4.26-25 create compressed cook packages memory crash


I have this issue when I try to package my game with “create compressed cook packages” ON and at the end of the packaging it says I don’t have enough memory and cooking fails (I have 64GB memory). When I un-tick “create compressed cook packages”, everything works fine, just my game size is triple compared even to the editor files. (Editor files all together are around 1.5 GB and end package is 4 GB) Obviously I would like my game to be a bit lower than 1GB.

I had this problem on engine version 4.25, and I was hoping it gets better on 4.26, I upgraded, but the issue is still there.

I saw other people online that they have the same issue, but with no result. One person fixed it by deleting some of his buttons in UMG…???.. I cant do that I need my buttons.

Is there anyone with some sort of direction to fix this?

Thank you soo much…

So as it turns out by my own trial and error it was doing it because I had lightmaps calculated with compression off. I baked the lights again with the new GPU Lightmass and I can package the project with compression on now, the game is below 1 GB Wohoooo. But I have a new problem obviously.

What is the new problem? XD Apparently it wasn’t obvious to me :frowning:
and how do you calculate lightmaps with compression on? Is it just the same setting as when packaging (i.e. create compressed cooked packages)?

Hey, so if you calculate lightbakes traditionally with cpu, then you have a tick option in world settings to compress lightmaps. If the Lightmaps are compressed it looks really pixelated “compressed” looking, BUT you can package the game. If you don’t compress lightmaps, it looks perfect, BUT in the game settings if you tick the compress game on packaging, it will give you a memory error and will fail. Using the new GPU Lightmass calculation gives you really nice results, and it’s compressed, so that’s great, and you can bake the game with compression on, but the new problem is that if you rotate the camera too fast, you can see the lightmaps loading in just for a fraction of a second, because that’s how the loading of the gpu lighmass is working.

I see. So the in game performance is different even after baking. You get the nice light build (maybe as good as uncompressed with traditional CPU?) as you said but have the lightmaps loading in if you look around too fast…Guessing you just chose to bake with the GPU lightmass and live with the loading of lightmaps.

Also, just to double check in the answer to your question I’m guessing you mean you had lightmaps calculated with compression off while using GPU lightmass. Because I had compressed lightmaps enabled in my normal bake using the CPU and get the out of memory error message when trying to package the game with create compressed cook packages on…

Still leaves the question as to why we get out of memory error message when trying to package the game with compressed cooked packages on when baking lightmaps normally hm

Yeah I decided to live with my loading x) Pretty annoying still…

Changing the world settings didn’t seemed to affect the GPU Lightmass. Honestly I don’t remember if it was on or off, but I remember deciding it doesn’t matter anymore what settings are there. I was just happy that i can package the project under 1GB

Yeah man, I wish I had a walkie-talkie to an Unreal Engine GOD that knows everything. I would have questions every 5 minutes.

oh…GPU lightmass is only available on 4.26 rip I’m using 4.25, sometimes get issues when migrating projects to upgraded engine versions

haha yea, closest thing we have is this answerhub which is a collective effort of Unreal users’ knowledge x)