LogPlatformFile: Not using cached read wrapper LogInit:Display: RandInit(-972582151) SRandInit(-972582150). LogTaskGraph: Started task graph with 4 named threads and 7 total threads. LogStats: Stats thread started at 0.120738 LogInit: Version: 4.10.0-2758231+++depot+UE4-Releases+4.10 LogInit: API Version: 2758231 LogInit: Compiled (64-bit): Nov 7 2015 05:13:45 LogInit: Compiled with Visual C++: 19.00.23026.00 LogInit: Build Configuration: Development LogInit: Branch Name: ++depot+UE4-Releases+4.10 LogInit: Command line: LogInit: Base directory: C:/Program Files/Epic Games/4.10/Engine/Binaries/Win64/ LogInit: Rocket: 1 LogInit: Using libcurl 7.41.0 LogInit: - built for x86_64-pc-win32 LogInit: - supports SSL with WinSSL LogInit: - other features: LogInit: CURL_VERSION_SSL LogInit: CURL_VERSION_IPV6 LogInit: CURL_VERSION_ASYNCHDNS LogInit: CURL_VERSION_LARGEFILE LogInit: CURL_VERSION_IDN LogInit: CurlRequestOptions (configurable via config and command line): LogInit: - bVerifyPeer = true - Libcurl will verify peer certificate LogInit: - bUseHttpProxy = false - Libcurl will NOT use HTTP proxy LogInit: - bDontReuseConnections = false - Libcurl will reuse connections LogInit: - CertBundlePath = nullptr - Libcurl will use whatever was configured at build time. LogInit: Presizing for 0 objects not considered by GC, pre-allocating 0 bytes. LogInit: Object subsystem initialized LogInit: Selected Device Profile: [Windows] LogInit: Applying CVar settings loaded from the selected device profile: [Windows] LogInit: Computer: PROTEUS_CORE LogInit: User: Rohit LogInit: CPU Page size=4096, Cores=4 LogInit: High frequency timer resolution =3.027392 MHz LogMemory: Memory total: Physical=7.9GB (8GB approx) LogMemory: Platform Memory Stats for Windows LogMemory: Process Physical Memory: 56.72 MB used, 56.72 MB peak LogMemory: Process Virtual Memory: 62.55 MB used, 62.55 MB peak LogMemory: Physical Memory: 3424.14 MB used, 8136.00 MB total LogMemory: Virtual Memory: 372.17 MB used, 8388608.00 MB total LogTextLocalizationManager: No specific translations for ('en-US') exist, so ('en') translations will be used. LogD3D11RHI: Found D3D11 adapter 0: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 (Feature Level 11_0) LogD3D11RHI: Adapter has 1989MB of dedicated video memory, 0MB of dedicated system memory, and 2048MB of shared system memory, 1 output[s] LogD3D11RHI: Chosen D3D11 Adapter Id = 0 LogD3D11RHI: !Direct3DDevice LogRHI: Texture pool is 1361 MB (70% of 1945 MB) LogD3D11RHI: Async texture creation enabled LogShaderCompilers: Guid format shader working directory is -22 characters bigger than the processId version (../../../../../../Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Intermediate/Shaders/WorkingDirectory/3212/). LogShaderCompilers: Cleaned the shader compiler working directory 'C:/Users/Rohit/AppData/Local/Temp/UnrealShaderWorkingDir/5CC933C049594B5AD9C3E0B354303FB5/'. LogShaderCompilers:Display: Using Local Shader Compiler. LogTemp:Display: Loaded TP AllDesktopTargetPlatform LogTemp:Display: Loaded TP WindowsClientTargetPlatform LogTemp:Display: Loaded TP WindowsNoEditorTargetPlatform LogTemp:Display: Loaded TP WindowsServerTargetPlatform LogTemp:Display: Loaded TP WindowsTargetPlatform LogTemp:Display: Loaded TP AndroidTargetPlatform LogTemp:Display: Loaded TP Android_ASTCTargetPlatform LogTemp:Display: Loaded TP Android_ATCTargetPlatform LogTemp:Display: Loaded TP Android_DXTTargetPlatform LogTemp:Display: Loaded TP Android_ETC1TargetPlatform LogTemp:Display: Loaded TP Android_ETC2TargetPlatform LogTemp:Display: Loaded TP Android_MultiTargetPlatform LogTemp:Display: Loaded TP Android_PVRTCTargetPlatform LogTemp:Display: Loaded TP HTML5TargetPlatform LogTemp:Display: Loaded TP IOSTargetPlatform LogTemp:Display: Loaded TP LinuxNoEditorTargetPlatform LogTemp:Display: Loaded TP LinuxServerTargetPlatform LogTemp:Display: Loaded TP LinuxTargetPlatform LogTargetPlatformManager:Display: Building Assets For Windows LogDerivedDataCache:Display: Max Cache Size: 512 MB LogDerivedDataCache: Loaded boot cache 0.04s 41MB C:/Users/Rohit/AppData/Local/UnrealEngine/4.10/DerivedDataCache/Boot.ddc. LogDerivedDataCache:Display: Loaded Boot cache: C:/Users/Rohit/AppData/Local/UnrealEngine/4.10/DerivedDataCache/Boot.ddc LogDerivedDataCache: FDerivedDataBackendGraph: Pak pak cache file ../../../../../../Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/DerivedDataCache/DDC.ddp not found, will not use a pak cache. LogDerivedDataCache: Unable to find inner node Pak for hierarchical cache Hierarchy. LogDerivedDataCache: FDerivedDataBackendGraph: CompressedPak pak cache file ../../../../../../Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/DerivedDataCache/Compressed.ddp not found, will not use a pak cache. LogDerivedDataCache: Unable to find inner node CompressedPak for hierarchical cache Hierarchy. LogDerivedDataCache:Display: Pak cache opened for reading ../../../Engine/DerivedDataCache/Compressed.ddp. LogDerivedDataCache: Using Local data cache path C:/Users/Rohit/AppData/Local/UnrealEngine/Common/DerivedDataCache: Writable LogInit: Selected Device Profile: [Windows] LogContentStreaming: Texture pool size is 0.000000MB LogMeshUtilities: No automatic mesh reduction module available LogMeshUtilities: No automatic mesh merging module available LogInit: WinSock: version 1.1 (2.2), MaxSocks=32767, MaxUdp=65467 UdpMessaging: Initializing bridge on interface to multicast group LogAssetRegistry: FAssetRegistry took 0.0098 seconds to start up SourceControl: Info Source control is disabled SourceControl: Info Source control is disabled SourceControl: Info Source control is disabled SourceControl: Info Source control is disabled LogObj: 28633 objects as part of root set at end of initial load. LogUObjectAllocator: 6099752 out of 0 bytes used by permanent object pool. LogEngine: Initializing Engine... LogHMD: Can't find Oculus library dev build: is proper Runtime installed? Version: LogHMD: SteamVR failed to initialize. Err: 110 LogAIModule: Creating AISystem for world NewWorld LogInit: XAudio2 using 'Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)' : 2 channels at 48 kHz using 32 bits per sample (channel mask 0x3) LogInit: FAudioDevice initialized. LogDerivedDataCache: Saved boot cache 0.02s 41MB C:/Users/Rohit/AppData/Local/UnrealEngine/4.10/DerivedDataCache/Boot.ddc. LogInit: Texture streaming: Enabled LogAnalytics: Creating configured Analytics provider AnalyticsET LogAnalytics: [UEEditor.Rocket.Release] APIServer = http://et2.epicgames.com/ET2/. AppVersion = 4.10.0-2758231+++depot+UE4-Releases+4.10 LogAnalytics: [UEEditor.Rocket.Release] SetUserId 013718ab4e6dec0f6374d59520a1ab13|7b8e2bb8b466411588cadfe08ecd7de9|6951b782-1f02-4763-a464-5016cbe33e2c LogAnalytics: [UEEditor.Rocket.Release] AnalyticsET::StartSession LogInit: Transaction tracking system initialized BlueprintLog: New page: Editor Load LocalizationService: Info Localization service is disabled LogLinker:Warning: Can't find file '/Engine/Transient' LogUObjectGlobals:Warning: Failed to find object 'Class /Engine/Transient.REINST_TopDownOverview_C_230' LogFileCache: Scanning file cache for directory 'C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Content/' took 0.02s LogCook:Display: Done creating registry. It took 0.00s. SourceControl: Info Source control is disabled Cmd: MAP LOAD FILE="../../../Engine/Content/Maps/Templates/Template_Default.umap" TEMPLATE=1 SHOWPROGRESS=1 FEATURELEVEL=3 LightingResults: New page: Lighting Build MapCheck: New page: Map Check LightingResults: New page: Lighting Build LogParticles: Destroying 0 GPU particle simulations for FXSystem 0x00000000247F2160 LogAIModule: Creating AISystem for world Untitled_1 LogEditorServer: Finished looking for orphan Actors (0.000 secs) Cmd: MAP CHECKDEP NOCLEARLOG MapCheck: Info Map check complete: 0 Error(s), 0 Warning(s), took 58.687ms to complete. LogFileHelpers: Loading map 'Template_Default' took 0.291 LogCollectionManager: Loaded 0 collections in 0.002319 seconds LogFileCache: Scanning file cache for directory 'C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Collections/' took 0.01s LogFileCache: Scanning file cache for directory 'C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Content/Developers/Rohit/Collections/' took 0.01s LogFileCache: Scanning file cache for directory 'C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Content/Collections/' took 0.01s LogCollectionManager: Rebuilt the GUID cache for 0 collections in 0.000002 seconds LogContentBrowser: Native class hierarchy populated in 0.0063 seconds. Added 1893 classes and 338 folders. LogContentBrowser: Native class hierarchy updated for 'WidgetCarousel' in 0.0003 seconds. Added 0 classes and 0 folders. LogContentBrowser: Native class hierarchy updated for 'AddContentDialog' in 0.0003 seconds. Added 0 classes and 0 folders. LogContentBrowser: Native class hierarchy updated for 'SceneOutliner' in 0.0003 seconds. Added 1 classes and 2 folders. LogCrashTracker: Crashtracker disabled due to settings. LogUObjectGlobals:Warning: Failed to find object 'Class None.' LogLoad: Full Startup: 12.01 seconds (BP compile: 0.03 seconds) LogOcInput: Can't find Oculus library dev build: is proper Runtime installed? Version: LogContentStreaming: Texture pool size now 1000 MB LogRenderer: Reallocating scene render targets to support 1068x596 (Frame:2). LogAssetRegistry: Asset discovery search completed in 6.5216 seconds LogCollectionManager: Rebuilt the object cache for 0 collections in 0.000000 seconds (found 0 objects) LogCollectionManager: Fixed up redirectors for 0 collections in 0.000017 seconds (updated 0 objects) LogPlayLevel: PlayLevel: No blueprints needed recompiling PIE: New page: PIE session: Untitled_1 (Nov 27, 2015, 11:16:58 PM) LogPlayLevel: Creating play world package: /Temp/UEDPIE_0_Untitled_1 LogPlayLevel: PIE: StaticDuplicateObject took: (0.002068s) LogAIModule: Creating AISystem for world Untitled_1 LogPlayLevel: PIE: World Init took: (0.000616s) LogPlayLevel: PIE: Created PIE world by copying editor world from /Temp/Untitled_1.Untitled_1 to /Temp/UEDPIE_0_Untitled_1.Untitled_1 (0.002854s) LogInit: XAudio2 using 'Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)' : 2 channels at 48 kHz using 32 bits per sample (channel mask 0x3) LogInit: FAudioDevice initialized. LogWorld: Game class is 'GameMode' LogWorld: Bringing World /Temp/UEDPIE_0_Untitled_1.Untitled_1 up for play (max tick rate 0) at 2015.11.27-17.46.58 LogActor:Warning: GameSession /Temp/UEDPIE_0_Untitled_1.Untitled_1:PersistentLevel.GameSession_0 has natively added scene component(s), but none of them were set as the actor's RootComponent - picking one arbitrarily LogActor:Warning: GameNetworkManager /Temp/UEDPIE_0_Untitled_1.Untitled_1:PersistentLevel.GameNetworkManager_0 has natively added scene component(s), but none of them were set as the actor's RootComponent - picking one arbitrarily LogWorld: Bringing up level for play took: 0.001895 PIE: Info Play in editor start time for /Temp/UEDPIE_0_Untitled_1 0.566 LogParticles: Destroying 0 GPU particle simulations for FXSystem 0x0000000012BFB600 LogMetaData: Removing '/Game/MyCharacter.MyCharacter:UserConstructionScript.K2Node_FunctionEntry_0' ref from Metadata '/Game/NewBlueprint.PackageMetaData' LogMetaData: Removing '/Game/MyCharacter.SKEL_MyCharacter_C' ref from Metadata '/Game/NewBlueprint.PackageMetaData' LogMetaData: Removing '/Game/MyCharacter.MyCharacter_C' ref from Metadata '/Game/NewBlueprint.PackageMetaData' LogMetaData: Removing '/Game/MyCharacter.MyCharacter:EventGraph.K2Node_Event_0' ref from Metadata '/Game/NewBlueprint.PackageMetaData' LogMetaData: Removing '/Game/MyCharacter.MyCharacter:EventGraph.K2Node_Event_1' ref from Metadata '/Game/NewBlueprint.PackageMetaData' LogMetaData: Removing '/Game/MyCharacter.MyCharacter:EventGraph.K2Node_Event_2' ref from Metadata '/Game/NewBlueprint.PackageMetaData' Cmd: OBJ SAVEPACKAGE PACKAGE="/Game/MyCharacter" FILE="../../../../../../Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Content/MyCharacter.uasset" SILENT=true LogSavePackage: Save=13.544001ms LogSavePackage: Moving '../../../../../../Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/MyCharacterE9CCB04649E6600A661ECF91AD3C3D18.tmp' to '../../../../../../Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Content/MyCharacter.uasset' LogSavePackage: Total save time: 22.345304ms LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage ../../../../../../Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Content/MyCharacter.uasset LogLinker:Warning: Asset '../../../Engine/Content/ArtTools/RenderToTexture/Macros/RenderToTextureMacros.uasset' has been saved with empty engine version. The asset will be loaded but may be incompatible. LogContentBrowser: Native class hierarchy updated for 'BlueprintGraph' in 0.0008 seconds. Added 107 classes and 0 folders. LogRenderer: Reallocating scene render targets to support 1092x680 (Frame:2962). BlueprintLog: New page: Compile MyCharacter BlueprintEditorCompileResults: Info [0117.80] Compile of MyCharacter successful! [in 59 ms] BlueprintLog: New page: Compile MyCharacter BlueprintEditorCompileResults: Info [0120.03] Compile of MyCharacter successful! [in 54 ms] Cmd: OBJ SAVEPACKAGE PACKAGE="/Game/MyCharacter" FILE="../../../../../../Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Content/MyCharacter.uasset" SILENT=true LogSavePackage: Save=17.309948ms LogSavePackage: Moving '../../../../../../Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/MyCharacter8CD1B1434F037AECB7C05E8F0995217B.tmp' to '../../../../../../Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Content/MyCharacter.uasset' LogSavePackage: Total save time: 24.154782ms LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage ../../../../../../Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Content/MyCharacter.uasset BlueprintLog: New page: Compile MyCharacter BlueprintEditorCompileResults: Info [0127.96] Compile of MyCharacter successful! [in 71 ms] Cmd: OBJ SAVEPACKAGE PACKAGE="/Game/MyCharacter" FILE="../../../../../../Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Content/MyCharacter.uasset" SILENT=true LogSavePackage: Save=14.922085ms LogSavePackage: Moving '../../../../../../Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/MyCharacterC371E49D43B142B06FCE3B9F1531D01D.tmp' to '../../../../../../Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Content/MyCharacter.uasset' LogSavePackage: Total save time: 21.466002ms LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage ../../../../../../Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Content/MyCharacter.uasset BlueprintLog: New page: Compile MyCharacter BlueprintEditorCompileResults: Info [0142.55] Compile of MyCharacter successful! [in 59 ms] Cmd: OBJ SAVEPACKAGE PACKAGE="/Game/MyCharacter" FILE="../../../../../../Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Content/MyCharacter.uasset" SILENT=true LogSavePackage: Save=16.164738ms LogSavePackage: Moving '../../../../../../Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/MyCharacter566B83734ACCC3C709323F87E42F789A.tmp' to '../../../../../../Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Content/MyCharacter.uasset' LogSavePackage: Total save time: 22.612531ms LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage ../../../../../../Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Content/MyCharacter.uasset BlueprintLog: New page: Compile MyCharacter BlueprintEditorCompileResults: Info [0147.50] Compile of MyCharacter successful! [in 59 ms] Cmd: OBJ SAVEPACKAGE PACKAGE="/Game/MyCharacter" FILE="../../../../../../Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Content/MyCharacter.uasset" SILENT=true LogSavePackage: Save=16.170685ms LogSavePackage: Moving '../../../../../../Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/MyCharacterAE1F9E264C358F4092FE8D9C5595E815.tmp' to '../../../../../../Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Content/MyCharacter.uasset' LogSavePackage: Total save time: 22.646226ms LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage ../../../../../../Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Content/MyCharacter.uasset BlueprintLog: New page: Compile MyCharacter BlueprintEditorCompileResults: Info [0152.06] Compile of MyCharacter successful! [in 56 ms] Cmd: OBJ SAVEPACKAGE PACKAGE="/Game/MyCharacter" FILE="../../../../../../Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Content/MyCharacter.uasset" SILENT=true LogSavePackage: Save=15.752172ms LogSavePackage: Moving '../../../../../../Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/MyCharacter33E8838649B199C06DD7EEABFECDDB5F.tmp' to '../../../../../../Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Content/MyCharacter.uasset' LogSavePackage: Total save time: 21.651309ms LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage ../../../../../../Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Content/MyCharacter.uasset BlueprintLog: New page: Compile MyCharacter BlueprintEditorCompileResults: Info [0175.25] Compile of MyCharacter successful! [in 57 ms] Cmd: OBJ SAVEPACKAGE PACKAGE="/Game/MyCharacter" FILE="../../../../../../Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Content/MyCharacter.uasset" SILENT=true LogSavePackage: Save=19.708714ms LogSavePackage: Moving '../../../../../../Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/MyCharacter46B88FD54F01D4487C171A8C38901E19.tmp' to '../../../../../../Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Content/MyCharacter.uasset' LogSavePackage: Total save time: 25.591996ms LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage ../../../../../../Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Content/MyCharacter.uasset LogPlayLevel: PlayLevel: No blueprints needed recompiling PIE: New page: PIE session: Untitled_1 (Nov 27, 2015, 11:19:44 PM) LogPlayLevel: Creating play world package: /Temp/UEDPIE_0_Untitled_1 LogPlayLevel: PIE: StaticDuplicateObject took: (0.001878s) LogAIModule: Creating AISystem for world Untitled_1 LogPlayLevel: PIE: World Init took: (0.000767s) LogPlayLevel: PIE: Created PIE world by copying editor world from /Temp/Untitled_1.Untitled_1 to /Temp/UEDPIE_0_Untitled_1.Untitled_1 (0.002810s) LogInit: XAudio2 using 'Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)' : 2 channels at 48 kHz using 32 bits per sample (channel mask 0x3) LogInit: FAudioDevice initialized. LogWorld: Game class is 'GameMode' LogWorld: Bringing World /Temp/UEDPIE_0_Untitled_1.Untitled_1 up for play (max tick rate 0) at 2015.11.27-17.49.44 LogActor:Warning: GameSession /Temp/UEDPIE_0_Untitled_1.Untitled_1:PersistentLevel.GameSession_1 has natively added scene component(s), but none of them were set as the actor's RootComponent - picking one arbitrarily LogActor:Warning: GameNetworkManager /Temp/UEDPIE_0_Untitled_1.Untitled_1:PersistentLevel.GameNetworkManager_1 has natively added scene component(s), but none of them were set as the actor's RootComponent - picking one arbitrarily LogWorld: Bringing up level for play took: 0.002156 PIE: Info Play in editor start time for /Temp/UEDPIE_0_Untitled_1 1.088 LogRenderer: Reallocating scene render targets to support 1280x720 (Frame:18563). LogParticles: Destroying 0 GPU particle simulations for FXSystem 0x000000005C823C40 LogSlate:Warning: Prevented a slow task dialog from being summoned while a context menu was open Cmd: UpdateLandscapeSetup Cmd: UpdateLandscapeSetup LogMetaData: Removing '/Game/GameMode.GameMode:EventGraph.K2Node_Event_127' ref from Metadata '/Game/NewBlueprint.PackageMetaData' LogMetaData: Removing '/Game/GameMode.GameMode_C' ref from Metadata '/Game/NewBlueprint.PackageMetaData' LogMetaData: Removing '/Game/GameMode.SKEL_GameMode_C' ref from Metadata '/Game/NewBlueprint.PackageMetaData' LogMetaData: Removing '/Game/GameMode.GameMode:UserConstructionScript.K2Node_FunctionEntry_20' ref from Metadata '/Game/NewBlueprint.PackageMetaData' LogMetaData: Removing '/Game/GameMode.GameMode:EventGraph.K2Node_Event_128' ref from Metadata '/Game/NewBlueprint.PackageMetaData' Cmd: OBJ SAVEPACKAGE PACKAGE="/Game/GameMode" FILE="../../../../../../Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Content/GameMode.uasset" SILENT=true LogSavePackage: Save=9.133274ms LogSavePackage: Moving '../../../../../../Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/GameModeB7215BAD4A524ACDEFE261954F24C328.tmp' to '../../../../../../Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Content/GameMode.uasset' LogSavePackage: Total save time: 14.896322ms LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage ../../../../../../Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Content/GameMode.uasset LogSlate:Warning: Prevented a slow task dialog from being summoned while a context menu was open LogMetaData: Removing '/Game/MyGameMode.MyGameMode_C' ref from Metadata '/Game/GameMode.PackageMetaData' LogMetaData: Removing '/Game/MyGameMode.SKEL_MyGameMode_C' ref from Metadata '/Game/GameMode.PackageMetaData' LogMetaData: Removing '/Game/MyGameMode.MyGameMode:UserConstructionScript.K2Node_FunctionEntry_20' ref from Metadata '/Game/GameMode.PackageMetaData' LogMetaData: Removing '/Game/MyGameMode.MyGameMode:EventGraph.K2Node_Event_127' ref from Metadata '/Game/GameMode.PackageMetaData' LogMetaData: Removing '/Game/MyGameMode.MyGameMode:EventGraph.K2Node_Event_128' ref from Metadata '/Game/GameMode.PackageMetaData' Cmd: OBJ SAVEPACKAGE PACKAGE="/Game/MyGameMode" FILE="../../../../../../Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Content/MyGameMode.uasset" SILENT=true LogSavePackage: Save=9.090663ms LogSavePackage: Moving '../../../../../../Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/MyGameMode314F8FC2471DD0AA7A7001ABFD09023F.tmp' to '../../../../../../Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Content/MyGameMode.uasset' LogSavePackage: Total save time: 14.138572ms LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage ../../../../../../Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Content/MyGameMode.uasset LogSlate:Warning: Prevented a slow task dialog from being summoned while a context menu was open Cmd: UpdateLandscapeSetup Cmd: OBJ SAVEPACKAGE PACKAGE="/Game/NewMap" FILE="../../../../../../Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Content/NewMap.umap" SILENT=true AUTOSAVING=false KEEPDIRTY=false LogSavePackage: Save=18.797037ms LogSavePackage: Moving '../../../../../../Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/NewMap215AB1944E600C8C3D5DBAA05A59888B.tmp' to '../../../../../../Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Content/NewMap.umap' LogSavePackage: Total save time: 22.992395ms LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage ../../../../../../Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Content/NewMap.umap LogFileHelpers: Saving map 'NewMap' took 0.685 Cmd: OBJ SAVEPACKAGE PACKAGE="/Game/NewMap" FILE="../../../../../../Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Content/NewMap.umap" SILENT=true AUTOSAVING=false KEEPDIRTY=false LogSavePackage: Save=18.917933ms LogSavePackage: Moving '../../../../../../Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/NewMap31CEDED648DB568C9D7093BB71F9D4FF.tmp' to '../../../../../../Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Content/NewMap.umap' LogSavePackage: Total save time: 25.068443ms LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage ../../../../../../Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Content/NewMap.umap LogPlayLevel: PlayLevel: No blueprints needed recompiling PIE: New page: PIE session: NewMap (Nov 27, 2015, 11:20:51 PM) LogPlayLevel: Creating play world package: /Game/UEDPIE_0_NewMap LogPlayLevel: PIE: StaticDuplicateObject took: (0.001354s) LogAIModule: Creating AISystem for world NewMap LogPlayLevel: PIE: World Init took: (0.000704s) LogPlayLevel: PIE: Created PIE world by copying editor world from /Game/NewMap.NewMap to /Game/UEDPIE_0_NewMap.NewMap (0.002218s) LogInit: XAudio2 using 'Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)' : 2 channels at 48 kHz using 32 bits per sample (channel mask 0x3) LogInit: FAudioDevice initialized. LogWorld: Game class is 'MyGameMode_C' LogWorld: Bringing World /Game/UEDPIE_0_NewMap.NewMap up for play (max tick rate 0) at 2015.11.27-17.50.51 LogActor:Warning: GameSession /Game/UEDPIE_0_NewMap.NewMap:PersistentLevel.GameSession_2 has natively added scene component(s), but none of them were set as the actor's RootComponent - picking one arbitrarily LogActor:Warning: GameNetworkManager /Game/UEDPIE_0_NewMap.NewMap:PersistentLevel.GameNetworkManager_2 has natively added scene component(s), but none of them were set as the actor's RootComponent - picking one arbitrarily LogWorld: Bringing up level for play took: 0.001812 LogBlueprintUserMessages: [MyCharacter_C_0] false PIE: Info Play in editor start time for /Game/UEDPIE_0_NewMap -0.297 LogParticles: Destroying 0 GPU particle simulations for FXSystem 0x000000004B94DDA0 LogPlayLevel: PlayLevel: No blueprints needed recompiling PIE: New page: PIE session: NewMap (Nov 27, 2015, 11:20:58 PM) LogPlayLevel: Creating play world package: /Game/UEDPIE_0_NewMap LogPlayLevel: PIE: StaticDuplicateObject took: (0.001342s) LogAIModule: Creating AISystem for world NewMap LogPlayLevel: PIE: World Init took: (0.000518s) LogPlayLevel: PIE: Created PIE world by copying editor world from /Game/NewMap.NewMap to /Game/UEDPIE_0_NewMap.NewMap (0.001999s) LogInit: XAudio2 using 'Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)' : 2 channels at 48 kHz using 32 bits per sample (channel mask 0x3) LogInit: FAudioDevice initialized. LogWorld: Game class is 'MyGameMode_C' LogWorld: Bringing World /Game/UEDPIE_0_NewMap.NewMap up for play (max tick rate 0) at 2015.11.27-17.50.58 LogActor:Warning: GameSession /Game/UEDPIE_0_NewMap.NewMap:PersistentLevel.GameSession_3 has natively added scene component(s), but none of them were set as the actor's RootComponent - picking one arbitrarily LogActor:Warning: GameNetworkManager /Game/UEDPIE_0_NewMap.NewMap:PersistentLevel.GameNetworkManager_3 has natively added scene component(s), but none of them were set as the actor's RootComponent - picking one arbitrarily LogWorld: Bringing up level for play took: 0.001713 LogBlueprintDebug:Warning: Hit breakpoint on node 'K2Node_Event', from offset 10 LogBlueprintDebug: Script call stack: Function /Game/MyCharacter.MyCharacter_C:ExecuteUbergraph_MyCharacter LogBlueprintDebug:Warning: Hit breakpoint on node 'CallFunc_PrintString', from offset 226 LogBlueprintDebug: Script call stack: Function /Game/MyCharacter.MyCharacter_C:ExecuteUbergraph_MyCharacter LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from 'Event BeginPlay' to 'Print String'. LogBlueprintUserMessages: [MyCharacter_C_1] false PIE: Info Play in editor start time for /Game/UEDPIE_0_NewMap 11.283 LogParticles: Destroying 0 GPU particle simulations for FXSystem 0x000000004C367380 LogPlayLevel: PlayLevel: No blueprints needed recompiling PIE: New page: PIE session: NewMap (Nov 27, 2015, 11:21:12 PM) LogPlayLevel: Creating play world package: /Game/UEDPIE_0_NewMap LogPlayLevel: PIE: StaticDuplicateObject took: (0.001275s) LogAIModule: Creating AISystem for world NewMap LogPlayLevel: PIE: World Init took: (0.000573s) LogPlayLevel: PIE: Created PIE world by copying editor world from /Game/NewMap.NewMap to /Game/UEDPIE_0_NewMap.NewMap (0.001998s) LogInit: XAudio2 using 'Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)' : 2 channels at 48 kHz using 32 bits per sample (channel mask 0x3) LogInit: FAudioDevice initialized. LogWorld: Game class is 'MyGameMode_C' LogWorld: Bringing World /Game/UEDPIE_0_NewMap.NewMap up for play (max tick rate 0) at 2015.11.27-17.51.12 LogActor:Warning: GameSession /Game/UEDPIE_0_NewMap.NewMap:PersistentLevel.GameSession_4 has natively added scene component(s), but none of them were set as the actor's RootComponent - picking one arbitrarily LogActor:Warning: GameNetworkManager /Game/UEDPIE_0_NewMap.NewMap:PersistentLevel.GameNetworkManager_4 has natively added scene component(s), but none of them were set as the actor's RootComponent - picking one arbitrarily LogWorld: Bringing up level for play took: 0.001924 LogBlueprintUserMessages: [MyCharacter_C_2] false PIE: Info Play in editor start time for /Game/UEDPIE_0_NewMap -0.738 LogParticles: Destroying 0 GPU particle simulations for FXSystem 0x0000000044C8A160 BlueprintLog: New page: Compile MyCharacter BlueprintEditorCompileResults: Info [0277.71] Compile of MyCharacter successful! [in 58 ms] LogPlayLevel: PlayLevel: No blueprints needed recompiling PIE: New page: PIE session: NewMap (Nov 27, 2015, 11:21:17 PM) LogPlayLevel: Creating play world package: /Game/UEDPIE_0_NewMap LogPlayLevel: PIE: StaticDuplicateObject took: (0.001356s) LogAIModule: Creating AISystem for world NewMap LogPlayLevel: PIE: World Init took: (0.000545s) LogPlayLevel: PIE: Created PIE world by copying editor world from /Game/NewMap.NewMap to /Game/UEDPIE_0_NewMap.NewMap (0.002086s) LogInit: XAudio2 using 'Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)' : 2 channels at 48 kHz using 32 bits per sample (channel mask 0x3) LogInit: FAudioDevice initialized. LogWorld: Game class is 'MyGameMode_C' LogWorld: Bringing World /Game/UEDPIE_0_NewMap.NewMap up for play (max tick rate 0) at 2015.11.27-17.51.17 LogActor:Warning: GameSession /Game/UEDPIE_0_NewMap.NewMap:PersistentLevel.GameSession_5 has natively added scene component(s), but none of them were set as the actor's RootComponent - picking one arbitrarily LogActor:Warning: GameNetworkManager /Game/UEDPIE_0_NewMap.NewMap:PersistentLevel.GameNetworkManager_5 has natively added scene component(s), but none of them were set as the actor's RootComponent - picking one arbitrarily LogWorld: Bringing up level for play took: 0.001906 LogBlueprintUserMessages: [MyCharacter_C_0] PIE: Info Play in editor start time for /Game/UEDPIE_0_NewMap 0.189 LogParticles: Destroying 0 GPU particle simulations for FXSystem 0x000000003C0B7F60 BlueprintLog: New page: Compile MyCharacter BlueprintEditorCompileResults: Info [0283.34] Compile of MyCharacter successful! [in 58 ms] BlueprintLog: New page: Compile MyCharacter BlueprintEditorCompileResults: Info [0285.64] Compile of MyCharacter successful! [in 56 ms] LogPlayLevel: PlayLevel: No blueprints needed recompiling PIE: New page: PIE session: NewMap (Nov 27, 2015, 11:21:26 PM) LogPlayLevel: Creating play world package: /Game/UEDPIE_0_NewMap LogPlayLevel: PIE: StaticDuplicateObject took: (0.001255s) LogAIModule: Creating AISystem for world NewMap LogPlayLevel: PIE: World Init took: (0.000529s) LogPlayLevel: PIE: Created PIE world by copying editor world from /Game/NewMap.NewMap to /Game/UEDPIE_0_NewMap.NewMap (0.001929s) LogInit: XAudio2 using 'Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)' : 2 channels at 48 kHz using 32 bits per sample (channel mask 0x3) LogInit: FAudioDevice initialized. LogWorld: Game class is 'MyGameMode_C' LogWorld: Bringing World /Game/UEDPIE_0_NewMap.NewMap up for play (max tick rate 0) at 2015.11.27-17.51.26 LogActor:Warning: GameSession /Game/UEDPIE_0_NewMap.NewMap:PersistentLevel.GameSession_6 has natively added scene component(s), but none of them were set as the actor's RootComponent - picking one arbitrarily LogActor:Warning: GameNetworkManager /Game/UEDPIE_0_NewMap.NewMap:PersistentLevel.GameNetworkManager_6 has natively added scene component(s), but none of them were set as the actor's RootComponent - picking one arbitrarily LogWorld: Bringing up level for play took: 0.001998 LogBlueprintUserMessages: [MyCharacter_C_0] PIE: Info Play in editor start time for /Game/UEDPIE_0_NewMap 0.494 LogParticles: Destroying 0 GPU particle simulations for FXSystem 0x000000004A3ADB20 LogPlayLevel: PlayLevel: No blueprints needed recompiling PIE: New page: PIE session: NewMap (Nov 27, 2015, 11:21:31 PM) LogPlayLevel: Creating play world package: /Game/UEDPIE_0_NewMap LogPlayLevel: PIE: StaticDuplicateObject took: (0.001417s) LogAIModule: Creating AISystem for world NewMap LogPlayLevel: PIE: World Init took: (0.000596s) LogPlayLevel: PIE: Created PIE world by copying editor world from /Game/NewMap.NewMap to /Game/UEDPIE_0_NewMap.NewMap (0.002159s) LogInit: XAudio2 using 'Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)' : 2 channels at 48 kHz using 32 bits per sample (channel mask 0x3) LogInit: FAudioDevice initialized. LogWorld: Game class is 'MyGameMode_C' LogWorld: Bringing World /Game/UEDPIE_0_NewMap.NewMap up for play (max tick rate 0) at 2015.11.27-17.51.31 LogActor:Warning: GameSession /Game/UEDPIE_0_NewMap.NewMap:PersistentLevel.GameSession_7 has natively added scene component(s), but none of them were set as the actor's RootComponent - picking one arbitrarily LogActor:Warning: GameNetworkManager /Game/UEDPIE_0_NewMap.NewMap:PersistentLevel.GameNetworkManager_7 has natively added scene component(s), but none of them were set as the actor's RootComponent - picking one arbitrarily LogWorld: Bringing up level for play took: 0.001866 LogBlueprintUserMessages: [MyCharacter_C_1] PIE: Info Play in editor start time for /Game/UEDPIE_0_NewMap 0.149 LogParticles: Destroying 0 GPU particle simulations for FXSystem 0x000000005C89CD60 BlueprintLog: New page: Compile MyCharacter BlueprintEditorCompileResults: Info [0297.97] Compile of MyCharacter successful! [in 73 ms] LogPlayLevel: PlayLevel: No blueprints needed recompiling PIE: New page: PIE session: NewMap (Nov 27, 2015, 11:21:37 PM) LogPlayLevel: Creating play world package: /Game/UEDPIE_0_NewMap LogPlayLevel: PIE: StaticDuplicateObject took: (0.001525s) LogAIModule: Creating AISystem for world NewMap LogPlayLevel: PIE: World Init took: (0.000522s) LogPlayLevel: PIE: Created PIE world by copying editor world from /Game/NewMap.NewMap to /Game/UEDPIE_0_NewMap.NewMap (0.002187s) LogInit: XAudio2 using 'Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)' : 2 channels at 48 kHz using 32 bits per sample (channel mask 0x3) LogInit: FAudioDevice initialized. LogWorld: Game class is 'MyGameMode_C' LogWorld: Bringing World /Game/UEDPIE_0_NewMap.NewMap up for play (max tick rate 0) at 2015.11.27-17.51.37 LogActor:Warning: GameSession /Game/UEDPIE_0_NewMap.NewMap:PersistentLevel.GameSession_8 has natively added scene component(s), but none of them were set as the actor's RootComponent - picking one arbitrarily LogActor:Warning: GameNetworkManager /Game/UEDPIE_0_NewMap.NewMap:PersistentLevel.GameNetworkManager_8 has natively added scene component(s), but none of them were set as the actor's RootComponent - picking one arbitrarily LogWorld: Bringing up level for play took: 0.002042 LogBlueprintUserMessages: [MyCharacter_C_1] PIE: Info Play in editor start time for /Game/UEDPIE_0_NewMap 0.235 LogParticles: Destroying 0 GPU particle simulations for FXSystem 0x000000003779EE80 BlueprintLog: New page: Compile MyCharacter BlueprintEditorCompileResults: Info [0335.99] Compile of MyCharacter successful! [in 63 ms] Cmd: OBJ SAVEPACKAGE PACKAGE="/Game/MyCharacter" FILE="../../../../../../Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Content/MyCharacter.uasset" SILENT=true LogSavePackage: Save=18.499090ms LogSavePackage: Moving '../../../../../../Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/MyCharacterFE8CC0644C68C88EF01725BED24758E2.tmp' to '../../../../../../Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Content/MyCharacter.uasset' LogSavePackage: Total save time: 36.939386ms LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage ../../../../../../Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Content/MyCharacter.uasset LogPlayLevel: PlayLevel: No blueprints needed recompiling PIE: New page: PIE session: NewMap (Nov 27, 2015, 11:22:16 PM) LogPlayLevel: Creating play world package: /Game/UEDPIE_0_NewMap LogPlayLevel: PIE: StaticDuplicateObject took: (0.001597s) LogAIModule: Creating AISystem for world NewMap LogPlayLevel: PIE: World Init took: (0.000573s) LogPlayLevel: PIE: Created PIE world by copying editor world from /Game/NewMap.NewMap to /Game/UEDPIE_0_NewMap.NewMap (0.002328s) LogInit: XAudio2 using 'Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)' : 2 channels at 48 kHz using 32 bits per sample (channel mask 0x3) LogInit: FAudioDevice initialized. LogWorld: Game class is 'MyGameMode_C' LogWorld: Bringing World /Game/UEDPIE_0_NewMap.NewMap up for play (max tick rate 0) at 2015.11.27-17.52.16 LogActor:Warning: GameSession /Game/UEDPIE_0_NewMap.NewMap:PersistentLevel.GameSession_9 has natively added scene component(s), but none of them were set as the actor's RootComponent - picking one arbitrarily LogActor:Warning: GameNetworkManager /Game/UEDPIE_0_NewMap.NewMap:PersistentLevel.GameNetworkManager_9 has natively added scene component(s), but none of them were set as the actor's RootComponent - picking one arbitrarily LogWorld: Bringing up level for play took: 0.001885 PIE: Info Play in editor start time for /Game/UEDPIE_0_NewMap 0.841 LogParticles: Destroying 0 GPU particle simulations for FXSystem 0x0000000012F61B20 Cmd: OBJ SAVEPACKAGE PACKAGE="/Game/NewBlueprint" FILE="../../../../../../Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Content/NewBlueprint.uasset" SILENT=true LogSavePackage: Save=1.619876ms LogSavePackage: Moving '../../../../../../Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/NewBlueprintA33C044348260E35ACD61AA6F12A7827.tmp' to '../../../../../../Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Content/NewBlueprint.uasset' LogSavePackage: Total save time: 6.385036ms LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage ../../../../../../Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Content/NewBlueprint.uasset Cmd: OBJ SAVEPACKAGE PACKAGE="/Game/MyGameMode" FILE="../../../../../../Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Content/MyGameMode.uasset" SILENT=true LogSavePackage: Save=8.883884ms LogSavePackage: Moving '../../../../../../Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/MyGameModeFBD2B9E846E1C88BC465C186858E7F8C.tmp' to '../../../../../../Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Content/MyGameMode.uasset' LogSavePackage: Total save time: 16.747419ms LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage ../../../../../../Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Content/MyGameMode.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): Running AutomationTool... MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): Program.Main: CWD=C:\Program Files\Epic Games\4.10\Engine\Binaries\DotNET MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): Automation.ParseCommandLine: Parsing command line: BuildCookRun -rocket -nocompile -nocompileeditor -installed -nop4 -project=C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/MacroBugTest.uproject -cook -stage -archive -archivedirectory=D:/PackagedUE4Projects/MacroBugTest -package -clientconfig=Development -ue4exe=UE4Editor-Cmd.exe -pak -prereqs -nodebuginfo -targetplatform=Win64 -CrashReporter -utf8output MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): Automation.Process: IsBuildMachine=False MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): Automation.Process: ShouldKillProcesses=True MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): Automation.Process: Setting up command environment. MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): CommandUtils.SetEnvVar: SetEnvVar uebp_EngineSavedFolder=C:/Program Files/Epic Games/4.10/Engine/Programs/AutomationTool/Saved MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): CommandUtils.DeleteDirectoryContents: DeleteDirectoryContents(C:/Users/Rohit/AppData/Roaming/Unreal Engine/AutomationTool/Logs/C+Program+Files+Epic+Games+4.10) MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): WindowsHostPlatform.SetFrameworkVars: Setting .Net Framework environment variables. MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): WindowsHostPlatform.SetFrameworkVars: Supports64bitExecutables=True MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): WindowsHostPlatform.SetFrameworkVars: WindowsPlatform.CompilerVisualStudio2015 MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): CommandEnvironment.SetupBuildEnvironment: WARNING: SetFrameworkVars failed. Assuming no compilation capability. MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectUtils.CleanupFolders: Cleaning up project rules folder MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): Automation.Process: Compiling scripts. MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ScriptCompiler.LoadPreCompiledScriptAssemblies: Loading precompiled script DLLs MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ScriptCompiler.LoadPreCompiledScriptAssemblies: Found 9 script DLL(s). MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): BuildCookRun.SetupParams: Setting up ProjectParams for C:\Users\Rohit\Documents\Unreal Projects\MacroBugTest\MacroBugTest.uproject MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: Project Params ************** MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: AdditionalServerMapParams= MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: Archive=True MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: ArchiveMetaData=False MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: CreateAppBundle=True MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: BaseArchiveDirectory=D:\PackagedUE4Projects\MacroBugTest MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: BaseStageDirectory=C:\Users\Rohit\Documents\Unreal Projects\MacroBugTest\Saved\StagedBuilds MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: Build=False MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: Cook=True MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: Clean= MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: Client=False MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: ClientConfigsToBuild=Development MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: ClientCookedTargets=UE4Game MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: ClientTargetPlatform=Win64 MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: Compressed=False MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: UseDebugParamForEditorExe=False MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: CookFlavor= MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: CookOnTheFly=False MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: CookOnTheFlyStreaming=False MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: UnversionedCookedContent=False MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: SkipCookingEditorContent=False MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: NumCookersToSpawn=0 MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: GeneratePatch=False MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: CreateReleaseVersion= MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: BasedOnReleaseVersion= MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: DLCName= MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: DLCIncludeEngineContent=False MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: AdditionalCookerOptions= MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: DedicatedServer=False MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: DirectoriesToCook= MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: CulturesToCook= MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: EditorTargets= MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: Foreign=False MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: IsCodeBasedProject=False MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: IsProgramTarget=False MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: IterativeCooking=False MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: CookAll=False MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: CookMapsOnly=False MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: Deploy=False MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: IterativeDeploy=False MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: FastCook=False MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: LogWindow=False MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: Manifests=False MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: MapToRun= MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: NoClient=False MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: NumClients=0 MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: NoDebugInfo=True MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: NoCleanStage=False MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: NoXGE=False MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: MapsToCook= MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: Pak=True MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: Package=True MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: NullRHI=False MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: FakeClient=False MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: EditorTest=False MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: RunAutomationTests=False MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: RunAutomationTest= MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: RunTimeoutSeconds=0 MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: CrashIndex=0 MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: ProgramTargets= MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: ProjectBinariesFolder=C:\Program Files\Epic Games\4.10\Engine\Binaries\Win64 MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: ProjectBinariesPath=C:\Program Files\Epic Games\4.10\Engine\Binaries\Win64 MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: ProjectGameExeFilename=C:\Program Files\Epic Games\4.10\Engine\Binaries\Win64\UE4Game.exe MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: ProjectGameExePath=C:\Program Files\Epic Games\4.10\Engine\Binaries\Win64\UE4Game.exe MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: Distribution=False MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: Prebuilt=False MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: Prereqs=True MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: NoBootstrapExe=False MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: RawProjectPath=C:\Users\Rohit\Documents\Unreal Projects\MacroBugTest\MacroBugTest.uproject MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: Rocket=True MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: Run=False MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: ServerConfigsToBuild=Development MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: ServerCookedTargets= MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: ServerTargetPlatform=Win64 MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: ShortProjectName=MacroBugTest MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: SignedPak=False MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: SignPak= MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: SkipCook=False MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: SkipCookOnTheFly=False MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: SkipPak=False MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: SkipStage=False MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: Stage=True MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: bUsesSteam=False MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: bUsesCEF3=False MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: bUsesSlate=True MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: bDebugBuildsActuallyUseDebugCRT=False MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProjectParams.ValidateAndLog: Project Params ************** MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): Project.Cook: ********** COOK COMMAND STARTED ********** MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): CommandUtils.RunCommandlet: Running UE4Editor Cook for project C:\Users\Rohit\Documents\Unreal Projects\MacroBugTest\MacroBugTest.uproject MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): CommandUtils.RunCommandlet: Commandlet log file is C:\Program Files\Epic Games\4.10\Engine\Programs\AutomationTool\Saved\Cook-2015.11.27-17.52.43.txt MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): CommandUtils.Run: Run: C:\Program Files\Epic Games\4.10\Engine\Binaries\Win64\UE4Editor-Cmd.exe "C:\Users\Rohit\Documents\Unreal Projects\MacroBugTest\MacroBugTest.uproject" -run=Cook -I18NPreset= -TargetPlatform=WindowsNoEditor -fileopenlog -abslog="C:\Program Files\Epic Games\4.10\Engine\Programs\AutomationTool\Saved\Cook-2015.11.27-17.52.43.txt" -stdout -FORCELOGFLUSH -CrashForUAT -unattended -UTF8Output MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: LogInit:Display: Running engine for game: MacroBugTest MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: LogInit:Display: RandInit(136644642) SRandInit(136644644). MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.22.46:764][ 0]LogShaderCompilers:Display: Using Local Shader Compiler. MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.22.49:273][ 0]LogTemp:Display: Loaded TP AllDesktopTargetPlatform MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.22.49:279][ 0]LogTemp:Display: Loaded TP WindowsClientTargetPlatform MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.22.49:285][ 0]LogTemp:Display: Loaded TP WindowsNoEditorTargetPlatform MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.22.49:290][ 0]LogTemp:Display: Loaded TP WindowsServerTargetPlatform MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.22.49:296][ 0]LogTemp:Display: Loaded TP WindowsTargetPlatform MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.22.49:300][ 0]LogTemp:Display: Loaded TP AndroidTargetPlatform MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.22.49:303][ 0]LogTemp:Display: Loaded TP Android_ASTCTargetPlatform MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.22.49:306][ 0]LogTemp:Display: Loaded TP Android_ATCTargetPlatform MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.22.49:310][ 0]LogTemp:Display: Loaded TP Android_DXTTargetPlatform MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.22.49:313][ 0]LogTemp:Display: Loaded TP Android_ETC1TargetPlatform MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.22.49:316][ 0]LogTemp:Display: Loaded TP Android_ETC2TargetPlatform MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.22.49:323][ 0]LogTemp:Display: Loaded TP Android_MultiTargetPlatform MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.22.49:323][ 0]LogTemp:Display: Loaded TP Android_PVRTCTargetPlatform MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.22.49:324][ 0]LogTemp:Display: Loaded TP HTML5TargetPlatform MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.22.49:341][ 0]LogTemp:Display: Loaded TP IOSTargetPlatform MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.22.49:344][ 0]LogTemp:Display: Loaded TP LinuxNoEditorTargetPlatform MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.22.49:347][ 0]LogTemp:Display: Loaded TP LinuxServerTargetPlatform MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.22.49:351][ 0]LogTemp:Display: Loaded TP LinuxTargetPlatform MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.22.49:351][ 0]LogTargetPlatformManager:Display: Building Assets For WindowsNoEditor MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.22.49:448][ 0]LogDerivedDataCache:Display: Max Cache Size: 512 MB MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.22.49:492][ 0]LogDerivedDataCache:Display: Loaded Boot cache: C:/Users/Rohit/AppData/Local/UnrealEngine/4.10/DerivedDataCache/Boot.ddc MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.22.49:553][ 0]LogDerivedDataCache:Display: Pak cache opened for reading ../../../Engine/DerivedDataCache/Compressed.ddp. MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.22.50:171][ 0]LogLinker:Warning: Can't find file '/Engine/Transient' MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.22.50:171][ 0]LogUObjectGlobals:Warning: Failed to load '/Engine/Transient': Can't find file '/Engine/Transient' MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.22.50:171][ 0]LogUObjectGlobals:Warning: Failed to find object 'Class /Engine/Transient.REINST_TopDownOverview_C_230' MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.22.52:557][ 0]LogCook:Display: Done creating registry. It took 0.20s. MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.05:932][ 0]LogLinker:Warning: Can't find file '/Engine/Transient' MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.05:932][ 0]LogUObjectGlobals:Warning: Failed to load '/Engine/Transient': Can't find file '/Engine/Transient' MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.05:932][ 0]LogUObjectGlobals:Warning: Failed to find object 'Object /Engine/Transient.REINST_TopDownOverview_C_230' MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.05:958][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/MobileResources/HUD/VirtualJoystick_Thumb -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/MobileResources/HUD/VirtualJoystick_Thumb.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.05:976][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/MobileResources/HUD/VirtualJoystick_Thumb.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.05:977][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EditorResources/S_Actor -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EditorResources/S_Actor.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.05:979][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EditorResources/S_Actor.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.05:979][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/Maps/Templates/Thumbnails/Default -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Maps/Templates/Thumbnails/Default.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:005][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Maps/Templates/Thumbnails/Default.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:006][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EditorMaterials/ParticleSystems/PSysThumbnail_NoImage -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EditorMaterials/ParticleSystems/PSysThumbnail_NoImage.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:015][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EditorMaterials/ParticleSystems/PSysThumbnail_NoImage.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:016][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EditorMaterials/ParticleSystems/PSysThumbnail_OOD -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EditorMaterials/ParticleSystems/PSysThumbnail_OOD.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:025][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EditorMaterials/ParticleSystems/PSysThumbnail_OOD.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:026][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EditorLandscapeResources/DataLayer -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EditorLandscapeResources/DataLayer.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:027][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EditorLandscapeResources/DataLayer.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:027][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EngineFonts/Roboto -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineFonts/Roboto.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:068][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineFonts/Roboto.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:068][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EngineMaterials/Widget3DPassThrough_Translucent -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineMaterials/Widget3DPassThrough_Translucent.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:069][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineMaterials/Widget3DPassThrough_Translucent.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:070][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EngineMaterials/Widget3DPassThrough -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineMaterials/Widget3DPassThrough.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:073][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineMaterials/Widget3DPassThrough.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:074][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/Functions/Engine_MaterialFunctions02/Texturing/ScreenAlignedUVs -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Functions/Engine_MaterialFunctions02/Texturing/ScreenAlignedUVs.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:076][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Functions/Engine_MaterialFunctions02/Texturing/ScreenAlignedUVs.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:077][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EngineResources/WhiteSquareTexture -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineResources/WhiteSquareTexture.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:109][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineResources/WhiteSquareTexture.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:109][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/Functions/Engine_MaterialFunctions01/Shading/PowerToRoughness -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Functions/Engine_MaterialFunctions01/Shading/PowerToRoughness.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:110][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Functions/Engine_MaterialFunctions01/Shading/PowerToRoughness.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:112][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/Functions/Engine_MaterialFunctions01/Shading/ConvertFromDiffSpec -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Functions/Engine_MaterialFunctions01/Shading/ConvertFromDiffSpec.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:114][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Functions/Engine_MaterialFunctions01/Shading/ConvertFromDiffSpec.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:114][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EngineMaterials/WorldGridMaterial -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineMaterials/WorldGridMaterial.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:154][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineMaterials/WorldGridMaterial.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:154][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/Functions/Engine_MaterialFunctions01/Opacity/CameraDepthFade -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Functions/Engine_MaterialFunctions01/Opacity/CameraDepthFade.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:156][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Functions/Engine_MaterialFunctions01/Opacity/CameraDepthFade.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:157][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EngineMaterials/T_Default_Material_Grid_M -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineMaterials/T_Default_Material_Grid_M.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:189][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineMaterials/T_Default_Material_Grid_M.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:189][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EngineMaterials/T_Default_Material_Grid_N -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineMaterials/T_Default_Material_Grid_N.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:191][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineMaterials/T_Default_Material_Grid_N.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:191][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EngineMaterials/DefaultDeferredDecalMaterial -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineMaterials/DefaultDeferredDecalMaterial.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:193][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineMaterials/DefaultDeferredDecalMaterial.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:193][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EngineMaterials/DefaultDiffuse -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineMaterials/DefaultDiffuse.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:271][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineMaterials/DefaultDiffuse.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:271][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EngineMaterials/DefaultLightFunctionMaterial -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineMaterials/DefaultLightFunctionMaterial.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:274][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineMaterials/DefaultLightFunctionMaterial.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:275][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EngineMaterials/DefaultPostProcessMaterial -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineMaterials/DefaultPostProcessMaterial.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:278][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineMaterials/DefaultPostProcessMaterial.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:279][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/Functions/Engine_MaterialFunctions02/Utility/BreakOutFloat2Components -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Functions/Engine_MaterialFunctions02/Utility/BreakOutFloat2Components.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:281][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Functions/Engine_MaterialFunctions02/Utility/BreakOutFloat2Components.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:281][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EngineResources/DefaultTexture -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineResources/DefaultTexture.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:289][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineResources/DefaultTexture.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:291][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EngineMaterials/Widget3DPassThrough_Translucent_OneSided -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineMaterials/Widget3DPassThrough_Translucent_OneSided.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:293][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineMaterials/Widget3DPassThrough_Translucent_OneSided.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:294][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EngineMaterials/Widget3DPassThrough_Opaque -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineMaterials/Widget3DPassThrough_Opaque.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:295][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineMaterials/Widget3DPassThrough_Opaque.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:296][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EngineMaterials/Widget3DPassThrough_Opaque_OneSided -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineMaterials/Widget3DPassThrough_Opaque_OneSided.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:298][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineMaterials/Widget3DPassThrough_Opaque_OneSided.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:298][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EngineMaterials/Widget3DPassThrough_Masked -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineMaterials/Widget3DPassThrough_Masked.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:300][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineMaterials/Widget3DPassThrough_Masked.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:300][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EngineMaterials/Widget3DPassThrough_Masked_OneSided -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineMaterials/Widget3DPassThrough_Masked_OneSided.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:302][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineMaterials/Widget3DPassThrough_Masked_OneSided.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:303][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EngineDamageTypes/DmgTypeBP_Environmental -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineDamageTypes/DmgTypeBP_Environmental.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:342][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineDamageTypes/DmgTypeBP_Environmental.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:343][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EngineMeshes/Sphere -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineMeshes/Sphere.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:344][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineMeshes/Sphere.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:344][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EngineFonts/RobotoDistanceField -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineFonts/RobotoDistanceField.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:384][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineFonts/RobotoDistanceField.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:384][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EngineMaterials/DefaultTextMaterialOpaque -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineMaterials/DefaultTextMaterialOpaque.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:388][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineMaterials/DefaultTextMaterialOpaque.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:388][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EditorResources/S_Trigger -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EditorResources/S_Trigger.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:398][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EditorResources/S_Trigger.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:398][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EngineResources/GradientTexture0 -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineResources/GradientTexture0.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:401][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineResources/GradientTexture0.