Gameplay Effect Granted immunity proper setup?

I have an infinite GameplayEffect(GE) that is assigns the following tags to the character’s Abilitycomponent


I can successfully block the UAWEffectStun with the ApplicationTagRequirments but I would like to use the Granted Immunity.:


Code to apply the GE:

TSubclassOf<UAWEffectStun> GEStunClass = UAWEffectStun::StaticClass();
FGameplayEffectContextHandle TestInvalid;
FGameplayEffectSpecHandle GEStunHandle = AbilitySystemTarget->MakeOutgoingSpec(GEStunClass, UseEffectLevel, TestInvalid);
FActiveGameplayEffectHandle ActiveGEHandle = AbilitySystem->ApplyGameplayEffectSpecToTarget(*GEStunHandle.Data.Get(), AbilitySystemTarget.Get());

The following is in the FActiveGameplayEffectsContainer::HasApplicationImmunityToSpec method of GameplayEffect.cpp. “this” turns into the AbilityComponent, but it never gets executed.

I am looking to figure out what I am missing.

for (const FActiveGameplayEffect& Effect : this)
	if (Effect.Spec.Def->GrantedApplicationImmunityTags.IsEmpty() == false && Effect.Spec.Def->GrantedApplicationImmunityTags.RequirementsMet( *AggregatedSourceTags ))
		OutGEThatProvidedImmunity = &Effect;
		return true;

Use InheritableGameplayEffectTags for one. Then the GrantedApplicationImmunityTags is to be the tag you DON’T want applied which must match in InheritableGameplayEffectTags.