SplineMeshComponent and Vertex Paiting

Long story short, I have created blueprint, using splines to make roads, walkways etc. Nothing complicated.

Now I’d like to user vertex paint over spline meshes, to break repetition.

But it doesn’t seem to work. Although it works if the mesh is standalone.

It causes crashes, or slow editor. It looks like memory leak, although I haven’t tested it close enough.

You can paint a standalone mesh then assign vertex painting to the spline mesh. Though sounds like you may already know that.


I’d like to know the answer to this too - same situation. Spline meshes are fantastic but I need to get some variation in them.

I’d also like to know how to randomly pick spline meshes from a small pool of meshes to add variation. I’m fairly confident this is possible but I need to tinker a bit more - I’ll update if I find the answer.

For what it’s worth you can set multiple meshes for use within the same spline using the following blueprint.


RandomStream is a [RandomStream] type variable that stops the seed resetting each time the spline is moved.

That gave me a bit more variation in the spline with these two meshes