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:403][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EngineResources/Black -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineResources/Black.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:429][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineResources/Black.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:430][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EditorMaterials/MatineeGroups/MAT_Groups_Float -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EditorMaterials/MatineeGroups/MAT_Groups_Float.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:436][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EditorMaterials/MatineeGroups/MAT_Groups_Float.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:436][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EditorMaterials/MatineeGroups/MAT_Groups_Director -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EditorMaterials/MatineeGroups/MAT_Groups_Director.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:437][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EditorMaterials/MatineeGroups/MAT_Groups_Director.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:438][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EditorMaterials/MatineeGroups/MAT_Groups_Event -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EditorMaterials/MatineeGroups/MAT_Groups_Event.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:443][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EditorMaterials/MatineeGroups/MAT_Groups_Event.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:444][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EditorMaterials/MatineeGroups/MAT_Groups_Anim -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EditorMaterials/MatineeGroups/MAT_Groups_Anim.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:452][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EditorMaterials/MatineeGroups/MAT_Groups_Anim.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:453][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EditorMaterials/MatineeGroups/MAT_Groups_Fade -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EditorMaterials/MatineeGroups/MAT_Groups_Fade.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:458][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EditorMaterials/MatineeGroups/MAT_Groups_Fade.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:458][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EditorMaterials/MatineeGroups/MAT_Groups_Move -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EditorMaterials/MatineeGroups/MAT_Groups_Move.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:459][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EditorMaterials/MatineeGroups/MAT_Groups_Move.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:460][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EditorMaterials/MatineeGroups/MAT_Groups_Slomo -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EditorMaterials/MatineeGroups/MAT_Groups_Slomo.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:472][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EditorMaterials/MatineeGroups/MAT_Groups_Slomo.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:472][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EditorMaterials/MatineeGroups/MAT_ColorTrack -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EditorMaterials/MatineeGroups/MAT_ColorTrack.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:479][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EditorMaterials/MatineeGroups/MAT_ColorTrack.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:479][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EditorMaterials/MAT_Groups_Toggle -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EditorMaterials/MAT_Groups_Toggle.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:493][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EditorMaterials/MAT_Groups_Toggle.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:495][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EditorMaterials/MatineeGroups/MAT_Groups_AudioMaster -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EditorMaterials/MatineeGroups/MAT_Groups_AudioMaster.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:502][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EditorMaterials/MatineeGroups/MAT_Groups_AudioMaster.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:502][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EditorMaterials/MatineeGroups/MAT_Groups_Sound -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EditorMaterials/MatineeGroups/MAT_Groups_Sound.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:509][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EditorMaterials/MatineeGroups/MAT_Groups_Sound.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:512][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EditorMaterials/MatineeGroups/MAT_Groups_Vector -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EditorMaterials/MatineeGroups/MAT_Groups_Vector.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:515][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EditorMaterials/MatineeGroups/MAT_Groups_Vector.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:517][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EditorMaterials/MAT_Groups_Visibility -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EditorMaterials/MAT_Groups_Visibility.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:523][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EditorMaterials/MAT_Groups_Visibility.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:525][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EngineResources/DefaultTextureCube -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineResources/DefaultTextureCube.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:530][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineResources/DefaultTextureCube.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:531][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EngineSounds/Master -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineSounds/Master.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:532][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineSounds/Master.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:533][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EngineSounds/Music -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineSounds/Music.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:533][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineSounds/Music.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:533][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EngineSounds/SFX -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineSounds/SFX.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:534][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineSounds/SFX.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:534][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EngineSounds/Normal_Attack -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineSounds/Normal_Attack.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:535][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineSounds/Normal_Attack.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:535][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EngineSounds/Special_Attack_PSM -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineSounds/Special_Attack_PSM.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:536][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineSounds/Special_Attack_PSM.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:537][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EngineSounds/Duck_Normal_Attack_MixMod -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineSounds/Duck_Normal_Attack_MixMod.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:538][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineSounds/Duck_Normal_Attack_MixMod.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:539][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EngineSounds/Voice -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineSounds/Voice.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:539][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineSounds/Voice.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:539][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EngineMeshes/Cylinder -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineMeshes/Cylinder.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:541][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineMeshes/Cylinder.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:541][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EngineMaterials/DefaultMaterial -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineMaterials/DefaultMaterial.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:550][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineMaterials/DefaultMaterial.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:550][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EngineTireTypes/DefaultTireType -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineTireTypes/DefaultTireType.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:551][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineTireTypes/DefaultTireType.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:551][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EngineResources/AICON-Red -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineResources/AICON-Red.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:552][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineResources/AICON-Red.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:552][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EngineResources/AICON-Green -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineResources/AICON-Green.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:565][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineResources/AICON-Green.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:567][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/Tutorial/Basics/LevelEditorAttract -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/Basics/LevelEditorAttract.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:569][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/Basics/LevelEditorAttract.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:570][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/Tutorial/Basics/LevelEditorOverview -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/Basics/LevelEditorOverview.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:573][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/Basics/LevelEditorOverview.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:575][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/Tutorial/Basics/TutorialAssets/icon_tab_Levels_40x -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/Basics/TutorialAssets/icon_tab_Levels_40x.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:576][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/Basics/TutorialAssets/icon_tab_Levels_40x.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:577][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/Tutorial/ContentIntroCurve -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/ContentIntroCurve.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:579][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/ContentIntroCurve.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:580][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Paper2D/MaskedUnlitSpriteMaterial -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Plugins/2D/Paper2D/Content/MaskedUnlitSpriteMaterial.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:581][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Plugins/2D/Paper2D/Content/MaskedUnlitSpriteMaterial.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:582][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Paper2D/DefaultSpriteMaterial -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Plugins/2D/Paper2D/Content/DefaultSpriteMaterial.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:590][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Plugins/2D/Paper2D/Content/DefaultSpriteMaterial.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:610][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Paper2D/PlaceholderTextures/DummySpriteTexture -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Plugins/2D/Paper2D/Content/PlaceholderTextures/DummySpriteTexture.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:622][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Plugins/2D/Paper2D/Content/PlaceholderTextures/DummySpriteTexture.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:623][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Paper2D/OpaqueUnlitSpriteMaterial -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Plugins/2D/Paper2D/Content/OpaqueUnlitSpriteMaterial.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:624][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Plugins/2D/Paper2D/Content/OpaqueUnlitSpriteMaterial.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:624][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Paper2D/DefaultPaperTerrainMaterial -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Plugins/2D/Paper2D/Content/DefaultPaperTerrainMaterial.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:625][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Plugins/2D/Paper2D/Content/DefaultPaperTerrainMaterial.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:626][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Paper2D/DummySprite -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Plugins/2D/Paper2D/Content/DummySprite.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:627][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Plugins/2D/Paper2D/Content/DummySprite.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:627][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Paper2D/DummySpriteTexture -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Plugins/2D/Paper2D/Content/DummySpriteTexture.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:627][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: No exports found (or all exports are editor-only) for DummySpriteTexture. Package will not be saved. MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:627][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /LeapMotionController/LM_CapsuleMesh -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Plugins/Runtime/LeapMotionController/Content/LM_CapsuleMesh.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:628][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Plugins/Runtime/LeapMotionController/Content/LM_CapsuleMesh.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:629][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /LeapMotionController/LM_TorusMesh -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Plugins/Runtime/LeapMotionController/Content/LM_TorusMesh.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:630][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Plugins/Runtime/LeapMotionController/Content/LM_TorusMesh.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:631][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /LeapMotionController/LM_HandColor -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Plugins/Runtime/LeapMotionController/Content/LM_HandColor.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:634][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Plugins/Runtime/LeapMotionController/Content/LM_HandColor.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:634][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /LeapMotionController/LM_PassthroughMaterial -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Plugins/Runtime/LeapMotionController/Content/LM_PassthroughMaterial.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:638][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Plugins/Runtime/LeapMotionController/Content/LM_PassthroughMaterial.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:638][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /LeapMotionController/LM_SampleDistortion -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Plugins/Runtime/LeapMotionController/Content/LM_SampleDistortion.