Cannot create vehicle... UpdatedComponent has not initialized its rigid body actor


I’m spawning vehicle dynamically and making it to move along spline path.

//Spawn Vehicle
AVehicle* vehicle = Cast<AVehicle>(UAIBlueprintHelperLibrary::SpawnAIFromClass(GetWorld(), AVehicle::StaticClass(), nullptr, StartPosition, StartRotation));
/* Getting "LogVehicleSpawner: Display: setPlugin()
LogVehicles: Warning: Cannot create vehicle for /Game/Maps/UEDPIE_0_Map2.Map2:PersistentLevel.Vehicle_0.MovementComp. UpdatedComponent has not initialized its rigid body actor." at this point */

  UClass* AnimBP = StaticLoadClass(UObject::StaticClass(), NULL, *AnimBPRef);
    if (!AnimBP) { return; }
//Successfully able to apply AnimBP

    USkeletalMesh* SkeletalMesh = Cast<USkeletalMesh>(StaticLoadObject(USkeletalMesh::StaticClass(), NULL, *VehicleMeshRef));
    if (!SkeletalMesh) { return; }
//Successfully able to apply Vehicle Mesh

After all this vehicle not moving at all. It’s wheels are handing - See pic

Observation 1: When i set Auto Posses Player to Player0 vehicle starts to move perfectly as expected see second pic

Observation 2: When I make some changes to Wheel bone names and reset it back, again vehicle starts to move perfectly as expected

I don’t have single clue about the warning message “UpdatedComponent has not initialized its rigid body actor”.

It is working perfectly when i spawn vehicle with following code in constructor.

static ConstructorHelpers::FObjectFinder<USkeletalMesh> CarMesh(TEXT("/Game/KIA_2/UE4_SedanSkel_KIA.UE4_SedanSkel_KIA"));

static ConstructorHelpers::FClassFinder<UObject> AnimBPClass(TEXT("/Game/KIA_2/ABP_KIA_2"));

I can’t rely on this, because I want to supply mesh dynamically since I’ve hundreds of vehicles. I think i missed something very obvious. I’m struggling with this for 3 days please help.

That something obvious I was missing is this line:
