[2015.07.23-08.25.22:341][ 0]Log file open, 07/23/15 16:25:22 [2015.07.23-08.25.22:342][ 0]LogModuleManager:Warning: ModuleManager: Module 'HTTPChunkInstaller' not found - its StaticallyLinkedModuleInitializers function is null. [2015.07.23-08.25.22:343][ 0]LogModuleManager:Warning: ModuleManager: Module 'HTTPChunkInstaller' not found - its StaticallyLinkedModuleInitializers function is null. [2015.07.23-08.25.22:343][ 0]LogModuleManager:Warning: ModuleManager: Module 'HTTPChunkInstaller' not found - its StaticallyLinkedModuleInitializers function is null. [2015.07.23-08.25.22:344][ 0]LogTaskGraph: Started task graph with 4 named threads and 5 total threads. [2015.07.23-08.25.22:344][ 0]LogStats: Stats thread started [2015.07.23-08.25.22:344][ 0]LogInit: Version: 4.8.2-0+++depot+UE4-Releases+4.8 [2015.07.23-08.25.22:344][ 0]LogInit: API Version: 0 [2015.07.23-08.25.22:344][ 0]LogInit: Compiled (64-bit): Jul 23 2015 16:10:08 [2015.07.23-08.25.22:345][ 0]LogInit: Compiled with Clang: 6.1.0 (clang-602.0.53) [2015.07.23-08.25.22:345][ 0]LogInit: Build Configuration: Development [2015.07.23-08.25.22:346][ 0]LogInit: Branch Name: ++depot+UE4-Releases+4.8 [2015.07.23-08.25.22:346][ 0]LogInit: Command line: [2015.07.23-08.25.22:346][ 0]LogInit: Base directory: [2015.07.23-08.25.22:346][ 0]LogInit: Rocket: 0 [2015.07.23-08.25.22:350][ 0]LogModuleManager:Warning: ModuleManager: Module 'OnlineSubsystemIOS' not found - its StaticallyLinkedModuleInitializers function is null. [2015.07.23-08.25.22:350][ 0]LogOnline:Warning: Unable to load default OnlineSubsystem module IOS, using NULL interface [2015.07.23-08.25.22:350][ 0]LogModuleManager:Warning: ModuleManager: Module 'OnlineSubsystemNull' not found - its StaticallyLinkedModuleInitializers function is null. [2015.07.23-08.25.22:359][ 0]LogInit: Presizing for 0 objects not considered by GC, pre-allocating 0 bytes. [2015.07.23-08.25.22:391][ 0]LogInit: Object subsystem initialized [2015.07.23-08.25.22:398][ 0]LogConsoleResponse:Warning: Skipping Unknown console variable: 'TranslucentSortAxis = (X=0.000000,Y=-1.000000,Z=0.000000)' [2015.07.23-08.25.22:399][ 0]LogConsoleResponse:Warning: Found in ini file '../../../NetworkingPractice/Saved/Config/IOS/Engine.ini', in section '[/Script/Engine.RendererSettings]' [2015.07.23-08.25.22:399][ 0]LogConsoleResponse:Warning: Skipping Unknown console variable: 'UIScaleRule = ShortestSide' [2015.07.23-08.25.22:400][ 0]LogConsoleResponse:Warning: Found in ini file '../../../NetworkingPractice/Saved/Config/IOS/Engine.ini', in section '[/Script/Engine.RendererSettings]' [2015.07.23-08.25.22:400][ 0]LogConsoleResponse:Warning: Skipping Unknown console variable: 'UIScaleCurve = (EditorCurveData=(Keys=),ExternalCurve=None)' [2015.07.23-08.25.22:400][ 0]LogConsoleResponse:Warning: Found in ini file '../../../NetworkingPractice/Saved/Config/IOS/Engine.ini', in section '[/Script/Engine.RendererSettings]' [2015.07.23-08.25.22:411][ 0]LogIOS: Selected Device Profile: [IPadMini2] [2015.07.23-08.25.22:412][ 0]LogInit: Applying CVar settings loaded from the selected device profile: [IPadMini2] [2015.07.23-08.25.22:430][ 0]LogInit: Setting Device Profile CVar: [[r.BloomQuality:1]] [2015.07.23-08.25.22:431][ 0]LogInit: Setting Device Profile CVar: [[r.DepthOfFieldQuality:0]] [2015.07.23-08.25.22:431][ 0]LogInit: Setting Device Profile CVar: [[r.LightShaftQuality:0]] [2015.07.23-08.25.22:431][ 0]LogInit: Setting Device Profile CVar: [[r.RefractionQuality:0]] [2015.07.23-08.25.22:431][ 0]LogInit: Setting Device Profile CVar: [[r.HZBOcclusion:0]] [2015.07.23-08.25.22:432][ 0]LogInit: Setting Device Profile CVar: [[r.EarlyZPass:0]] [2015.07.23-08.25.22:432][ 0]LogInit: Setting Device Profile CVar: [[r.EarlyZPassMovable:0]] [2015.07.23-08.25.22:432][ 0]LogInit: Setting Device Profile CVar: [[r.TranslucentLightingVolume:0]] [2015.07.23-08.25.22:432][ 0]LogInit: Setting Device Profile CVar: [[r.AllowPointLightCubemapShadows:0]] [2015.07.23-08.25.22:433][ 0]LogInit: Setting Device Profile CVar: [[r.PostProcessAAQuality:0]] [2015.07.23-08.25.22:433][ 0]LogInit: Setting Device Profile CVar: [[r.Decal.StencilSizeThreshold:-1]] [2015.07.23-08.25.22:641][ 0]LogIOS: Setting contentScaleFactor to 1.0000 (optimal = 2.0000) [2015.07.23-08.25.22:642][ 0]LogInit: Computer: chenlongjinde-iPad-mini [2015.07.23-08.25.22:642][ 0]LogInit: User: GenericUser [2015.07.23-08.25.22:642][ 0]LogInit: CPU Page size=4096, Cores=2 [2015.07.23-08.25.22:642][ 0]LogInit: High frequency timer resolution =24.000000 MHz [2015.07.23-08.25.22:642][ 0]LogInit: Free Memory at startup: 28 MB [2015.07.23-08.25.22:643][ 0]LogInit: Memory total: Physical=0.7GB (1GB approx) Pagefile=0.0GB Virtual=0.7GB [2015.07.23-08.25.22:664][ 0]LogTextLocalizationManager: The requested culture ('zh_Hant_TW') has no localization data; falling back to 'en' for localization and internationalization data. [2015.07.23-08.25.22:945][ 0]LogIOS:Display: Got a bulk data texture, with 1 mips [2015.07.23-08.25.23:436][ 0]LogIOS: Selected Device Profile: [IPadMini2] [2015.07.23-08.25.24:387][ 0]LogMoviePlayer: FAVMoviePlayer ctor... [2015.07.23-08.25.24:408][ 0]LogMoviePlayer:Warning: FAVMoviePlayer init. Path count = 1... [2015.07.23-08.25.24:411][ 0]LogMoviePlayer:Warning: Couldn't find movie: Default_Startup [2015.07.23-08.25.24:434][ 0]LogObj: 21583 objects as part of root set at end of initial load. [2015.07.23-08.25.24:434][ 0]LogUObjectAllocator: 4112792 out of 0 