How to take Screenshot of viewport or get pixels to imitate BackgroundBlur Widget

Im trying to imitate the Background Blur Widget, which uses the FSlateDrawElement::MakePostProcessPass() function (which just doesn’t work on mobile → stays black) with a simple UI Material which applies a blur to a given Texture, which works fine on mobile.
(low end use a simple kawase blur, highend devices use spiral blur) ~ 60 fps in fullscreen with normal texture.

Now I’ having trouble with getting everything in the viewport (3d and slate widgets) as texture or pixels, just as as player sees it. and then make them to a dynamic texture so I can set it inside the material.

I’ve tried FSlateApplication::Get().TakeScreenshot(), and GetViewportScreenShot() but no luck so far.

Any tips or is there already a better solution to imitate the BackgroundBlur?

Solved with 4.26, because the Blur widget is now supported on Android.