[Request]:Parallax-corrected cubemap for reflection capture actor

It would be great to have a toggle on the Reflection capture actor that would switch it’s rendering behavior between current style and “Parallax-corrected cubemap” like in this example:

Toggle would be great for the flexibility. Parallax-corrected cubemap has some performance impact, but there are platforms, game styles or non-realtime applications where performance is not an issue.

Hi Tomas,

Thank you for your feedback. I have created a request report and entered it into our database. If there is anything else that you would like to see in Rocket, please let us know.

Thank you,


Thanks. I have also updated the first post with correct link (originally there was link to local file in my dropbox :slight_smile: ).

Is there an Eta on this?

The cubemaps that are in the engine are currently parallax corrected unless your platform is mobile. There is currently no way to use a non-parallax corrected cubemap unless you capture one to a static texture (just right click the render target in the content browser) and then you can sample use it as a cubemap in a material using cameravector as the UVs and it will behave like a non-parallax corrected cubemap.

For the Apple Zen demo we used a material function called DistanceLimitedReflections to manually do parallax correction. That function should be available soon.

Hi! I am highly interested in using Parallax cubemaps without the need to use the UE4 lighting system. The current parallax cubemap system in UE4 forces you to use a realtime diffuse lighting system with very low quality reflections. My workflow is unlit only with cubemaps for reflections. There is no way I am able to create blending between pre rendered cubemaps or tie in a distance reflection bounds to it for correct depth in VR. I am looking for way to orient and blend multiple cubemaps from a TextureSampleParameterCube. Problem with Sphere Reflection Capture and Box Reflection capture is that they require a lightmass UV channel and a lit shader.


This is a question from the beta version of the engine. We are marking this answered for tracking purposes. If you are experiencing an issue similar to this please post a new question.

Thank you.