Weird jaggies on texture when moving

Hi guys, please help me

I’ve been having this issue since the start of my project and I need to solve it
I’ve tried everything I know but, have not been able to solve it.

The issue is with my “wireframe” texture, I have a Default material just changed the Blend Mode to Additive, plugged a Base color and a 4K black and white texture to the opacity to get the transparency, I also changed the Two Sided parameter so I can see the inside. the material looks great when the camera is static, but as soon as I move, the lines become distorted, weird artifacts all over the place, see the image below.

Please help me solve this, looks awful in the game and is driving me crazy.

As I said, the texture is already 4K and it looks as sharp as it can, the problem is while the camera is moving.
Is it Aliasing problem?, texture parameters?

Please please help me.

Thank you

Do you have motion blur enabled on your camera?

It wasn’t the motion blur, I changed the AA Method to FXAA and that works great, will test later if this changes with different video cards and make it and option on the settings.