bytes used by permanent object pool. [2015.07.23-08.25.24:438][ 0]LogStreaming:Warning: Failed to read file '../../../Engine/Content/Editor/Slate/Common/TableViewHeader.png' error. [2015.07.23-08.25.24:438][ 0]LogSlate: Could not find file for Slate resource: ../../../Engine/Content/Editor/Slate/Common/TableViewHeader.png [2015.07.23-08.25.24:439][ 0]LogStreaming:Warning: Failed to read file '../../../Engine/Content/Editor/Slate//Docking/TabContentArea.png' error. [2015.07.23-08.25.24:439][ 0]LogSlate: Could not find file for Slate resource: ../../../Engine/Content/Editor/Slate//Docking/TabContentArea.png [2015.07.23-08.25.24:439][ 0]LogStreaming:Warning: Failed to read file '../../../Engine/Content/Editor/Slate/Common/ProgressBar_Background.png' error. [2015.07.23-08.25.24:440][ 0]LogSlate: Could not find file for Slate resource: ../../../Engine/Content/Editor/Slate/Common/ProgressBar_Background.png [2015.07.23-08.25.24:440][ 0]LogStreaming:Warning: Failed to read file '../../../Engine/Content/Editor/Slate/Common/TaskGraph_Normal.png' error. [2015.07.23-08.25.24:440][ 0]LogSlate: Could not find file for Slate resource: ../../../Engine/Content/Editor/Slate/Common/TaskGraph_Normal.png [2015.07.23-08.25.24:441][ 0]LogStreaming:Warning: Failed to read file '../../../Engine/Content/Editor/Slate/Common/TaskGraph_Selected.png' error. [2015.07.23-08.25.24:441][ 0]LogSlate: Could not find file for Slate resource: ../../../Engine/Content/Editor/Slate/Common/TaskGraph_Selected.png [2015.07.23-08.25.24:441][ 0]LogStreaming:Warning: Failed to read file '../../../Engine/Content/Editor/Slate/Common/TaskGraph_Mono.png' error. [2015.07.23-08.25.24:442][ 0]LogSlate: Could not find file for Slate resource: ../../../Engine/Content/Editor/Slate/Common/TaskGraph_Mono.png [2015.07.23-08.25.24:442][ 0]LogStreaming:Warning: Failed to read file '../../../Engine/Content/Editor/Slate/Common/SortUpArrow.png' error. [2015.07.23-08.25.24:442][ 0]LogSlate: Could not find file for Slate resource: ../../../Engine/Content/Editor/Slate/Common/SortUpArrow.png [2015.07.23-08.25.24:443][ 0]LogStreaming:Warning: Failed to read file '../../../Engine/Content/Editor/Slate/Common/SortDownArrow.png' error. [2015.07.23-08.25.24:443][ 0]LogSlate: Could not find file for Slate resource: ../../../Engine/Content/Editor/Slate/Common/SortDownArrow.png [2015.07.23-08.25.24:444][ 0]LogStreaming:Warning: Failed to read file '../../../Engine/Content/Editor/Slate/Icons/Home16x16.png' error. [2015.07.23-08.25.24:444][ 0]LogSlate: Could not find file for Slate resource: ../../../Engine/Content/Editor/Slate/Icons/Home16x16.png [2015.07.23-08.25.24:444][ 0]LogStreaming:Warning: Failed to read file '../../../Engine/Content/Editor/Slate/Icons/ToParent.png' error. [2015.07.23-08.25.24:445][ 0]LogSlate: Could not find file for Slate resource: ../../../Engine/Content/Editor/Slate/Icons/ToParent.png [2015.07.23-08.25.24:445][ 0]LogStreaming:Warning: Failed to read file '../../../Engine/Content/Editor/Slate/Common/ComboArrow.png' error. [2015.07.23-08.25.24:445][ 0]LogSlate: Could not find file for Slate resource: ../../../Engine/Content/Editor/Slate/Common/ComboArrow.png [2015.07.23-08.25.24:450][ 0]LogEngine: Initializing Engine... [2015.07.23-08.25.24:624][ 0]LogInit: FAudioDevice initialized. [2015.07.23-08.25.24:625][ 0]LogInit: Texture streaming: Disabled [2015.07.23-08.25.24:690][ 0]LogNet: Browse: /Game/Maps/SimpleMap01?Name=Player [2015.07.23-08.25.24:693][ 0]LogMoviePlayer:Warning: FAVMoviePlayer init. Path count = 1... [2015.07.23-08.25.24:693][ 0]LogMoviePlayer:Warning: Couldn't find movie: Default_Startup [2015.07.23-08.25.24:694][ 0]LogLoad: LoadMap: /Game/Maps/SimpleMap01?Name=Player [2015.07.23-08.25.24:753][ 0]LogParticles: Destroying 0 GPU particle simulations for FXSystem 0x0x10dbb4b60 [2015.07.23-08.25.24:799][ 0]LogMemory: Platform Memory Stats for IOS [2015.07.23-08.25.24:800][ 0]LogMemory: Process Physical Memory: 120.20 MB used, 0.00 MB peak [2015.07.23-08.25.24:800][ 0]LogMemory: Process Virtual Memory: 773.35 MB used, 0.00 MB peak [2015.07.23-08.25.24:800][ 0]LogMemory: Physical Memory: 710.56 MB used, 740.71 MB total [2015.07.23-08.25.24:801][ 0]LogMemory: Virtual Memory: 740.71 MB used, 740.71 MB total [2015.07.23-08.25.24:801][ 0]LogMemory: [2015.07.23-08.25.24:803][ 0]LogMemory: Allocator Stats for binned: [2015.07.23-08.25.24:803][ 0]LogMemory: Current Memory 51.26 MB used, plus 2.78 MB waste [2015.07.23-08.25.24:804][ 0]LogMemory: Peak Memory 53.99 MB used, plus 2.10 MB waste [2015.07.23-08.25.24:804][ 0]LogMemory: Current OS Memory 54.04 MB, peak 56.09 MB [2015.07.23-08.25.24:804][ 0]LogMemory: Current Waste 0.51 MB, peak 0.83 MB [2015.07.23-08.25.24:805][ 0]LogMemory: Current Used 51.26 MB, peak 53.99 MB [2015.07.23-08.25.24:805][ 0]LogMemory: Current Slack 2.27 MB [2015.07.23-08.25.24:805][ 0]LogMemory: Allocs 93477 Current / 633434 Total [2015.07.23-08.25.24:805][ 0]LogMemory: [2015.07.23-08.25.24:806][ 0]LogMemory: Block Size Num Pools Max Pools Cur Allocs Total Allocs Min Req Max Req Mem Used Mem Slack Mem Waste Efficiency [2015.07.23-08.25.24:806][ 0]LogMemory: ---------- --------- --------- ---------- ------------ ------- ------- -------- --------- --------- ---------- [2015.07.23-08.25.24:806][ 0]LogMemory: 8 0 0 0 0 8 0 0K 0K 0K 100.00% [2015.07.23-08.25.24:807][ 0]LogMemory: 16 3 3 8472 56634 16 16 132K 60K 0K 100.00% [2015.07.23-08.25.24:807][ 0]LogMemory: 32 6 6 10533 79748 32 