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:643][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Plugins/Runtime/LeapMotionController/Content/LM_SampleDistortion.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:643][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /LeapMotionController/LM_TestTexture -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Plugins/Runtime/LeapMotionController/Content/LM_TestTexture.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:669][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Plugins/Runtime/LeapMotionController/Content/LM_TestTexture.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:669][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/BasicShapes/Cube -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/BasicShapes/Cube.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:671][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/BasicShapes/Cube.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:671][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EngineMaterials/RemoveSurfaceMaterial -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineMaterials/RemoveSurfaceMaterial.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:672][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineMaterials/RemoveSurfaceMaterial.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:673][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EngineDebugMaterials/DebugMeshMaterial -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineDebugMaterials/DebugMeshMaterial.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:674][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineDebugMaterials/DebugMeshMaterial.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:674][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EngineMaterials/M_InvalidLightmapSettings -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineMaterials/M_InvalidLightmapSettings.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:710][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineMaterials/M_InvalidLightmapSettings.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:710][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EngineMaterials/InvalidLightmapSettings -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineMaterials/InvalidLightmapSettings.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:771][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineMaterials/InvalidLightmapSettings.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:771][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EditorMaterials/GizmoMaterial -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EditorMaterials/GizmoMaterial.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:773][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EditorMaterials/GizmoMaterial.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:774][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EngineMaterials/Good64x64TilingNoiseHighFreq -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineMaterials/Good64x64TilingNoiseHighFreq.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:805][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineMaterials/Good64x64TilingNoiseHighFreq.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:806][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EngineMaterials/DefaultBokeh -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineMaterials/DefaultBokeh.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:806][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineMaterials/DefaultBokeh.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:807][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EngineMaterials/PreintegratedSkinBRDF -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineMaterials/PreintegratedSkinBRDF.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:904][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineMaterials/PreintegratedSkinBRDF.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:905][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EngineMaterials/MiniFont -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineMaterials/MiniFont.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:906][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineMaterials/MiniFont.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:907][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EngineMaterials/WeightMapPlaceholderTexture -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineMaterials/WeightMapPlaceholderTexture.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:934][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineMaterials/WeightMapPlaceholderTexture.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:934][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EngineMaterials/DefaultWhiteGrid -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineMaterials/DefaultWhiteGrid.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:944][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineMaterials/DefaultWhiteGrid.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:944][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EngineMaterials/DefaultPhysicalMaterial -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineMaterials/DefaultPhysicalMaterial.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:945][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineMaterials/DefaultPhysicalMaterial.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:945][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EngineFonts/RobotoTiny -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineFonts/RobotoTiny.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:954][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineFonts/RobotoTiny.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:954][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EditorResources/BSPVertex -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EditorResources/BSPVertex.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:972][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EditorResources/BSPVertex.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:973][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EngineDebugMaterials/GeomMaterial -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineDebugMaterials/GeomMaterial.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:975][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineDebugMaterials/GeomMaterial.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:975][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EngineDebugMaterials/BoneWeightMaterial -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineDebugMaterials/BoneWeightMaterial.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:982][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineDebugMaterials/BoneWeightMaterial.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.06:982][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EngineDebugMaterials/HeatmapGradient -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineDebugMaterials/HeatmapGradient.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:071][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineDebugMaterials/HeatmapGradient.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:072][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EditorMaterials/PhAT_JointLimitMaterial -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EditorMaterials/PhAT_JointLimitMaterial.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:074][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EditorMaterials/PhAT_JointLimitMaterial.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:075][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EditorMaterials/PreviewShadowIndicatorMaterial -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EditorMaterials/PreviewShadowIndicatorMaterial.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:089][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EditorMaterials/PreviewShadowIndicatorMaterial.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:089][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EditorMaterials/PreviewShadowIndicator -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EditorMaterials/PreviewShadowIndicator.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:113][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EditorMaterials/PreviewShadowIndicator.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:114][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EngineMaterials/EditorBrushMaterial -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineMaterials/EditorBrushMaterial.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:116][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineMaterials/EditorBrushMaterial.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:117][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/Tutorial/BlueprintTutorials/TutorialAssets/Blueprint_64x -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/BlueprintTutorials/TutorialAssets/Blueprint_64x.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:118][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/BlueprintTutorials/TutorialAssets/Blueprint_64x.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:118][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/Tutorial/SubEditors/TutorialAssets/icon_Editor_Preferences_General_40x -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/SubEditors/TutorialAssets/icon_Editor_Preferences_General_40x.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:139][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/SubEditors/TutorialAssets/icon_Editor_Preferences_General_40x.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:140][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/Tutorial/Paper2D/TutorialAssets/Paper2DSprite_TutorialIcon -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/Paper2D/TutorialAssets/Paper2DSprite_TutorialIcon.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:142][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/Paper2D/TutorialAssets/Paper2DSprite_TutorialIcon.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:142][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/Tutorial/SubEditors/TutorialAssets/icon_ShowSkeletalMeshes_40x -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/SubEditors/TutorialAssets/icon_ShowSkeletalMeshes_40x.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:150][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/SubEditors/TutorialAssets/icon_ShowSkeletalMeshes_40x.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:150][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/Tutorial/Landscape/TutorialAssets/Landscape -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/Landscape/TutorialAssets/Landscape.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:153][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/Landscape/TutorialAssets/Landscape.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:154][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/Tutorial/Foliage/TutorialAssets/Foliage -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/Foliage/TutorialAssets/Foliage.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:155][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/Foliage/TutorialAssets/Foliage.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:155][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/Tutorial/SubEditors/StaticMeshEditorTutorial -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/SubEditors/StaticMeshEditorTutorial.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:157][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/SubEditors/StaticMeshEditorTutorial.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:157][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EngineMeshes/Cube -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineMeshes/Cube.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:159][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineMeshes/Cube.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:159][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/Tutorial/BlueprintTutorials/BlueprintEditorTutorial -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/BlueprintTutorials/BlueprintEditorTutorial.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:160][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/BlueprintTutorials/BlueprintEditorTutorial.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:161][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/Tutorial/BlueprintTutorials/BlueprintMacroLibrariesEditorOverview -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/BlueprintTutorials/BlueprintMacroLibrariesEditorOverview.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:162][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/BlueprintTutorials/BlueprintMacroLibrariesEditorOverview.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:163][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/Tutorial/BlueprintTutorials/TutorialAssets/BlueprintMacroLibrary_64x -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/BlueprintTutorials/TutorialAssets/BlueprintMacroLibrary_64x.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:164][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/BlueprintTutorials/TutorialAssets/BlueprintMacroLibrary_64x.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:164][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/Tutorial/BlueprintTutorials/TutorialAssets/Tutorial_BP_MacroLib -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/BlueprintTutorials/TutorialAssets/Tutorial_BP_MacroLib.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:170][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/BlueprintTutorials/TutorialAssets/Tutorial_BP_MacroLib.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:171][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/Tutorial/BlueprintTutorials/BlueprintInterfacesEditorOverview -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/BlueprintTutorials/BlueprintInterfacesEditorOverview.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:172][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/BlueprintTutorials/BlueprintInterfacesEditorOverview.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:173][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/Tutorial/BlueprintTutorials/TutorialAssets/BlueprintInterface_64x -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/BlueprintTutorials/TutorialAssets/BlueprintInterface_64x.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:174][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/BlueprintTutorials/TutorialAssets/BlueprintInterface_64x.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:175][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/Tutorial/BlueprintTutorials/TutorialAssets/Tutorial_BP_Interface -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/BlueprintTutorials/TutorialAssets/Tutorial_BP_Interface.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:176][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/BlueprintTutorials/TutorialAssets/Tutorial_BP_Interface.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:177][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/Tutorial/BlueprintTutorials/LevelBlueprintEditorOverview -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/BlueprintTutorials/LevelBlueprintEditorOverview.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:180][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/BlueprintTutorials/LevelBlueprintEditorOverview.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:180][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/Tutorial/SubEditors/DestructibleMeshEditorTutorial -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/SubEditors/DestructibleMeshEditorTutorial.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:183][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/SubEditors/DestructibleMeshEditorTutorial.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:183][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/Tutorial/SubEditors/TutorialAssets/Tutorial_DM -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/SubEditors/TutorialAssets/Tutorial_DM.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:193][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/SubEditors/TutorialAssets/Tutorial_DM.