[BUG] Exponential Fog vertical line

The exponential fog look like with a visual bug, without soft transition…

Hi Hevedy,

This is actually a known issue. We have a report in for that (TTP:339870). We’re looking into getting this fixed but there is no timeline for when this will happen.

Thank you!


Hey Tim… so…
This also happens in the latest 4.11 version :frowning:

Hey Luos, do you have a screenshot? We don’t have access to TTP any longer and that one may not have gotten merged over. Not all of them did.

Also, my memory isn’t that good to remember this one from a year and a half ago. :slight_smile:

I just added a Exponential Height Fog to the scene and using default settings I’m not seeing anything that stands out. I checked this in 4.11.2 and 4.12 p5 really quickly so there may be something else here that I just don’t see.


Hmm… Id need to see the settings I had, it only showed up on certain value’s.
Will check that asap!

Thanks! I don’t use Exponential Height Fog too often. If I recall, and barely do, this original issue happened only by adding the fog to the scene and wasn’t a specific setting. Ultimately it was a regression that I’m sure was resolved but never closed out.

Hope this helps:

Thing is… I made this in my modular cave package… so if I do need to send it in a rather in-tact shape… that would be many gb’s :stuck_out_tongue:
Well… hmm Worst case I might be able to just send the level as I think you all have access to the regular package anyways.

The line appears very randomly, sometimes need to fly around the map for a few minutes, and occasionally its very visible, sometimes its almost a " my eye feels its off" thing.


I gave this one a shot in 4.12 today, but I wasn’t seeing anything. I’ll give it a go in 4.11 tomorrow and see if I get anywhere with it.

If it’s not reproducible in a new project, it may be worth clearing your Saved/Config and Intermediate to see if it clears.

I still wasn’t able to get anywhere with getting this to reproduce in 4.11.2. Did clearing the saved and intermediate folders do anything on your end?

When I have time I’ll see if i can get it going on 4.12.
busy as bleep though :frowning:

no problem. I definitely understand how that goes since this is how every Monday starts out for me too. :slight_smile:


Do you happen to have any Depth of Field enabled in a Post Process Volume by chance?

I get this same black line in 4.10.4, and I’ll have to check it later in other builds after I knock out some other work, but this looks to be culprit if you are using it and disable it for the scene. Let me know whenever you get a chance and I’ll check this out more later today or tomorrow as I get time.

4.12.2 place a exponential fog in the level, then set the fog density to 1.0 or .5 and the fog falloff to 0.001, there is the line 2 years later, is unfixed ?

Make sure you’re using FXAA and no TAA


Honestly, this isn’t really a bug so much as it is a float point precision error, which can’t be fixed.

You’re using values that are really low. You can even see the issue come up with TXAA if you set the add an additional 0 before the 1. If you have a wall you can get close enough to the surface and see the banding that is now happening around that as well.

I can enter the ticket, but it’s something that won’t be fixed due to precision issues with such low values.

Is there a specific reason to set the value this low, or is just something you noticed while working in the editor?

Well not sure if the @Luos probably is exactly with the same values, and I think the original problem reported here by me was different than this one.
But yeah we can use a bigger value I think. Was mainly to give a good fog value while I play with the values.

I’m experiencing this too
Inst visible with all settings on high quality (maybe because of temporal AA ?)
But low settings suffer a lot from this bug

Really sad that theres no timeline for this, as people might notice this bug on lower settings and I wont be able to do anything about it =(
Is there a way to enable temporal AA with “rendermode unlit” ?

Here a screenshot showing with and without Exponential fog