32 329K 55K 0K 100.00% [2015.07.23-08.25.24:807][ 0]LogMemory: 48 4 4 5043 14774 48 48 236K 20K 0K 100.00% [2015.07.23-08.25.24:808][ 0]LogMemory: 64 14 14 14112 32502 64 64 882K 14K 0K 100.00% [2015.07.23-08.25.24:808][ 0]LogMemory: 80 9 9 6686 17184 80 80 522K 54K 0K 100.00% [2015.07.23-08.25.24:808][ 0]LogMemory: 96 7 7 4420 23681 96 96 414K 34K 0K 100.00% [2015.07.23-08.25.24:808][ 0]LogMemory: 112 5 5 2352 19649 112 112 257K 63K 0K 100.00% [2015.07.23-08.25.24:809][ 0]LogMemory: 128 33 33 16880 29007 128 128 2110K 2K 0K 100.00% [2015.07.23-08.25.24:809][ 0]LogMemory: 160 10 17 3860 44229 144 160 603K 37K 28K 95.62% [2015.07.23-08.25.24:809][ 0]LogMemory: 192 8 8 2278 26117 176 192 427K 85K 17K 96.68% [2015.07.23-08.25.24:810][ 0]LogMemory: 224 13 13 3769 24147 208 224 824K 7K 26K 96.88% [2015.07.23-08.25.24:810][ 0]LogMemory: 256 18 33 4428 38671 240 256 1107K 45K 16K 98.61% [2015.07.23-08.25.24:810][ 0]LogMemory: 288 6 6 1174 18162 272 288 330K 54K 8K 97.92% [2015.07.23-08.25.24:811][ 0]LogMemory: 320 4 4 652 23618 304 320 203K 52K 6K 97.66% [2015.07.23-08.25.24:811][ 0]LogMemory: 384 13 13 2098 60467 336 384 786K 43K 48K 94.23% [2015.07.23-08.25.24:811][ 0]LogMemory: 448 14 14 1952 53127 400 448 854K 41K 52K 94.20% [2015.07.23-08.25.24:811][ 0]LogMemory: 512 7 7 770 23728 464 512 385K 63K 20K 95.54% [2015.07.23-08.25.24:812][ 0]LogMemory: 576 12 13 1073 15867 528 576 603K 160K 31K 95.96% [2015.07.23-08.25.24:812][ 0]LogMemory: 640 5 5 423 8599 592 640 264K 55K 11K 96.56% [2015.07.23-08.25.24:812][ 0]LogMemory: 704 4 4 339 4279 656 704 233K 23K 9K 96.48% [2015.07.23-08.25.24:813][ 0]LogMemory: 768 4 4 265 2928 720 768 198K 57K 6K 97.66% [2015.07.23-08.25.24:813][ 0]LogMemory: 896 5 5 331 2887 784 896 289K 31K 19K 94.06% [2015.07.23-08.25.24:813][ 0]LogMemory: 1024 3 4 170 1871 912 1024 170K 22K 11K 94.27% [2015.07.23-08.25.24:813][ 0]LogMemory: 1168 4 4 175 751 1040 1168 199K 57K 6K 97.66% [2015.07.23-08.25.24:814][ 0]LogMemory: 1360 5 5 220 1763 1184 1360 292K 27K 18K 94.38% [2015.07.23-08.25.24:814][ 0]LogMemory: 1632 6 6 218 451 1376 1632 347K 36K 23K 94.01% [2015.07.23-08.25.24:815][ 0]LogMemory: 2048 5 5 72 369 1648 2048 144K 176K 14K 95.62% [2015.07.23-08.25.24:815][ 0]LogMemory: 2336 1 1 27 1257 2064 2336 61K 3K 6K 90.62% [2015.07.23-08.25.24:815][ 0]LogMemory: 2720 3 3 57 454 2352 2704 151K 41K 7K 96.35% [2015.07.23-08.25.24:815][ 0]LogMemory: 3264 6 6 83 1476 2752 3264 264K 119K 13K 96.61% [2015.07.23-08.25.24:816][ 0]LogMemory: 4096 7 8 94 429 3280 4096 376K 72K 26K 94.20% [2015.07.23-08.25.24:816][ 0]LogMemory: 4672 3 4 33 1925 4112 4672 150K 42K 13K 93.23% [2015.07.23-08.25.24:816][ 0]LogMemory: 5456 3 5 20 172 4688 5440 106K 86K 8K 95.83% [2015.07.23-08.25.24:817][ 0]LogMemory: 6544 3 5 29 110 5488 6544 185K 7K 16K 91.67% [2015.07.23-08.25.24:817][ 0]LogMemory: 8192 5 6 20 847 6560 8192 160K 160K 10K 96.88% [2015.07.23-08.25.24:817][ 0]LogMemory: 9360 2 5 10 90 8288 9360 91K 37K 3K 97.66% [2015.07.23-08.25.24:818][ 0]LogMemory: 10912 4 5 19 60 9376 10784 202K 54K 16K 93.75% [2015.07.23-08.25.24:818][ 0]LogMemory: 13104 9 9 41 139 10928 13056 524K 52K 45K 92.19% [2015.07.23-08.25.24:818][ 0]LogMemory: 16384 36 39 143 385 13120 16384 2288K 16K 227K 90.15% [2015.07.23-08.25.24:819][ 0]LogMemory: 21840 18 19 52 138 16400 21568 1109K 43K 218K 81.08% [2015.07.23-08.25.24:819][ 0]LogMemory: 32768 5 6 9 59 21904 32544 288K 32K 66K 79.38% [2015.07.23-08.25.24:819][ 0]LogMemory: [2015.07.23-08.25.24:820][ 0]LogMemory: 21248K allocated in pools (with 2137K slack and 1043K waste). Efficiency 95.09% [2015.07.23-08.25.24:820][ 0]LogMemory: Allocations 93403 Current / 632752 Total (in 332 pools) [2015.07.23-08.25.24:820][ 0]LogMemory: [2015.07.23-08.25.24:918][ 0]LogModuleManager:Warning: ModuleManager: Module 'GameplayDebugger' not found - its StaticallyLinkedModuleInitializers function is null. [2015.07.23-08.25.24:918][ 0]LogAIModule: Creating AISystem for world SimpleMap01 [2015.07.23-08.25.24:940][ 0]LogLinker:Warning: CreateImport: Failed to load Outer for resource 'WidgetTree': WidgetBlueprint /Script/UMGEditor.Default__WidgetBlueprint [2015.07.23-08.25.24:950][ 0]LogWorld: Game class is 'BP_NetworkingGameMode_C' [2015.07.23-08.25.24:970][ 0]LogWorld: Bringing World /Game/Maps/SimpleMap01.SimpleMap01 up for play (max tick rate 0) at 2015.07.23-16.25.24 [2015.07.23-08.25.24:975][ 0]LogWorld: Bringing up level for play took: 0.017681 [2015.07.23-08.25.25:032][ 0]LogInit:Display: Game Engine Initialized. [2015.07.23-08.25.25:047][ 0]LogAssetRegistry: FAssetRegistry took 0.0117 seconds to start up [2015.07.23-08.25.25:248][ 0]LogRenderer: Reallocating scene render targets to support 128x128 (Frame:1). [2015.07.23-08.25.29:057][ 0]LogContentStreaming: Texture pool size is 1000.000000MB [2015.07.23-08.25.32:394][ 1]LogRenderer: Reallocating scene render targets to support 1024x768 (Frame:2). [2015.07.23-08.25.35:632][ 91]LogNet: Browse: [2015.07.23-08.25.35:637][ 91]LogInit: BSD: Socket queue 32768 / 32768 [2015.07.23-08.25.35:638][ 91]LogIOS: Host addr is WIFI: [2015.07.23-08.25.35:638][ 91]LogNet:Warning: Failed to init net driver ConnectURL: BSD: binding to port 0 failed (21) [2015.07.23-08.25.35:639][ 91]LogNet:Warning: error initializing the network stack [2015.07.23-08.25.35:640][ 91]LogNet: DestroyNamedNetDriver IpNetDriver_0 [PendingNetDriver] [2015.07.23-08.25.35:641][ 91]LogExit: PendingNetDriver IpNetDriver_0 shut down [2015.07.23-08.25.35:641][ 