CreateProcess() returned 570

Hello everyone,

This is not my first time packaging, but this is the first time I get this error. What’s weird is that I only changed a post process volume (to fix a lighting problem) before packaging it again and now it gives this error upon trying to execute the file. Anyone knows how to fix this?


It’s been some time since this question was asked, but I ran into a problem and this was my solution:

I had to go to Edit > Project settings > Packaging, then scroll down to the “Project” tab and find “Full Rebuild” Tick that to true and that fixed my issue.



thnx for the solution!

Thanks, full rebuild worked!

I was getting a similar error in 4.27:

createprocess() returned c1

Which the “Full Rebuild” checkmark also fixed. Thank you for posting the solution!

Did not work for me :frowning: . Error appears when clicking on the executable of the package (4.27)

I don’t know what to do.

A pop up appears with the following message:


Couldn’t start: “F:\path…\Projectname.exe” Projectname CreateProcess() returned 570.

Any ideas? Thank you!!

Ok it seems that some files were corrupted, maybe when interrupting a Launch Process that was taking too long. Each package after that gave error. Fortunately I’d backed up the whole project the day before, and restoring from the backup copy did the trick.

This solution worked for me after a package kept crashing with CreateProcess() returned 2, thanks a bunch for sharing. :3

Thank you!

Thank you SO much, I thought this was going to take hours to troubleshoot.

Thanks for this solution, worked perfectly on my end

Supeb This Working Thanks

thx, even worked with 5.2 today

Thanks this worked

Ran into this issue and Full Rebuild didn’t seem to fix it.

I had an error during the compile process that looked something like this:

LogClass: Error: FloatProperty FLandscapeHeightPatchConvertToNativeParams::ZeroInEncoding is not initialized properly. Module:LandscapePatch File:Public/LandscapeTexturePatchPS.h

which the editor seemed fine with all the way through to the point of launching the .exe.

Finally resolved it by adding a constructor to a USTRUCT and initializing default values for all it’s fields after reading this: Structs, USTRUCTS(), They’re Awesome - UE4: Guidebook (