UCurveFloat does not exist in binded function

Hi, as a part of my learning process in this good engine i’m trying to convert a Blueprint project to a C++ project.

No, i’m trying to make the player’s character rotate and for it i have the next workflow:

So, i make the next code:

    FTimeline OnDeathRotation;

	FTimeline OnPlayRotation;

	class UCurveFloat *DeathRotation;

	class UCurveFloat *PlayRotation;

	void BeginPlay() override;
	virtual void Tick(float DeltaSeconds) override;


    void RotatePlayer();

For the player’s character header file.

PlayRotation = NewObject<UCurveFloat>();
PlayRotation->FloatCurve.AddKey(0.0f, 0.0f);
PlayRotation->FloatCurve.AddKey(1.0f, -360.0f);

DeathRotation = NewObject<UCurveFloat>();
DeathRotation->FloatCurve.AddKey(0.f, 0.f);
DeathRotation->FloatCurve.AddKey(1.f, -512.f);

FOnTimelineFloat TimelineCallback;
FOnTimelineEventStatic TimelineFinishedCallback;

TimelineCallback.BindUFunction(this, "RotatePlayer");
// TimelineFinishedCallback.BindUFunction(this, FName(TEXT("SetState")));
    OnPlayRotation.AddInterpFloat(PlayRotation, TimelineCallback, TEXT("Player Rotation"));
} else{
    UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("There is no Curvefloat Object here!"));

For the player’s character constructor in the cpp file; in creating the curve, instead to import it, based on [this][2] forum post; also, i’m creating the FTimeline variable in the constructor based on the same post because i will play the timeline in the BeginPlay function.

void ASideRunnerPaperCharacter::Tick(float DeltaSeconds){
    if(OnPlayRotation.IsPlaying()) OnPlayRotation.TickTimeline(DeltaSeconds);

void ASideRunnerPaperCharacter::BeginPlay(){

    Ref_GameMode = Cast<ASideRunnerGameModeBase>(GetWorld()->GetAuthGameMode());


This both also in the cpp file, when i play the timeline in the BeginPlay function, and, as far as i understood, i need to link the timeline to the tick function in the Tick function; until here, no problems, we can say.

`void ASideRunnerPaperCharacter::RotatePlayer()
    float TimelineValue = OnPlayRotation.GetPlaybackPosition();
    // UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Curves: %S"), *OnPlayRotation.GetAllCurves());
    UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Timeline Value: %f"), TimelineValue);
    } else {
        UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("There is no such CurveFloat"));

    // float PlayRotationFloatValue = PlayRotation->GetFloatValue(TimelineValue);
    // OnPlayRotation->Play();
    // TODO: implements Rotation Timeline here
    // GetSprite()->SetRelativeRotation(FRotator(0.f, PlayRotationFloatValue, 0.f)); // Rotation here

This is the function i bind with the timeline and which i use to rotate the player, but, i have a problem here: as you can see there, i’m reviewing is the PlayRotation curve does exist because i’m getting an editor’s crash each time i get the PlayRotationFloatValue variable and i don’t understand why.

Trying to understand what is happening i got that PlayRotation curve in that function does not exist of maybe it is null, for it, i made some experiments:

Here, i reviewed it the curve does exist, and it is, at least in the constructor.

I wanted to know if there is a problem with the binded function and we can see that the timeline value does exist.

Here is where i think there is a problem with the curve, because inside of the binded function i cannot get it.

I tried to make the timeline in the BeginPlay function, as other tutorials like [this][6] or [this][7] do it, but it also gives me problems:

So, what’s the problem here and how can i solve it?

Thank you very much.

It’s not the right place to create a CurveFloat like that in the Constructor.
Moreover, the power of having curve editors is to leave the designer the power to have choose their own curve, so you should never hard code them like you did.

Instead, you should just declare your variables like this:

	UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "My Category")
	UCurveFloat* DeathRotation;

Then, you will be able to assign a curve directly from the interface like in the picture below:


On the C++ side, you just need to check if the curve exist (which means that it has been assigned). That’s it

Yeah, at moving the timelines to the begin play it works fine now, at least i don’t get the log for non existing DeathRotation.