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:193][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EditorMeshes/EditorCube -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EditorMeshes/EditorCube.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:194][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EditorMeshes/EditorCube.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:195][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/Tutorial/SubEditors/MaterialEditorTutorial -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/SubEditors/MaterialEditorTutorial.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:197][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/SubEditors/MaterialEditorTutorial.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:198][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/Tutorial/SubEditors/TutorialAssets/TutorialMaterial -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/SubEditors/TutorialAssets/TutorialMaterial.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:200][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/SubEditors/TutorialAssets/TutorialMaterial.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:201][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/Tutorial/SubEditors/ParticleSystemEditorTutorial -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/SubEditors/ParticleSystemEditorTutorial.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:204][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/SubEditors/ParticleSystemEditorTutorial.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:204][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/Tutorial/SubEditors/TutorialAssets/TutorialParticleSystem -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/SubEditors/TutorialAssets/TutorialParticleSystem.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:264][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/SubEditors/TutorialAssets/TutorialParticleSystem.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:264][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/Tutorial/SubEditors/TutorialAssets/M_smoke_subUV_blackbody -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/SubEditors/TutorialAssets/M_smoke_subUV_blackbody.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:267][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/SubEditors/TutorialAssets/M_smoke_subUV_blackbody.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:270][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/Tutorial/SubEditors/TutorialAssets/T_SmokeSubUV_8X8 -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/SubEditors/TutorialAssets/T_SmokeSubUV_8X8.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:412][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/SubEditors/TutorialAssets/T_SmokeSubUV_8X8.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:413][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/Tutorial/SubEditors/TutorialAssets/T_soft_smoke -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/SubEditors/TutorialAssets/T_soft_smoke.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:449][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/SubEditors/TutorialAssets/T_soft_smoke.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:449][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/Tutorial/SubEditors/PersonaAnimEditorWalkThrough -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/SubEditors/PersonaAnimEditorWalkThrough.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:452][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/SubEditors/PersonaAnimEditorWalkThrough.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:454][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/Tutorial/SubEditors/TutorialAssets/Character/NewBlendSpace1D -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/SubEditors/TutorialAssets/Character/NewBlendSpace1D.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:455][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/SubEditors/TutorialAssets/Character/NewBlendSpace1D.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:456][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/Tutorial/SubEditors/TutorialAssets/Character/Tutorial_Idle -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/SubEditors/TutorialAssets/Character/Tutorial_Idle.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:458][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/SubEditors/TutorialAssets/Character/Tutorial_Idle.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:461][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/Tutorial/SubEditors/TutorialAssets/Character/TutorialTPP_Skeleton -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/SubEditors/TutorialAssets/Character/TutorialTPP_Skeleton.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:462][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/SubEditors/TutorialAssets/Character/TutorialTPP_Skeleton.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:464][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/Tutorial/SubEditors/TutorialAssets/Character/Tutorial_Walk_Fwd -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/SubEditors/TutorialAssets/Character/Tutorial_Walk_Fwd.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:466][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/SubEditors/TutorialAssets/Character/Tutorial_Walk_Fwd.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:466][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/Tutorial/SubEditors/TutorialAssets/Character/TutorialTPP -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/SubEditors/TutorialAssets/Character/TutorialTPP.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:467][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/SubEditors/TutorialAssets/Character/TutorialTPP.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:468][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/Tutorial/SubEditors/TutorialAssets/Character/TutorialTPP_Mat -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/SubEditors/TutorialAssets/Character/TutorialTPP_Mat.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:472][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/SubEditors/TutorialAssets/Character/TutorialTPP_Mat.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:473][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/Tutorial/SubEditors/TutorialAssets/Character/TutorialTPP_PhysicsAsset -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/SubEditors/TutorialAssets/Character/TutorialTPP_PhysicsAsset.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:478][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/SubEditors/TutorialAssets/Character/TutorialTPP_PhysicsAsset.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:479][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/Tutorial/SubEditors/PersonaAnimBlueprintEditorWalkthrough -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/SubEditors/PersonaAnimBlueprintEditorWalkthrough.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:482][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/SubEditors/PersonaAnimBlueprintEditorWalkthrough.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:483][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/Tutorial/SubEditors/TutorialAssets/Character/TutorialTPP_AnimBlueprint -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/SubEditors/TutorialAssets/Character/TutorialTPP_AnimBlueprint.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:491][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/SubEditors/TutorialAssets/Character/TutorialTPP_AnimBlueprint.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:492][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EditorBlueprintResources/StandardMacros -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EditorBlueprintResources/StandardMacros.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:543][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EditorBlueprintResources/StandardMacros.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:544][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/Tutorial/SubEditors/TutorialAssets/Character/TutorialCharacter -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/SubEditors/TutorialAssets/Character/TutorialCharacter.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:550][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/SubEditors/TutorialAssets/Character/TutorialCharacter.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:551][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/Tutorial/Paper2D/SpriteEditorTutorial -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/Paper2D/SpriteEditorTutorial.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:552][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/Paper2D/SpriteEditorTutorial.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:552][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/Tutorial/Paper2D/FlipbookEditorTutorial -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/Paper2D/FlipbookEditorTutorial.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:554][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/Paper2D/FlipbookEditorTutorial.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:554][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/Tutorial/Paper2D/TutorialAssets/Paper2DFlipbook_TutorialIcon -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/Paper2D/TutorialAssets/Paper2DFlipbook_TutorialIcon.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:576][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/Paper2D/TutorialAssets/Paper2DFlipbook_TutorialIcon.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:576][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/Tutorial/Landscape/Landscape_Manage_Mode -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/Landscape/Landscape_Manage_Mode.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:578][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/Landscape/Landscape_Manage_Mode.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:578][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/Tutorial/Landscape/Landscape_Sculpt_Mode -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/Landscape/Landscape_Sculpt_Mode.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:580][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/Landscape/Landscape_Sculpt_Mode.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:580][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/Tutorial/Landscape/Landscape_Painting_Mode -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/Landscape/Landscape_Painting_Mode.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:582][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/Landscape/Landscape_Painting_Mode.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:582][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/Tutorial/Foliage/Foliage_Intro_Tutorial -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/Foliage/Foliage_Intro_Tutorial.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:585][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/Foliage/Foliage_Intro_Tutorial.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:585][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/Tutorial/Foliage/Foliage_Using_The_Tool_Tutorial -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/Foliage/Foliage_Using_The_Tool_Tutorial.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:588][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/Foliage/Foliage_Using_The_Tool_Tutorial.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:590][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/Tutorial/Foliage/Foliage_Settings_Tutorial -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/Foliage/Foliage_Settings_Tutorial.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:593][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/Foliage/Foliage_Settings_Tutorial.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:593][ 0]LogCookCommandlet:Display: GC... MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:617][ 0]LogBlueprint:Error: [compiler MyCharacter] Error The type of Target Array is undetermined. Connect something to GetRandomArrayElement to imply a specific type. MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:617][ 0]LogBlueprint:Error: [compiler MyCharacter] Error The type of Target Array is undetermined. Connect something to GetRandomArrayElement to imply a specific type. MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:618][ 0]LogBlueprint:Error: [compiler MyCharacter] Error The type of Item is undetermined. Connect something to GetRandomArrayElement to imply a specific type. MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:620][ 0]LogBlueprint:Warning: [compiler MyCharacter] Warning [0021.88] Compile of MyCharacter failed. 3 Fatal Issue(s) 0 Warning(s) [in 4 ms] MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:620][ 0]LogBlueprint:Warning: [compiler MyCharacter] Warning [0021.88] Compile of MyCharacter failed. 3 Fatal Issue(s) 1 Warning(s) [in 0 ms] MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:620][ 0]LogBlueprint:Warning: [compiler MyCharacter] Warning [0021.88] Compile of MyCharacter failed. 3 Fatal Issue(s) 2 Warning(s) [in 0 ms] MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:625][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Game/MyGameMode -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/MacroBugTest/Content/MyGameMode.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:629][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/MacroBugTest/Content/MyGameMode.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:630][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Game/MyCharacter -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/MacroBugTest/Content/MyCharacter.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:638][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/MacroBugTest/Content/MyCharacter.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:640][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/MobileResources/HUD/VirtualJoystick_Background -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/MobileResources/HUD/VirtualJoystick_Background.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:642][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/MobileResources/HUD/VirtualJoystick_Background.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:660][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/MobileResources/HUD/MobileHUDButton1_off -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/MobileResources/HUD/MobileHUDButton1_off.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:661][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/MobileResources/HUD/MobileHUDButton1_off.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:668][ 0]LogCook:Display: Marking ../../../Engine/Content/EditorBlueprintResources/StandardMacros.uasset as reloading for cooker because it's been cooked for platforms WindowsNoEditor. MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:840][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Game/NewMap -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/MacroBugTest/Content/NewMap.umap MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:852][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/MacroBugTest/Content/NewMap.umap MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:853][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/MapTemplates/SM_Template_Map_Floor -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/MapTemplates/SM_Template_Map_Floor.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:855][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/MapTemplates/SM_Template_Map_Floor.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:857][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EngineSky/SM_SkySphere -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineSky/SM_SkySphere.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:859][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineSky/SM_SkySphere.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:860][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EngineSky/T_Sky_Stars -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineSky/T_Sky_Stars.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:861][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineSky/T_Sky_Stars.