91]LogNet:Warning: Travel Failure: [PendingNetGameCreateFailure]: BSD: binding to port 0 failed (21) [2015.07.23-08.25.35:642][ 91]LogNet: TravelFailure: PendingNetGameCreateFailure, Reason for Failure: 'BSD: binding to port 0 failed (21)' [2015.07.23-08.25.35:642][ 91]LogNet:Warning: Travel Failure: [ClientTravelFailure]: [2015.07.23-08.25.35:643][ 91]LogNet: TravelFailure: ClientTravelFailure, Reason for Failure: '' [2015.07.23-08.25.35:660][ 92]LogNet: Browse: /Game/Maps/SimpleMap01?closed [2015.07.23-08.25.35:661][ 92]LogNet: Failed; returning to Entry [2015.07.23-08.25.35:694][ 92]LogLoad: LoadMap: /Game/Maps/SimpleMap01?closed [2015.07.23-08.25.35:760][ 92]LogParticles: Destroying 0 GPU particle simulations for FXSystem 0x0x10dbb1a00 [2015.07.23-08.25.35:816][ 92]LogMemory: Platform Memory Stats for IOS [2015.07.23-08.25.35:817][ 92]LogMemory: Process Physical Memory: 117.91 MB used, 0.00 MB peak [2015.07.23-08.25.35:817][ 92]LogMemory: Process Virtual Memory: 829.40 MB used, 0.00 MB peak [2015.07.23-08.25.35:817][ 92]LogMemory: Physical Memory: 725.54 MB used, 740.71 MB total [2015.07.23-08.25.35:817][ 92]LogMemory: Virtual Memory: 740.71 MB used, 740.71 MB total [2015.07.23-08.25.35:818][ 92]LogMemory: [2015.07.23-08.25.35:820][ 92]LogMemory: Allocator Stats for binned: [2015.07.23-08.25.35:820][ 92]LogMemory: Current Memory 56.54 MB used, plus 3.53 MB waste [2015.07.23-08.25.35:820][ 92]LogMemory: Peak Memory 65.32 MB used, plus 2.52 MB waste [2015.07.23-08.25.35:821][ 92]LogMemory: Current OS Memory 60.07 MB, peak 67.85 MB [2015.07.23-08.25.35:821][ 92]LogMemory: Current Waste 0.67 MB, peak 0.83 MB [2015.07.23-08.25.35:821][ 92]LogMemory: Current Used 56.55 MB, peak 65.32 MB [2015.07.23-08.25.35:821][ 92]LogMemory: Current Slack 2.86 MB [2015.07.23-08.25.35:822][ 92]LogMemory: Allocs 98984 Current / 760454 Total [2015.07.23-08.25.35:822][ 92]LogMemory: [2015.07.23-08.25.35:822][ 92]LogMemory: Block Size Num Pools Max Pools Cur Allocs Total Allocs Min Req Max Req Mem Used Mem Slack Mem Waste Efficiency [2015.07.23-08.25.35:822][ 92]LogMemory: ---------- --------- --------- ---------- ------------ ------- ------- -------- --------- --------- ---------- [2015.07.23-08.25.35:823][ 92]LogMemory: 8 0 0 0 0 8 0 0K 0K 0K 100.00% [2015.07.23-08.25.35:823][ 92]LogMemory: 16 3 3 9021 76316 16 16 140K 52K 0K 100.00% [2015.07.23-08.25.35:823][ 92]LogMemory: 32 7 7 12352 86095 32 32 386K 62K 0K 100.00% [2015.07.23-08.25.35:823][ 92]LogMemory: 48 5 5 5485 22373 48 48 257K 63K 0K 100.00% [2015.07.23-08.25.35:824][ 92]LogMemory: 64 15 15 14531 35913 64 64 908K 52K 0K 100.00% [2015.07.23-08.25.35:824][ 92]LogMemory: 80 9 9 6845 18718 80 80 534K 42K 0K 100.00% [2015.07.23-08.25.35:824][ 92]LogMemory: 96 7 7 4547 38639 96 96 426K 22K 0K 100.00% [2015.07.23-08.25.35:824][ 92]LogMemory: 112 5 5 2457 30704 112 112 268K 52K 0K 100.00% [2015.07.23-08.25.35:825][ 92]LogMemory: 128 35 35 17499 32561 128 128 2187K 53K 0K 100.00% [2015.07.23-08.25.35:825][ 92]LogMemory: 160 12 17 4497 54066 144 160 702K 65K 35K 95.44% [2015.07.23-08.25.35:825][ 92]LogMemory: 192 8 8 2386 35828 176 192 447K 65K 20K 96.09% [2015.07.23-08.25.35:825][ 92]LogMemory: 224 14 14 3808 26637 208 224 833K 62K 27K 96.99% [2015.07.23-08.25.35:825][ 92]LogMemory: 256 19 33 4482 46258 240 256 1120K 96K 24K 98.03% [2015.07.23-08.25.35:826][ 92]LogMemory: 288 6 6 1199 19155 272 288 337K 47K 9K 97.66% [2015.07.23-08.25.35:826][ 92]LogMemory: 320 4 4 689 25113 304 320 215K 40K 6K 97.66% [2015.07.23-08.25.35:826][ 92]LogMemory: 384 13 14 2166 63958 336 384 812K 17K 49K 94.11% [2015.07.23-08.25.35:826][ 92]LogMemory: 448 15 15 2009 58115 400 448 878K 81K 53K 94.48% [2015.07.23-08.25.35:827][ 92]LogMemory: 512 7 7 784 26186 464 512 392K 56K 21K 95.31% [2015.07.23-08.25.35:827][ 92]LogMemory: 576 12 13 1095 18727 528 576 615K 148K 31K 95.96% [2015.07.23-08.25.35:827][ 92]LogMemory: 640 5 5 428 10520 592 640 267K 52K 10K 96.88% [2015.07.23-08.25.35:828][ 92]LogMemory: 704 4 4 361 6118 656 704 248K 8K 9K 96.48% [2015.07.23-08.25.35:828][ 92]LogMemory: 768 4 4 276 3786 720 768 207K 48K 6K 97.66% [2015.07.23-08.25.35:828][ 92]LogMemory: 896 6 6 336 6448 784 896 294K 90K 26K 93.23% [2015.07.23-08.25.35:828][ 92]LogMemory: 1024 4 4 179 2221 912 1024 179K 77K 11K 95.70% [2015.07.23-08.25.35:829][ 92]LogMemory: 1168 4 4 194 1274 1040 1168 221K 35K 11K 95.70% [2015.07.23-08.25.35:829][ 92]LogMemory: 1360 6 6 226 2186 1184 1360 300K 83K 20K 94.79% [2015.07.23-08.25.35:829][ 92]LogMemory: 1632 7 7 231 499 1376 1632 368K 79K 24K 94.64% [2015.07.23-08.25.35:829][ 92]LogMemory: 2048 5 5 80 656 1648 2048 160K 160K 14K 95.62% [2015.07.23-08.25.35:829][ 92]LogMemory: 2336 1 2 26 1634 2064 2336 59K 5K 5K 92.19% [2015.07.23-08.25.35:830][ 92]LogMemory: 2720 3 3 60 479 2352 2704 159K 33K 7K 96.35% [2015.07.23-08.25.35:830][ 92]LogMemory: 3264 6 6 90 1800 2736 3264 286K 97K 18K 95.31% [2015.07.23-08.25.35:831][ 92]LogMemory: 4096 8 8 111 482 3280 4096 444K 68K 29K 94.34% [2015.07.23-08.25.35:831][ 92]LogMemory: 4672 3 4 33 1947 4112 4672 150K 42K 13K 93.23% [2015.07.23-08.25.35:831][ 92]LogMemory: 5456 3 5 23 189 4688 5440 122K 70K 9K 95.31% [2015.07.23-08.25.35:831][ 92]LogMemory: 6544 4 5 34 312 5488 6544 217K 39K 17K 93.36% [2015.07.23-08.25.35:832][ 92]LogMemory: 8192 5 6 18 978 6560 8192 144K 176K 10K 96.88% [2015.07.23-08.25.35:832][ 92]LogMemory: 9360 2 5 8 93 8288 9360 73K 55K 3K 97.66% [2015.07.23-08.25.35:833][ 