While debugging is it possible to NOT debug standard macros?

thing that drives me nuts with debugging is when it uses any kind of loop. step process jumps into standard macros. I don’t want to see standard macros. I’m going to assume that epic knows what they are doing. Can I tell it to skip going into this?

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Hey awilliams1701,

There currently is not a way to skip standard macros while stepping through with Blueprint debugger. I let Blueprints team here know, and it’s been added as a task to debug tools roadmap. I don’t have a timeframe for that, unfortunately.

In case of loops, however, you can set a breakpoint within loop body, and then use Resume rather than Step when you enter macro. That way you can pass through macro quickly and hit that breakpoint each iteration.

Hope that helps!

Related: Blueprint debugging: Step Over, Step Into - Blueprint - Unreal Engine Forums

So where are we on this? I’m currently trying to debug something where I need a breakpoint on a branch, and it auto jumps into macro and I can not see any of values used in compare.

Over 5 years later and this still isn’t in here lmao.

This is still annoying in V5.2. there should be some check box to prevent debugger to go into standard macros. Also F10 is very buggy and some times acts like resume before code ends.

Blueprint debugging gets a bad rep and this is one of the reasons why. Nobody needs to debug the standard for loop macro, and it makes debugging BP 10x worse. There should be a project setting option for toggling a flag to automatically step through standard macros.