Windows Package searches for non-existent directory

I’ve been developing in ue4.11 since release and have packaged this project multiple times for testing purposes. Yesterday I installed the Substance plugin and now the executable is unable to launch because it is searching for a file in a directory that doesn’t actually exist. You can see the path it’s searching for in the image.


The directory “ClassroomA–Win64-Shipping” does not exist and I cannot figure out where I need to go to edit the query.

I know the file it’s searching for exists in the “…/binaries/win64/”. For now I’ve created a shortcut for this issue, but it was not a problem before I installed Substance. I believe that’s the culprit but I’m not sure how to fix the issue short of not using the plugin.


Have a look at this Answerhub post that offers some solutions to users who were experiencing similar, if not the same, errors in their projects: Failed to open descriptor file error - Programming & Scripting - Unreal Engine Forums

Also, try uninstalling substance to see if that resolves the error, as there were some known issues with the plugin in 4.11. You can also try upgrading your project to 4.12 to see if you still see the same error message.

Let me know if that helps, and if not we can continue to investigate your issue.

Have a great day

Thank you! I somehow overlooked that linked thread when trying to find a solution before posting.

As for 4.12, I had actually tried launching in that version, but 4.12 crashes before the editor is even opened. I’ve submitted the reports for that. Hope it helps!