin Padding; I need change the variable of the Bottom Padding to 10.0.

I have tried using vector style in Padding() using floats. as I still new to this. how can I create the FCreditsPaddingMargin::Bottom = 10.0; in this table.

any information that can help would be great. i looked all over the engine source code for ideas how to achieve this but I cant seem to find anything that seems to help.

Thanks for reading my post.
