[Question]Post Process - Global Illumination

It’s seems like the Global Illumination settings from Post Process now works with “Force No precomputed lighting” checked.
It’s great change it actually allow to get reflections inside fully dynamic light environment.
It wasn’t metioned in Patch Notes I think.

My question is, are there more settings to it that are hidden or it is just first try on refletions with dynamic lighting ?

Can you confirm that it’s the Reflection Environment you’re seeing working with precomputed lighting disabled, or is it just the ambient cubemap? The reflection environment (which is reflections from the sphere reflection captures you place) should not work with precomputed lighting disabled.

Yes. Here are steps:

  1. Create new map from template (default)
  2. Change stationary directional light to movable.
  3. Rebuild lighting.
  4. In world properties check force no precomputed lighting…
  5. Rebuild lighting again.
  6. GI is gone, but if GI in post process is set to value above 0, reflections are still in place.

Even if that is bug, I can’t complain I dislike it, because that’s the thing I really liked to see (;.

If there is a update on this, please keep us posted. Maybe expose this as a feature ? :slight_smile:

I don’t see where something has changed in regards to reflections. In the default map the approach described above only works because the static lighting has been built once already and is stored no matter what settings you change. If you’d create a map from scratch with solely dynamic lights, you still don’t get reflections (other than SSR).

Hm you are right actually. But checking Force No Precomputed Lights should remove all static lighting on rebuild.