Build error C2039: 'SetMapPropertyByName': is not a member of 'FCustomThunkTemplates'

Getting this error during build of a 4.23.1 C++ project

ProcessResult.StdOut:./Intermediate/Plugins/NativizedAssets/Windows/Game/Source/NativizedAssets/Private/InventoryComponentDCS__pf1267108750.cpp(1736): error C2039: 'SetMapPropertyByName': is not a member of 'FCustomThunkTemplates' ProcessResult.StdOut:..\UE_4.23\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Public\GeneratedCodeHelpers.h(85): note: see declaration of 'FCustomThunkTemplates'ProcessResult.StdOut:./Intermediate/Plugins/NativizedAssets/Windows/Game/Source/NativizedAssets/Private/InventoryComponentDCS__pf1267108750.cpp(1736): error C3861: 'SetMapPropertyByName': identifier not found

The build is exiting with the following message

ProcessResult.StdOut:     [182/184] Module.NativizedAssets.113_of_126.cpp
CommandUtils.Run: Took 949.0852376s to run UnrealBuildTool.exe, ExitCode=5
Program.Main: UnrealBuildTool failed.

[Rama addressed error C2039][1] in his 4.21 transition guide, but it is unclear what needs to be edited, since the context is different.

[1]: C++ Transition Guide for 4.21 - C++ - Unreal Engine Forums There have been no source code modifications so far, tried to compile with VS2017.

The project includes a blueprint MapAdd node FCustomThunkTemplates::Map_Add | Unreal Engine Documentation

It turns out that the module (specifically, the InventoryComponent) responsible for the compile failure was not used, never touched, and upon removal the build went successful.