Decals not affected by Exponential Height Fog on ES3.1

I’ve gotten my iOS ES3.1 preview to visually look much closer to what I have for Desktop but I do have a problem in iOS ES3.1 that I can’t seem to figure out still.

In this reference image, I’m using Decals to create fake soft shadowing under the trees. Everything looks as intended on SM5. But on ES3.1 the Decals appear to be rendering on top of, or after the Exponential Height Fog. This is very apparent looking at the closest tree and furthest tree, which sees no change in brightness over the Decal.

Anyone have any ideas what may be happening here? I’ve also tried every combination of Decal Blend Mode I have available. Thank you all in advance, I really appreciate it and happy to provide any more information that is needed!

This might have been solved in newer engine versions, but I decided to abandon Exponential Height Fog and instead use a post process material for fog. This solved this problem for me, and also makes mobile look identical with SM5 in regards to the fog’s appearance, since Exponential Height Fog on mobile is affected by the number of triangles an object has.

If using Exponential Height Fog is critical, I remember that adjusting the fade settings in the decal was helpful. For instance, in the image above, I would set the fade on the decal of the furthest most tree to be to not be visible at that distance, or the middle tree to be at about 50% at that distance.

Sorry late to this party, but were you ever able to figure something out? I have the same problem.