Sphere loading level within


I am trying to create an Open World simulation where I could use a sphere (perhaps 5km radius) around the player and in this sphere would the landscape, actors and later other players be loaded but everything outside this sphere would not.

I tried using World Composition on my levels but it loads chuncks of the landscape when using 4x4 tiled landscape and I was trying to find out a better way to load this terrain as each of the 16 tiles are 10km wide.

Is there a way to do this like a ‘loading visibility bubble’ or is this impossible and I would have to use a lot more tiles to have nearly similar result (except the file size of the landscape).

The goal is to then use multiple of these bubbles to load the normal distance LOD, another one to load far distance terrain with lower LOD only when the player would be high up and looking far away.

If you know a way to do something similar to those bubbles I would really like to know.

Thank you for your help

No one has an answer ? Is it impossible or is my problem not clear ?