92]LogMemory: 10912 4 6 19 1263 9376 10784 202K 54K 21K 91.80% [2015.07.23-08.25.35:833][ 92]LogMemory: 13104 11 11 50 166 10928 13056 639K 65K 58K 91.76% [2015.07.23-08.25.35:833][ 92]LogMemory: 16384 42 45 163 532 13120 16384 2608K 80K 230K 91.44% [2015.07.23-08.25.35:833][ 92]LogMemory: 21840 19 20 53 148 16400 21568 1130K 86K 219K 81.99% [2015.07.23-08.25.35:833][ 92]LogMemory: 32768 5 7 9 68 21904 32544 288K 32K 65K 79.69% [2015.07.23-08.25.35:834][ 92]LogMemory: [2015.07.23-08.25.35:834][ 92]LogMemory: 22848K allocated in pools (with 2609K slack and 1110K waste). Efficiency 95.14% [2015.07.23-08.25.35:834][ 92]LogMemory: Allocations 98861 Current / 759162 Total (in 357 pools) [2015.07.23-08.25.35:834][ 92]LogMemory: [2015.07.23-08.25.35:893][ 92]LogAIModule: Creating AISystem for world SimpleMap01 [2015.07.23-08.25.35:912][ 92]LogLinker:Warning: CreateImport: Failed to load Outer for resource 'WidgetTree': WidgetBlueprint /Script/UMGEditor.Default__WidgetBlueprint [2015.07.23-08.25.35:915][ 92]LogWorld: Game class is 'BP_NetworkingGameMode_C' [2015.07.23-08.25.35:920][ 92]LogWorld: Bringing World /Game/Maps/SimpleMap01.SimpleMap01 up for play (max tick rate 0) at 2015.07.23-16.25.35 [2015.07.23-08.25.35:921][ 92]LogWorld: Bringing up level for play took: 0.002840 [2015.07.23-08.25.45:363][176]LogNet: Browse: [2015.07.23-08.25.45:365][176]LogInit: BSD: Socket queue 32768 / 32768 [2015.07.23-08.25.45:367][176]LogIOS: Host addr is WIFI: [2015.07.23-08.25.45:368][176]LogNet:Warning: Failed to init net driver ConnectURL: BSD: binding to port 0 failed (21) [2015.07.23-08.25.45:370][176]LogNet:Warning: error initializing the network stack [2015.07.23-08.25.45:371][176]LogNet: DestroyNamedNetDriver IpNetDriver_1 [PendingNetDriver] [2015.07.23-08.25.45:372][176]LogExit: PendingNetDriver IpNetDriver_1 shut down [2015.07.23-08.25.45:373][176]LogNet:Warning: Travel Failure: [PendingNetGameCreateFailure]: BSD: binding to port 0 failed (21) [2015.07.23-08.25.45:373][176]LogNet: TravelFailure: PendingNetGameCreateFailure, Reason for Failure: 'BSD: binding to port 0 failed (21)' [2015.07.23-08.25.45:374][176]LogNet:Warning: Travel Failure: [ClientTravelFailure]: [2015.07.23-08.25.45:375][176]LogNet: TravelFailure: ClientTravelFailure, Reason for Failure: '' [2015.07.23-08.25.45:397][177]LogNet: Browse: /Game/Maps/SimpleMap01?closed [2015.07.23-08.25.45:398][177]LogNet: Failed; returning to Entry [2015.07.23-08.25.45:429][177]LogLoad: LoadMap: /Game/Maps/SimpleMap01?closed [2015.07.23-08.25.45:497][177]LogParticles: Destroying 0 GPU particle simulations for FXSystem 0x0x10dbb68c0 [2015.07.23-08.25.45:531][177]LogMemory: Platform Memory Stats for IOS [2015.07.23-08.25.45:532][177]LogMemory: Process Physical Memory: 115.59 MB used, 0.00 MB peak [2015.07.23-08.25.45:532][177]LogMemory: Process Virtual Memory: 835.38 MB used, 0.00 MB peak [2015.07.23-08.25.45:532][177]LogMemory: Physical Memory: 719.37 MB used, 740.71 MB total [2015.07.23-08.25.45:532][177]LogMemory: Virtual Memory: 740.71 MB used, 740.71 MB total [2015.07.23-08.25.45:533][177]LogMemory: [2015.07.23-08.25.45:535][177]LogMemory: Allocator Stats for binned: [2015.07.23-08.25.45:535][177]LogMemory: Current Memory 56.91 MB used, plus 3.55 MB waste [2015.07.23-08.25.45:536][177]LogMemory: Peak Memory 65.32 MB used, plus 2.52 MB waste [2015.07.23-08.25.45:536][177]LogMemory: Current OS Memory 60.46 MB, peak 67.85 MB [2015.07.23-08.25.45:536][177]LogMemory: Current Waste 0.68 MB, peak 0.83 MB [2015.07.23-08.25.45:536][177]LogMemory: Current Used 56.91 MB, peak 65.32 MB [2015.07.23-08.25.45:537][177]LogMemory: Current Slack 2.87 MB [2015.07.23-08.25.45:537][177]LogMemory: Allocs 99103 Current / 799518 Total [2015.07.23-08.25.45:537][177]LogMemory: [2015.07.23-08.25.45:537][177]LogMemory: Block Size Num Pools Max Pools Cur Allocs Total Allocs Min Req Max Req Mem Used Mem Slack Mem Waste Efficiency [2015.07.23-08.25.45:538][177]LogMemory: ---------- --------- --------- ---------- ------------ ------- ------- -------- --------- --------- ---------- [2015.07.23-08.25.45:538][177]LogMemory: 8 0 0 0 0 8 0 0K 0K 0K 100.00% [2015.07.23-08.25.45:538][177]LogMemory: 16 3 3 9034 81685 16 16 141K 51K 0K 100.00% [2015.07.23-08.25.45:538][177]LogMemory: 32 7 7 12358 89645 32 32 386K 62K 0K 100.00% [2015.07.23-08.25.45:539][177]LogMemory: 48 5 5 5492 26832 48 48 257K 63K 0K 100.00% [2015.07.23-08.25.45:539][177]LogMemory: 64 15 15 14539 38012 64 64 908K 52K 0K 100.00% [2015.07.23-08.25.45:539][177]LogMemory: 80 9 9 6861 19704 80 80 536K 40K 0K 100.00% [2015.07.23-08.25.45:539][177]LogMemory: 96 7 7 4558 40604 96 96 427K 21K 0K 100.00% [2015.07.23-08.25.45:540][177]LogMemory: 112 5 5 2461 33198 112 112 269K 51K 0K 100.00% [2015.07.23-08.25.45:540][177]LogMemory: 128 35 35 17502 34120 128 128 2187K 53K 0K 100.00% [2015.07.23-08.25.45:540][177]LogMemory: 160 12 17 4501 56264 144 160 703K 64K 35K 95.44% [2015.07.23-08.25.45:540][177]LogMemory: 192 8 8 2387 39313 176 192 447K 65K 21K 95.90% [2015.07.23-08.25.45:541][177]LogMemory: 224 14 14 3812 27448 208 224 833K 62K 27K 96.99% [2015.07.23-08.25.45:541][177]LogMemory: 256 19 33 4490 47146 240 256 1122K 94K 24K 98.03% [2015.07.23-08.25.45:541][177]LogMemory: 288 6 6 1200 19521 272 288 337K 47K 9K 97.66% [2015.07.23-08.25.45:541][177]LogMemory: 320 4 4 689 25523 304 320 215K 40K 6K 97.66% [2015.07.23-08.25.45:542][177]LogMemory: 384 13 14 2167 64951 336 384 812K 17K 49K 