Is there anyway to invert volumes?

Just like the question, i was wondering if there’s anyway to make a volume effect everything outside it but not what’s within it?

You can just create an actor that has a box collider and implement it’s overlap events.
Set your needed reaction
on begin overlap => exclude effected actors
on end overlap => include this actor in the needed function.

You would need a startup event that would include all actors not in the volume though. Probably would be most performant if spawned actors outside of the volume automatically subscribe to the volume exclude event (could be done with a delegate)

so could i use this method to cull things? for example having everything outside the volume get culled when a certain distance from the camera but everything within the volume will show up no matter the distance?

as i want to have a volume in which things will always show up but everything else will get culled if too far away from the player/camera (62.4 KB)