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:862][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EngineSky/T_Sky_Clouds_M -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineSky/T_Sky_Clouds_M.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:952][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineSky/T_Sky_Clouds_M.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:953][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EngineSky/T_Sky_Blue -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineSky/T_Sky_Blue.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:977][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineSky/T_Sky_Blue.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:978][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EngineSky/M_Sky_Panning_Clouds2 -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineSky/M_Sky_Panning_Clouds2.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:982][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineSky/M_Sky_Panning_Clouds2.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.07:983][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EngineSky/C_Sky_Zenith_Color -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineSky/C_Sky_Zenith_Color.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.08:020][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineSky/C_Sky_Zenith_Color.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.08:022][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EngineSky/C_Sky_Horizon_Color -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineSky/C_Sky_Horizon_Color.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.08:023][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineSky/C_Sky_Horizon_Color.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.08:025][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EngineSky/C_Sky_Cloud_Color -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineSky/C_Sky_Cloud_Color.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.08:026][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineSky/C_Sky_Cloud_Color.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.08:027][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EngineSky/BP_Sky_Sphere -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineSky/BP_Sky_Sphere.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.08:076][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineSky/BP_Sky_Sphere.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.08:111][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/MobileResources/HUD/MobileHUDButtonFire -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/MobileResources/HUD/MobileHUDButtonFire.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.08:112][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/MobileResources/HUD/MobileHUDButtonFire.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.08:113][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EditorResources/EmptyActor -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EditorResources/EmptyActor.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.08:115][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EditorResources/EmptyActor.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.08:116][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/MobileResources/HUD/MobileHUDButton3 -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/MobileResources/HUD/MobileHUDButton3.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.08:117][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/MobileResources/HUD/MobileHUDButton3.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.08:118][ 0]LogCook:Display: Marking ../../../Engine/Content/MobileResources/HUD/VirtualJoystick_Thumb.uasset as reloading for cooker because it's been cooked for platforms WindowsNoEditor. MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.08:119][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/MobileResources/HUD/LeftVirtualJoystickOnly -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/MobileResources/HUD/LeftVirtualJoystickOnly.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.08:120][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/MobileResources/HUD/LeftVirtualJoystickOnly.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.08:121][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/MobileResources/HUD/DefaultVirtualJoysticks -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/MobileResources/HUD/DefaultVirtualJoysticks.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.08:123][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/MobileResources/HUD/DefaultVirtualJoysticks.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.08:131][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/MobileResources/HUD/AnalogHat -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/MobileResources/HUD/AnalogHat.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.08:133][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/MobileResources/HUD/AnalogHat.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.08:142][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/MobileResources/HUD/MobileHUDDirectionStick -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/MobileResources/HUD/MobileHUDDirectionStick.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.08:143][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/MobileResources/HUD/MobileHUDDirectionStick.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.08:144][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Game/NewBlueprint -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/MacroBugTest/Content/NewBlueprint.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.08:144][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: No exports found (or all exports are editor-only) for NewBlueprint. Package will not be saved. MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.08:146][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/MobileResources/HUD/T_Castle_ThumbstickOutter -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/MobileResources/HUD/T_Castle_ThumbstickOutter.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.08:147][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/MobileResources/HUD/T_Castle_ThumbstickOutter.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.08:156][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/MobileResources/HUD/MobileHUDButton2_on -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/MobileResources/HUD/MobileHUDButton2_on.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.08:158][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/MobileResources/HUD/MobileHUDButton2_on.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.08:162][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/MobileResources/HUD/T_Castle_ThumbstickInner -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/MobileResources/HUD/T_Castle_ThumbstickInner.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.08:165][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/MobileResources/HUD/T_Castle_ThumbstickInner.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.08:197][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/MobileResources/HUD/MobileHUDButton2_off -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/MobileResources/HUD/MobileHUDButton2_off.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.08:198][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/MobileResources/HUD/MobileHUDButton2_off.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.08:204][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/MobileResources/HUD/MobileHUDDirectionPad -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/MobileResources/HUD/MobileHUDDirectionPad.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.08:205][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/MobileResources/HUD/MobileHUDDirectionPad.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.08:219][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/MobileResources/T_MobileMenu2 -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/MobileResources/T_MobileMenu2.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.08:220][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/MobileResources/T_MobileMenu2.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.08:232][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/MobileResources/HUD/MobileHUDDirectionPad2 -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/MobileResources/HUD/MobileHUDDirectionPad2.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.08:233][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/MobileResources/HUD/MobileHUDDirectionPad2.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.08:243][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/MobileResources/HUD/MobileHUDDirectionPad3 -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/MobileResources/HUD/MobileHUDDirectionPad3.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.08:244][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/MobileResources/HUD/MobileHUDDirectionPad3.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.08:254][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/MobileResources/T_MobileControls_texture -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/MobileResources/T_MobileControls_texture.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.08:255][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/MobileResources/T_MobileControls_texture.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.08:300][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/Maps/Entry -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Maps/Entry.umap MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.08:306][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Maps/Entry.umap MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.08:306][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/EngineMaterials/DefaultNormal -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineMaterials/DefaultNormal.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.08:335][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/EngineMaterials/DefaultNormal.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.08:346][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/MobileResources/HUD/MobileHUDButton1_on -> C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/MobileResources/HUD/MobileHUDButton1_on.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.08:347][ 0]LogSavePackage:Display: Finished SavePackage C:/Users/Rohit/Documents/Unreal Projects/MacroBugTest/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/MobileResources/HUD/MobileHUDButton1_on.uasset MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.08:396][ 0]LogChunkManifestGenerator:Display: Saving asset registry. MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.08:398][ 0]LogChunkManifestGenerator:Display: Generated asset registry num assets 181, size is 151.41kb MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.08:403][ 0]LogChunkManifestGenerator:Display: Done saving asset registry. MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.08:457][ 0]LogCook:Display: Cook by the book total time in tick 2.909487s total time 15.878765 MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.08:457][ 0]LogInit:Display: MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.08:457][ 0]LogInit:Display: Warning/Error Summary MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.08:457][ 0]LogInit:Display: --------------------- MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.08:457][ 0]LogInit:Display: LogBlueprint:Error: [compiler MyCharacter] Error The type of Target Array is undetermined. Connect something to GetRandomArrayElement to imply a specific type. MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.08:458][ 0]LogInit:Display: LogBlueprint:Error: [compiler MyCharacter] Error The type of Item is undetermined. Connect something to GetRandomArrayElement to imply a specific type. MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.08:458][ 0]LogInit:Display: LogLinker:Warning: Can't find file '/Engine/Transient' MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.08:458][ 0]LogInit:Display: LogUObjectGlobals:Warning: Failed to load '/Engine/Transient': Can't find file '/Engine/Transient' MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.08:458][ 0]LogInit:Display: LogUObjectGlobals:Warning: Failed to find object 'Class /Engine/Transient.REINST_TopDownOverview_C_230' MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.08:459][ 0]LogInit:Display: LogUObjectGlobals:Warning: Failed to find object 'Object /Engine/Transient.REINST_TopDownOverview_C_230' MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.08:459][ 0]LogInit:Display: LogBlueprint:Warning: [compiler MyCharacter] Warning [0021.88] Compile of MyCharacter failed. 3 Fatal Issue(s) 0 Warning(s) [in 4 ms] MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.08:459][ 0]LogInit:Display: LogBlueprint:Warning: [compiler MyCharacter] Warning [0021.88] Compile of MyCharacter failed. 3 Fatal Issue(s) 1 Warning(s) [in 0 ms] MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.08:459][ 0]LogInit:Display: LogBlueprint:Warning: [compiler MyCharacter] Warning [0021.88] Compile of MyCharacter failed. 3 Fatal Issue(s) 2 Warning(s) [in 0 ms] MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.08:459][ 0]LogInit:Display: MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.08:460][ 0]LogInit:Display: Failure - 3 error(s), 9 warning(s) MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.27-12.23.08:460][ 0]LogInit:Display: MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: Execution of commandlet took: 16.14 seconds MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): CommandUtils.Run: Run: Took 25.8264772s to run UE4Editor-Cmd.exe, ExitCode=1 MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): Project.Cook: Cook failed. Deleting cooked data. MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): BuildCommand.Execute: ERROR: BUILD FAILED MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): Program.Main: ERROR: AutomationTool terminated with exception: MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): Program.Main: ERROR: Exception in AutomationScripts.Automation: Cook failed. MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): Stacktrace: at Project.Cook(ProjectParams Params) MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): at BuildCookRun.DoBuildCookRun(ProjectParams Params) MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): at BuildCommand.Execute() MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): at AutomationTool.Automation.Execute(List`1 CommandsToExecute, CaselessDictionary`1 Commands) MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): at AutomationTool.Automation.Process(String[] CommandLine) MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): at AutomationTool.Program.MainProc(Object Param) MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): at AutomationTool.InternalUtils.RunSingleInstance(Action`1 Main, Object Param) MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): at AutomationTool.Program.Main()InnerException in AutomationUtils.Automation: BUILD FAILED: Failed while running Cook for C:\Users\Rohit\Documents\Unreal Projects\MacroBugTest\MacroBugTest.uproject; see log C:\Users\Rohit\AppData\Roaming\Unreal Engine\AutomationTool\Logs\C+Program+Files+Epic+Games+4.10\Cook-2015.11.27-17.53.09.txt MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): Stacktrace: at AutomationTool.CommandUtils.RunCommandlet(String ProjectName, String UE4Exe, String Commandlet, String Parameters) MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): at Project.Cook(ProjectParams Para MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ms) MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProcessManager.KillAll: Trying to kill 0 spawned processes. MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): Program.Main: AutomationTool exiting with ExitCode=Error_UnknownCookFailure MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): Domain_ProcessExit MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): copying UAT log files... MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): RunUAT.bat ERROR: AutomationTool was unable to run successfully. MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): BUILD FAILED PackagingResults:Error: Error Unknown Cook Failure