Packaged Plugins 4.25 Bug


So i’m having issues trying to just make a simple blank plugin work in BP projects. The plugin is made in a Third person Character c++ project, but no code or any BPs has been added to it, it is completely empty. I’ve only added Win64 and Win32 as WhitelistPlatforms in .uplugin

I’m getting Plugin Failed to Load because module could not be found when i try to start a packaged game made in a BP project that has the plugin added to it.
It works great for other C++ projects but not for BP, tested making a blank plugin in 4.21 and there it works for both.


Does anyone know what the issue could be, is there anything else you have to do in order to make plugins work in 4.25 that you didnt in 4.21?

Steps i did.

  1. Create 4.25 ThirdPerson Example C++ Project with no starter content

  2. Create 4.25 ThirdPerson Example BP Project with no starter content

  3. Go into the C++ proj and create a Blank Plugin, name it TestPlugin.

  4. Close the Editor, Add
    “WhitelistPlatforms”: [

so the .uplugin so it looks like this at Modules:
“Modules”: [
“Name”: “TestPlugin”,
“Type”: “Runtime”,
“LoadingPhase”: “Default”,
“WhitelistPlatforms”: [

  1. Go into Plugins and Package the plugin.

  2. Create a Plugins folder in the BP Project and copy paste the packaged plugin into it.

  3. Open the BP Project, if prompted Update the project files, make sure the plugin is enabled and package for windows 64.

  4. Try to open the packaged game, expected result is that you get, Plugin “TestPlugin” failed to load because module “TestPlugin” could not be found. Please ensure the plugin is properly installed.

  5. Make a new C++ Project and copy the plugin into it and make a packaged game, expected result is that it should work.

  6. Reproduce these steps in 4.21, espected result is that it works with BP projects as well.

Ok i figured out what the issue was, you have to have

"EnabledByDefault" : false,

In the .uplugin, but here the thing, when you package it, it dissapears, you have to manually add it to the packaged plugin after the package is done.
Also i’ve head that your project name shouldnt start with numbers, like 425TestProject or something.