Question about axis mapping in the 2D Side scroller template

i’m using the 2D template but I’d like to get rid of gravity altogether and have it to where the character can also move up and down. The background would remain still and the character could fly up down left and right with no gravity issues.
Although when I turn gravity off the my character after being told to move left moves left…forever…until hes told to move right…I’m very confused with that…

But does someone have an idea How i achieve this? I understand creating the axis mapping in the project settings…but how do I get rid of gravity without it causing me problems??


Can anyone help me?? Once again I need to freely move in all directions without gravity halting my input.

Sorry for a necro-posting, but this is for anyone who currently has this questions. It took me 6 hours testing + 3 hours on the forums looking for an answer to this exact question.

  1. Confirm that Plane Constraint Normal are set to X: 0.0f; Y: 1.0f; Z: 0.0f; -This is to allow moving along both the x axis and the z axis
  2. Disable/set to 0 all three of the following ‘Enable Gravity’ for Sprite and Capsule Component, and ‘Gravity Scale’ for the Character Movement component
  3. Set Default Land Movement Mode to ‘Flying’

This will allow for movement on the z-axis.

Here: Cannot move PaperCharacter BP in Z axis (Add Movement Input node) - Blueprint - Unreal Engine Forums