When creating new C++ project (Basic code or C++ Templates) from UE, building in Xcode fails. Code Sign Error No match and Dependency Code Sign Required)..How to fix?

Good day to all. Hoping someone could help me out, totally new at this. I will post this in the forums as well just in case somewhere there could answer my question.

Hardware & Software:
iMac OS X Yosemite 10.9.4
Xcode 5.1.1
UE 4.4.1 (Installed using regular installer from UE website, not built from Github source code)
Everything is more or less in default settings from install.

My problem goes something like this…

When creating any new default C++ project whether Basic Code or C++ Template from the UE editor, the UE Editor closes, then Xcode opens a project. But when I build the project in Xcode without doing any editing or change from whatever opens, the iOS build fails.

I get this small window that says the follow…

No matching code signing identity
found No codesigning identities (i.e.
certificate and private key pairs)
matching “iPhone Developer” were
found. Xcode can resolve this issue
by downloading a new provisioning
profile from the Member Center.

I have 5 targets.
I get these two errors on my iOS target.

1st Error: Code signing error.

Code Sign error: No matching codesigning identity found: No
codesigning identities (i.e.
certificate and private key pairs)
matching “iPhone Developer” were

2nd Error: Dependency analysis error.

CodeSign error: code signing is required for product type
‘Application’ in SDK ‘iOS 7.1’

When I changed everything in my Build Setting Code Signing to Don’t Code Sign, I still get the 2nd error above that says that code signing is required so my build still fails.
Is there something wrong I am doing?

Do I need to be a registered developer? I am not yet testing any code on a real iOS device.
Is it okay to delete the iOS target?
Will this have a permanent effect in Xcode or the UE editor outside my project?

Does these mean that 4 targets were successful since iOS build was the one that failed?

Will registering as a developer be the quickest most painless fix for this if there are no fixes for it? and Will registering fix the error?

I also get a warning that states

Validate Project Settings Update to
recommended settings Enable build
active architecture only when
debugging. This will enable build
active architecture only for the debug
configuration and improve build times
by skipping unused architecture.

I clicked perform changes. I still get the warning.

Thank you to anyone and everyone who could share a fix

When building the Engine in Xcode, make sure the Scheme is set to UE4Editor - Mac > My Mac 64-bit. You shouldn’t need to make any adjustments to the build settings or the schemes.

Also note that when you run the project, it will be built in Debug Game mode, which is useful for debugging the C++ code in your Game Module. If you want to run your project without the need to build and run from Xcode, you can go into the Product menu and select Build For > Profiling; this will build the Editor in Development Mode, which will allow the project to be opened in the Binary version of the Editor (or a built from source code version), without the need to build and run an instance out of Xcode.; however you won’t be able to debug code in your Game Module.

Here’s the documentation: https://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/Programming/Development/BuildingUnrealEngine/index.html

Also, since you made changes to the Xcode project, it may be advisable to regenerate it. You can do this by right-clicking on the .uproject file, going to the Services menu, and selecting Generate Xcode Project. This will overwrite the existing project file.

Thank you very much for your answer. I really appreciate it.
It solved my issue. It really helped me out.

No problem. Happy to help.