[SOLVED] BP 'FInterp To' Node - Value Reset when switching branch

I believe I’ve encountered a bug using the FInterp To node so I created a simple BP which you can find in the image below to demonstrate the issue.

Basically, when the branch is set to True it is using the FInterp To node to set the Float value. But as soon as I change the branch to False the Float value is reset to zero.

Just to be clear the Float value should not have reset to zero as if I wanted it to do so I would have manually set it.

If you recreate the basic BP in the picture example you should be able to replicate the result.

I think I encountered a similar issue with VInterpTo in BP as well, it was quite puzzling to me as I had never experienced the issue before, when using it in C++

Just adding more info for Epic here :slight_smile:

Hi Miroac,

How are you setting the Bool?

If you create a toggle that changes the bool during run-time then it works as intended. It will run while True and when set to false it will hold whatever value it was on.

Yeah TJ Ballard hit it on the head there.

The issue is that I was testing by just selecting the blueprint in the Scene Outliner and toggling the the bool in the details to test it.

By actually having the script change the bool via key input or even a timer it would retain the value after it went to false.