94.11% [2015.07.23-08.25.45:542][177]LogMemory: 448 15 15 2009 60247 400 448 878K 81K 53K 94.48% [2015.07.23-08.25.45:542][177]LogMemory: 512 7 7 784 26374 464 512 392K 56K 21K 95.31% [2015.07.23-08.25.45:542][177]LogMemory: 576 12 13 1096 18948 528 576 616K 147K 31K 95.96% [2015.07.23-08.25.45:543][177]LogMemory: 640 5 5 428 10618 592 640 267K 52K 10K 96.88% [2015.07.23-08.25.45:543][177]LogMemory: 704 4 5 361 6448 656 704 248K 8K 9K 96.48% [2015.07.23-08.25.45:543][177]LogMemory: 768 4 4 275 4185 720 768 206K 49K 6K 97.66% [2015.07.23-08.25.45:543][177]LogMemory: 896 6 6 336 6524 784 896 294K 90K 26K 93.23% [2015.07.23-08.25.45:544][177]LogMemory: 1024 4 4 179 2495 912 1024 179K 77K 10K 96.09% [2015.07.23-08.25.45:544][177]LogMemory: 1168 4 4 205 1746 1040 1168 233K 23K 14K 94.53% [2015.07.23-08.25.45:544][177]LogMemory: 1360 6 6 226 2429 1184 1360 300K 83K 21K 94.53% [2015.07.23-08.25.45:545][177]LogMemory: 1632 7 7 234 525 1376 1632 372K 75K 24K 94.64% [2015.07.23-08.25.45:545][177]LogMemory: 2048 5 5 80 983 1648 2048 160K 160K 14K 95.62% [2015.07.23-08.25.45:545][177]LogMemory: 2336 1 2 26 1976 2064 2336 59K 5K 5K 92.19% [2015.07.23-08.25.45:545][177]LogMemory: 2720 3 3 60 500 2352 2704 159K 33K 8K 95.83% [2015.07.23-08.25.45:546][177]LogMemory: 3264 6 6 90 2089 2736 3264 286K 97K 20K 94.79% [2015.07.23-08.25.45:546][177]LogMemory: 4096 8 8 110 496 3280 4096 440K 72K 29K 94.34% [2015.07.23-08.25.45:546][177]LogMemory: 4672 3 4 33 1962 4112 4672 150K 42K 13K 93.23% [2015.07.23-08.25.45:546][177]LogMemory: 5456 3 5 24 205 4688 5440 127K 65K 9K 95.31% [2015.07.23-08.25.45:547][177]LogMemory: 6544 4 5 34 494 5488 6544 217K 39K 17K 93.36% [2015.07.23-08.25.45:547][177]LogMemory: 8192 5 6 18 1089 6560 8192 144K 176K 11K 96.56% [2015.07.23-08.25.45:547][177]LogMemory: 9360 2 5 8 93 8288 9360 73K 55K 3K 97.66% [2015.07.23-08.25.45:548][177]LogMemory: 10912 4 6 19 2373 9376 10784 202K 54K 22K 91.41% [2015.07.23-08.25.45:548][177]LogMemory: 13104 12 12 52 188 10928 13056 665K 103K 63K 91.80% [2015.07.23-08.25.45:548][177]LogMemory: 16384 44 47 167 649 13120 16384 2672K 144K 224K 92.05% [2015.07.23-08.25.45:548][177]LogMemory: 21840 19 20 53 154 16400 21568 1130K 86K 217K 82.15% [2015.07.23-08.25.45:548][177]LogMemory: 32768 5 7 9 74 21904 32544 288K 32K 65K 79.69% [2015.07.23-08.25.45:549][177]LogMemory: [2015.07.23-08.25.45:549][177]LogMemory: 23040K allocated in pools (with 2686K slack and 1116K waste). Efficiency 95.16% [2015.07.23-08.25.45:549][177]LogMemory: Allocations 98968 Current / 797831 Total (in 360 pools) [2015.07.23-08.25.45:549][177]LogMemory: [2015.07.23-08.25.45:600][177]LogAIModule: Creating AISystem for world SimpleMap01 [2015.07.23-08.25.45:616][177]LogLinker:Warning: CreateImport: Failed to load Outer for resource 'WidgetTree': WidgetBlueprint /Script/UMGEditor.Default__WidgetBlueprint [2015.07.23-08.25.45:619][177]LogWorld: Game class is 'BP_NetworkingGameMode_C' [2015.07.23-08.25.45:623][177]LogWorld: Bringing World /Game/Maps/SimpleMap01.SimpleMap01 up for play (max tick rate 0) at 2015.07.23-16.25.45 [2015.07.23-08.25.45:623][177]LogWorld: Bringing up level for play took: 0.002199 [2015.07.23-08.26.26:007][185]LogHttp:Warning: connectionDidFinishLoading: 0x170220b80 [2015.07.23-08.26.26:221][191]LogNet: Browse: [2015.07.23-08.26.26:226][191]LogInit: BSD: Socket queue 32768 / 32768 [2015.07.23-08.26.26:227][191]LogIOS: Host addr is WIFI: [2015.07.23-08.26.26:229][191]LogNet:Warning: Failed to init net driver ConnectURL: BSD: binding to port 0 failed (21) [2015.07.23-08.26.26:229][191]LogNet:Warning: error initializing the network stack [2015.07.23-08.26.26:230][191]LogNet: DestroyNamedNetDriver IpNetDriver_2 [PendingNetDriver] [2015.07.23-08.26.26:231][191]LogExit: PendingNetDriver IpNetDriver_2 shut down [2015.07.23-08.26.26:232][191]LogNet:Warning: Travel Failure: [PendingNetGameCreateFailure]: BSD: binding to port 0 failed (21) [2015.07.23-08.26.26:233][191]LogNet: TravelFailure: PendingNetGameCreateFailure, Reason for Failure: 'BSD: binding to port 0 failed (21)' [2015.07.23-08.26.26:235][191]LogNet:Warning: Travel Failure: [ClientTravelFailure]: [2015.07.23-08.26.26:236][191]LogNet: TravelFailure: ClientTravelFailure, Reason for Failure: '' [2015.07.23-08.26.26:251][192]LogNet: Browse: /Game/Maps/SimpleMap01?closed [2015.07.23-08.26.26:252][192]LogNet: Failed; returning to Entry [2015.07.23-08.26.26:282][192]LogLoad: LoadMap: /Game/Maps/SimpleMap01?closed [2015.07.23-08.26.26:373][192]LogParticles: Destroying 0 GPU particle simulations for FXSystem 0x0x10dbb1a00 [2015.07.23-08.26.26:406][192]LogMemory: Platform Memory Stats for IOS [2015.07.23-08.26.26:407][192]LogMemory: Process Physical Memory: 121.12 MB used, 0.00 MB peak [2015.07.23-08.26.26:407][192]LogMemory: Process Virtual Memory: 836.73 MB used, 0.00 MB peak [2015.07.23-08.26.26:407][192]LogMemory: Physical Memory: 726.31 MB used, 740.71 MB total [2015.07.23-08.26.26:408][192]LogMemory: Virtual Memory: 740.71 MB used, 740.71 MB total [2015.07.23-08.26.26:408][192]LogMemory: [2015.07.23-08.26.26:410][192]LogMemory: Allocator Stats for binned: [2015.07.23-08.26.26:411][192]LogMemory: Current Memory 59.22 MB used, plus 1.77 MB waste [2015.07.23-08.26.26:411][192]LogMemory: Peak Memory 65.32 MB used, plus 2.52 MB waste [2015.07.23-08.26.26:411][192]LogMemory: Current OS Memory 60.99 MB, peak 67.85 MB [2015.07.23-08.26.26:411][192]LogMemory: Current Waste 0.68 MB, peak 0.83 MB [2015.07.23-08.26.26:412][192]LogMemory: Current Used 59.22 MB, peak 65.32 MB [2015.07.23-08.26.26:412][192]LogMemory: Current Slack 1.09 MB [2015.07.23-08.26.26:412][192]LogMemory: Allocs 100893 Current / 1106517 Total [2015.07.23-08.26.26:412][192]LogMemory: [2015.07.23-08.26.26:412][192]LogMemory: Block Size Num Pools Max Pools Cur Allocs Total Allocs Min Req Max Req Mem Used Mem Slack Mem Waste Efficiency [2015.07.23-08.26.26:413][192]LogMemory: ---------- --------- --------- ---------- ------------ ------- ------- -------- --------- --------- ---------- [2015.07.23-08.26.26:413][192]LogMemory: 8 0 0 0 0 8 0 0K 0K 0K 100.00% [2015.07.23-08.26.26:413][192]LogMemory: 16 3 3 9052 132548 16 16 141K 51K 0K 100.00% [2015.07.23-08.26.26:413][192]LogMemory: 32 7 7 12907 107895 32 32 403K 45K 0K 100.00% [2015.07.23-08.26.26:414][192]LogMemory: 48 5 5 5502 71219 48 48 257K 63K 0K 100.00% [2015.07.23-08.26.26:414][192]LogMemory: 64 15 15 14548 53199 64 64 909K 51K 0K 100.00% [2015.07.23-08.26.26:414][192]LogMemory: 80 9 9 6871 20716 80 80 536K 40K 0K 100.00% [2015.07.23-08.26.26:414][192]LogMemory: 96 7 7 4569 55714 96 96 428K 20K 0K 100.00% [2015.07.23-08.26.26:415][192]LogMemory: 112 5 5 2485 53843 112 112 271K 49K 0K 100.00% [2015.07.23-08.26.26:415][192]LogMemory: 128 36 36 18035 45325 128 128 2254K 50K 0K 100.00% [2015.07.23-08.26.26:415][192]LogMemory: 160 13 17 5032 68297 144 160 786K 45K 41K 95.07% [2015.07.23-08.26.26:415][192]LogMemory: 192 8 8 2383 56794 176 192 446K 66K 18K 96.48% [2015.07.23-08.26.26:416][192]LogMemory: 224 14 14 3815 28248 208 224 834K 61K 27K 96.99% [2015.07.23-08.26.26:416][192]LogMemory: 256 19 33 4498 54447 240 256 1124K 92K 29K 97.62% [2015.07.23-08.26.26:416][192]LogMemory: 288 6 6 1200 19887 272 288 337K 47K 9K 97.66% [2015.07.23-08.26.26:416][192]LogMemory: 320 4 4 689 29254 304 320 215K 40K 6K 97.66% [2015.07.23-08.26.26:417][192]LogMemory: 384 13 14 2170 72601 336 384 813K 16K 50K 93.99% [2015.07.23-08.26.26:417][192]LogMemory: 448 15 15 2009 84810 400 448 878K 81K 51K 94.69% [2015.07.23-08.26.26:417][192]LogMemory: 512 7 7 784 27604 464 512 392K 56K 21K 95.31% [2015.07.23-08.26.26:417][192]LogMemory: 576 12 13 1097 21679 528 576 617K 146K 31K 95.96% [2015.07.23-08.26.26:418][192]LogMemory: 640 5 5 428 11535 592 640 267K 52K 9K 97.19% [2015.07.23-08.26.26:418][192]LogMemory: 704 4 5 361 9351 656 704 248K 8K 7K 97.27% [2015.07.23-08.26.26:418][192]LogMemory: 768 4 4 275 8291 720 768 206K 49K 4K 98.44% [2015.07.23-08.26.26:419][192]LogMemory: 896 6 6 336 9784 784 896 294K 90K 28K 92.71% [2015.07.23-08.26.26:419][192]LogMemory: 1024 4 4 179 4614 912 1024 179K 77K 5K 98.05% [2015.07.23-08.26.26:419][192]LogMemory: 1168 5 5 211 6874 1040 1168 240K 80K 18K 94.38% [2015.07.23-08.26.26:420][192]LogMemory: 1360 6 6 226 4721 1184 1360 300K 83K 20K 94.79% [2015.07.23-08.26.26:420][192]LogMemory: 1632 7 7 237 555 1376 1632 377K 70K 25K 94.42% [2015.07.23-08.26.26:420][192]LogMemory: 2048 5 5 79 4103 1648 2048 158K 162K 13K 95.94% [2015.07.23-08.26.26:420][192]LogMemory: 2336 1 2 26 6042 2064 2336 59K 5K 5K 92.19% [2015.07.23-08.26.26:421][192]LogMemory: 2720 3 3 60 521 2352 2704 159K 33K 8K 95.83% [2015.07.23-08.26.26:421][192]LogMemory: 3264 6 6 90 5169 2736 3264 286K 97K 29K 92.45% [2015.07.23-08.26.26:421][192]LogMemory: 4096 8 8 111 513 3280 4096 444K 68K 29K 94.34% [2015.07.23-08.26.26:421][192]LogMemory: 4672 3 4 34 1980 4112 4672 155K 37K 13K 93.23% [2015.07.23-08.26.26:422][192]LogMemory: 5456 3 5 25 221 4688 5440 133K 59K 10K 94.79% [2015.07.23-08.26.26:422][192]LogMemory: 6544 4 5 34 2536 5488 6544 217K 39K 17K 93.36% [2015.07.23-08.26.26:422][192]LogMemory: 8192 5 6 18 2131 6560 8192 144K 176K 17K 94.69% [2015.07.23-08.26.26:422][192]LogMemory: 9360 2 5 8 94 8288 9360 73K 55K 3K 97.66% [2015.07.23-08.26.26:423][192]LogMemory: 10912 4 6 19 15573 9376 10784 202K 54K 22K 91.41% [2015.07.23-08.26.26:423][192]LogMemory: 13104 13 13 54 211 10928 13056 691K 141K 67K 91.95% [2015.07.23-08.26.26:423][192]LogMemory: 16384 45 48 170 1696 13120 16384 2720K 160K 175K 93.92% [2015.07.23-08.26.26:423][192]LogMemory: 21840 19 20 53 162 16400 21568 1130K 86K 215K 82.32% [2015.07.23-08.26.26:424][192]LogMemory: 32768 6 7 10 81 21904 32544 320K 64K 71K 81.51% [2015.07.23-08.26.26:424][192]LogMemory: [2015.07.23-08.26.26:424][192]LogMemory: 23424K allocated in pools (with 2764K slack and 1093K waste). Efficiency 95.33% [2015.07.23-08.26.26:424][192]LogMemory: Allocations 100691 Current / 1100839 Total (in 366 pools) [2015.07.23-08.26.26:424][192]LogMemory: [2015.07.23-08.26.26:480][192]LogAIModule: Creating AISystem for world SimpleMap01 [2015.07.23-08.26.26:497][192]LogLinker:Warning: CreateImport: Failed to load Outer for resource 'WidgetTree': WidgetBlueprint /Script/UMGEditor.Default__WidgetBlueprint [2015.07.23-08.26.26:501][192]LogWorld: Game class is 'BP_NetworkingGameMode_C' [2015.07.23-08.26.26:504][192]LogWorld: Bringing World /Game/Maps/SimpleMap01.SimpleMap01 up for play (max tick rate 0) at 2015.07.23-16.26.26 [2015.07.23-08.26.26:506][192]LogWorld: Bringing up level for play took: 0.003335 [2015.07.23-08.26.34:285][229]LogNet: Browse: [2015.07.23-08.26.34:287][229]LogInit: BSD: Socket queue 32768 / 32768 [2015.07.23-08.26.34:289][229]LogIOS: Host addr is WIFI: [2015.07.23-08.26.34:289][229]LogNet:Warning: Failed to init net driver ConnectURL: BSD: binding to port 0 failed (21) [2015.07.23-08.26.34:290][229]LogNet:Warning: error initializing the