Shipping Build Fails

I’ve recently finished a preliminary version of my game, and in an effort to release a demo I tried packaging the game and received an error. After a quick Google search it appeared as though I first needed to compile a shipping version of the game code, however I’ve been unable to do so due to this error:


I’ve spent quite a bit of time trying the track down this error and came across articles such as this: What is the proper method for extending the Editor Engine? - C++ - Epic Developer Community Forums but everyone else who has encountered a similar error seems to have gotten a more descriptive message explaining where their editor dependencies lie, however I have absolutely no clue what I could be referencing that the shipping version is objecting to. I’ve scanned all of my .h’s, but I can’t find any offending includes. Does anyone have any insight as to what I could check or additional information I might be able to provide? I’m really at a loss. (NOW FIXED)

UPDATE: As suspected, there was an issue with some dependancies in my build.cs that I’m not sure why I ever included… at any rate, the Visual Studio build now succeeds, but packaging still fails with the attached log (too long for these forums)

Let me draw your attention to the top of the UAT stack (what does that stand for anyway?) that says:

AttachToComponent when called from a constructor is only setting up attachment and will always be treated as KeepRelative. Consider calling SetupAttachment directly instead.

I tracked down the part of my code that called AttachToComponent and replaced it as suggested, however this message still appears. I’m not sure if it has to do with the failed packaging seeing as it’s worded like a warning but displays as an error. Any advise on where to go from here? I can’t find any other obvious -flags in the log file…

What dependencies does your Amhran.Build.cs file have?

Do you use any plugins?

I’ve updated the post. Thanks for the replies!

With what did you replace it?

As Holybreath mentioned, are you using any plugins that could be getting recompiled when you package? They could be using this outdated attachment method.

Also as already mentioned, what did you replace it with? You can see a discussion of this same change here. UAT stands for Unreal Automation Tool.

Thanks for the replies, but my problem has grown into an even newer one. I’ve moved the current issue here and I’m not sure if solving that will resolve this issue, so I’m just going to close this thread.