Is it possible to create a point and click game with blueprint?

Hey guys.
Just been watching some videos here and there and was just wondering is it possible to create a point and click adventure game? If you don’t know what I mean I am talking about games like Monkey Island, Full Throttle, Broken Age. Games like them. I was just wondering if it was possible to create something like that in Unreal without using code? If it isn’t, is it something Unreal might consider adding in later on like a project blueprint etc?
Thanks in advance.

Yes, it is possible. You can make any game you want.

Do you know how something like this would be achieved?

This is not a single line answer really appropriate for AnswerHub. The forums and the Blueprint section is a better place as it’s a discussion.

Basically, you are asking how to make an entire game.

Start with your game design, your functional features that you need will come from that. Group them into related sections and think about how they relate to each other and are going to tie in together. Then start implementing basically.

When you run into more specific questions like, I want an effect on the ground when I click, maybe come here to answerhub. Or I tried xyz and it didn’t work, help.

There are so many different ways you can do what you are asking it would be a disservice to tell you to do a specific thing. It depends.

I should have been a bit more specific in my question, sorry! I was mainly wondering if it was possible to make a point and click game in UE4 and also how you would setup everything in blueprint for a point and click level. Obviously I aint gonna go and make a full game anytime soon, that takes way too much time but my interests at the moment are creating single levels and I am wondering how you would create a point and click system in Blueprint in EU4 as it is something I would like to try next with my level creation skills.

I’ve been working on a Cat game, they follow a laser pointer. The project was Blueprint only until recently when I started getting fancy with jumping up onto things. Blueprint only the cats chase a laser pointer.

That’s not exactly point and click, but the same mechanics are involved. I choose to use Behavior trees. It was the right solution for my situation. The cat’s might decide not to follow the pointer or ignore it for instance, they are cats.

Just start with the top down blueprint template as your base project and it might give you a lot of what you are looking for.

what about old school 2d quests? How to create an old school 2D type of quest game - Asset Creation - Unreal Engine Forums