network stack [2015.07.23-08.26.34:291][229]LogNet: DestroyNamedNetDriver IpNetDriver_3 [PendingNetDriver] [2015.07.23-08.26.34:292][229]LogExit: PendingNetDriver IpNetDriver_3 shut down [2015.07.23-08.26.34:293][229]LogNet:Warning: Travel Failure: [PendingNetGameCreateFailure]: BSD: binding to port 0 failed (21) [2015.07.23-08.26.34:295][229]LogNet: TravelFailure: PendingNetGameCreateFailure, Reason for Failure: 'BSD: binding to port 0 failed (21)' [2015.07.23-08.26.34:296][229]LogNet:Warning: Travel Failure: [ClientTravelFailure]: [2015.07.23-08.26.34:296][229]LogNet: TravelFailure: ClientTravelFailure, Reason for Failure: '' [2015.07.23-08.26.34:317][230]LogNet: Browse: /Game/Maps/SimpleMap01?closed [2015.07.23-08.26.34:318][230]LogNet: Failed; returning to Entry [2015.07.23-08.26.34:350][230]LogLoad: LoadMap: /Game/Maps/SimpleMap01?closed [2015.07.23-08.26.34:421][230]LogParticles: Destroying 0 GPU particle simulations for FXSystem 0x0x10dbb0ec0 [2015.07.23-08.26.34:453][230]LogMemory: Platform Memory Stats for IOS [2015.07.23-08.26.34:454][230]LogMemory: Process Physical Memory: 121.99 MB used, 0.00 MB peak [2015.07.23-08.26.34:454][230]LogMemory: Process Virtual Memory: 836.52 MB used, 0.00 MB peak [2015.07.23-08.26.34:454][230]LogMemory: Physical Memory: 727.35 MB used, 740.71 MB total [2015.07.23-08.26.34:455][230]LogMemory: Virtual Memory: 740.71 MB used, 740.71 MB total [2015.07.23-08.26.34:455][230]LogMemory: [2015.07.23-08.26.34:457][230]LogMemory: Allocator Stats for binned: [2015.07.23-08.26.34:457][230]LogMemory: Current Memory 59.23 MB used, plus 1.83 MB waste [2015.07.23-08.26.34:457][230]LogMemory: Peak Memory 65.32 MB used, plus 2.52 MB waste [2015.07.23-08.26.34:458][230]LogMemory: Current OS Memory 61.06 MB, peak 67.85 MB [2015.07.23-08.26.34:458][230]LogMemory: Current Waste 0.68 MB, peak 0.83 MB [2015.07.23-08.26.34:458][230]LogMemory: Current Used 59.23 MB, peak 65.32 MB [2015.07.23-08.26.34:459][230]LogMemory: Current Slack 1.15 MB [2015.07.23-08.26.34:459][230]LogMemory: Allocs 100953 Current / 1134272 Total [2015.07.23-08.26.34:459][230]LogMemory: [2015.07.23-08.26.34:459][230]LogMemory: Block Size Num Pools Max Pools Cur Allocs Total Allocs Min Req Max Req Mem Used Mem Slack Mem Waste Efficiency [2015.07.23-08.26.34:460][230]LogMemory: ---------- --------- --------- ---------- ------------ ------- ------- -------- --------- --------- ---------- [2015.07.23-08.26.34:460][230]LogMemory: 8 0 0 0 0 8 0 0K 0K 0K 100.00% [2015.07.23-08.26.34:460][230]LogMemory: 16 3 3 9063 136059 16 16 141K 51K 0K 100.00% [2015.07.23-08.26.34:460][230]LogMemory: 32 7 7 12913 110733 32 32 403K 45K 0K 100.00% [2015.07.23-08.26.34:461][230]LogMemory: 48 5 5 5508 73682 48 48 258K 62K 0K 100.00% [2015.07.23-08.26.34:461][230]LogMemory: 64 15 15 14553 54641 64 64 909K 51K 0K 100.00% [2015.07.23-08.26.34:461][230]LogMemory: 80 9 9 6877 21692 80 80 537K 39K 0K 100.00% [2015.07.23-08.26.34:461][230]LogMemory: 96 7 7 4578 57529 96 96 429K 19K 0K 100.00% [2015.07.23-08.26.34:462][230]LogMemory: 112 5 5 2489 55630 112 112 272K 48K 0K 100.00% [2015.07.23-08.26.34:462][230]LogMemory: 128 36 36 18035 46492 128 128 2254K 50K 0K 100.00% [2015.07.23-08.26.34:462][230]LogMemory: 160 13 17 5032 70199 144 160 786K 45K 42K 94.95% [2015.07.23-08.26.34:462][230]LogMemory: 192 8 8 2384 59766 176 192 447K 65K 18K 96.48% [2015.07.23-08.26.34:463][230]LogMemory: 224 14 14 3818 29043 208 224 835K 60K 27K 96.99% [2015.07.23-08.26.34:463][230]LogMemory: 256 19 33 4506 55241 240 256 1126K 90K 29K 97.62% [2015.07.23-08.26.34:463][230]LogMemory: 288 6 6 1200 20255 272 288 337K 47K 9K 97.66% [2015.07.23-08.26.34:464][230]LogMemory: 320 4 4 689 29521 304 320 215K 40K 6K 97.66% [2015.07.23-08.26.34:464][230]LogMemory: 384 13 14 2171 73317 336 384 814K 15K 50K 93.99% [2015.07.23-08.26.34:464][230]LogMemory: 448 15 15 2009 85835 400 448 878K 81K 51K 94.69% [2015.07.23-08.26.34:464][230]LogMemory: 512 7 7 784 27767 464 512 392K 56K 21K 95.31% [2015.07.23-08.26.34:464][230]LogMemory: 576 12 13 1097 21837 528 576 617K 146K 31K 95.96% [2015.07.23-08.26.34:465][230]LogMemory: 640 5 5 428 11588 592 640 267K 52K 9K 97.19% [2015.07.23-08.26.34:465][230]LogMemory: 704 4 5 361 9563 656 704 248K 8K 7K 97.27% [2015.07.23-08.26.34:465][230]LogMemory: 768 4 4 275 8487 720 768 206K 49K 4K 98.44% [2015.07.23-08.26.34:465][230]LogMemory: 896 6 6 336 9845 784 896 294K 90K 28K 92.71% [2015.07.23-08.26.34:466][230]LogMemory: 1024 4 4 179 4779 912 1024 179K 77K 5K 98.05% [2015.07.23-08.26.34:466][230]LogMemory: 1168 5 5 217 7105 1040 1168 247K 73K 19K 94.06% [2015.07.23-08.26.34:466][230]LogMemory: 1360 6 6 226 4861 1184 1360 300K 83K 20K 94.79% [2015.07.23-08.26.34:466][230]LogMemory: 1632 7 7 239 581 1376 1632 380K 67K 25K 94.42% [2015.07.23-08.26.34:467][230]LogMemory: 2048 5 5 79 4289 1648 2048 158K 162K 13K 95.94% [2015.07.23-08.26.34:467][230]LogMemory: 2336 1 2 26 6197 2064 2336 59K 5K 5K 92.19% [2015.07.23-08.26.34:467][230]LogMemory: 2720 3 3 60 542 2352 2704 159K 33K 8K 95.83% [2015.07.23-08.26.34:467][230]LogMemory: 3264 6 6 91 5318 2736 3264 290K 93K 29K 92.45% [2015.07.23-08.26.34:468][230]LogMemory: 4096 8 8 111 527 3280 4096 444K 68K 29K 94.34% [2015.07.23-08.26.34:468][230]LogMemory: 4672 3 4 34 1995 4112 4672 155K 37K 13K 93.23% [2015.07.23-08.26.34:468][230]LogMemory: 5456 3 5 25 236 4688 5440 133K 59K 10K 94.79% [2015.07.23-08.26.34:468][230]LogMemory: 6544 4 5 34 2624 5488 6544 217K 39K 17K