Movement replication on 4.25

Our drivable car is correctly replicated on client on 4.23 as you can see here: Adv Multy 23 Game Preview Client 2 64 bit PCD3D SM5 2020 06 17 17 40 22 - YouTube

When moving to 4.25 we experiment position replication issues as you can see here: Adv Multy 25 Preview NetMode Client 2 64 bit Windows 2020 06 17 17 51 34 - YouTube

There is no lag or frame rate problems. We have detected that removing some RPCs we get some replication improvements which makes us think that it may be due to some bottleneck on bandwith (which was not present on 4.23)

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance

Try changing your rate speeds. I think the defaults might have changed.
Create the categories if missing.




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Thanks a lot man, however, after we tried it nothing seemed to change

We have finally reduced drastically our RPCs and after that, your solution worked! Thanks again!

Thank you sooooooo much for this!!! I’ve been struggling with it for over two weeks now… It is working when launched from the Editor as Stand Alone sessions. However, it is still broken and not working (super lagging) when the game is packaged then launched from the executable. Do you have any ideas on how to remedy this?
Sorry about the double post.

Add the following lines to Project\config\DefaultGame.ini, and it fix the lag in the Packaged version:


yes, we added it on BaseGame.ini and it also fixed it