Car is impossible to flip over

There is some Magic functionality which actively tries to prevent an vehicle from rolling over.

I could drive a car as long as i wanted on 2 wheels in a turn because the engine is overriding normal / expected physic behaviour and therefrore limits the roll of the car at an angle around 50 - 60 degress.
And this isnt fixable by mass offset or any other variable it seems.

And there is no problem with loops and stuff so there is not a general roll block going on.

There was a question here about making a car suspension react more believable when speed up and brake.
Where someone pointed also out that there is some magic going on

The car can roll whily mid air but as soon as it touches ground it makes the weirdest moves to get upright again.
only if the car land nearly flat on the roof it will rest and stay.

Im still trying to identifying where in the source code this happens and so far i had no luck.

and the physx docs werent helpful either… in general theres more talk how to prevent the car from flipping but even these guides wouldnt explain the total unhook of physics to get the car upright.

I hope someone can solve this or give me a hint where to look.

Thank You

Take a look at the inertia tensor in the vehicle pawn settings. Values here will effect how resistant to rotation the pawn is. Also take a look at the center of mass, as this will also greatly affect vehicle stability.