UE4's Blueprints: Why do they cause crashes so often?

Hey all!

I am working with the UE4 for several weeks now and in the beginning I was really fascinated how many features it has and how well the Blueprint system works.
But as I began to create more complex stuff the Editor began to crash more and more often. Sometimes it would also crash when I was saving my project causing the loss of all my progress.
However, it didn’t annoy me too much (in most cases), until it occurred the first time that after a crash a corrupted Blueprint caused the project to crash on startup.
This isn’t a big deal if the corrupted Blueprint’s class isn’t referenced (e.g. in a “Cast to Node”) a lot and has no child classes, but it is a problem if it referenced a lot and has child classes!
As far as I experienced that all child classes can’t be opened any longer.
In my case my “Character” and “Item” base classes got corrupted, which made me lose days of work on them and their child classes!
This issue seems to happen pretty much randomly, one time it occurred when I changed the type of a variable from Sequence to Animation Montage, the last time it happened I deleted a skeleton, replaced its references with a new one and tried to preview an animation which was based on the old skeleton before, then the Editor crashed and the project could not be re-opened.

UE Version: 4.2.1 -2101290

So is there maybe a way I could fix those Blueprints and keep them?
Do you experience less problems when scripting via C++?
What are your experiences with Blueprint systems reliability?

Thanks for reading!

Hi ,

Do these crashes occur when you are working in a blank project with no additional content? Further have you found any consistent steps to reproduce these crashes? Have you tried upgrading to 4.3 to see if that fixes some of the crash problems you are having currently? Finally, if a crash occurs again can you upload the logs and your dxdiag here so I can see what may be going on? Thank you!

Like I said most crashes seem to happen randomly. For example sometimes I try to compile a blueprint and then it crashed. When I reopen the project and compile the blueprint with the exact same content like before it doesn’t crash again.
I am currently downloading 4.3 and I hope that fixes some issues!
The next time I get such a crash I will upload important information and files here.

Hi ,

Can you post the crash logs and your dxdiag so I can have a look? Thank you!

Sure, here they are.

Does this crash occur with a specific blueprint or set of blueprints or is it across any blueprint that you work with?

Oh Hello , I’m not the OP in fact, I messed up … I sent my logs here instead of the post I made here

Not a problem at all!


I am sorry that it took me so long to answer again, but it took me that long to make some experiences with the 4.3 version:
When I converted my project which crashed on load with the 4.2 version to the new 4.3 version it loaded fine, and also the parent references to the previously corrupted blueprint were fixed.
But still I experience a lot of crashes. The editor crashes approximately every 10 minutes when I am working with blueprints. And like before most of the times the editor will relaunch without problems. But yea it also happens that the project becomes un-openable after a crash (2 times today, having working on it 1-2 hours).
And still it is difficult to repair a project with a corrupted blueprint. To do that I delete the blueprint I have been working on before the crash occurred from the project folder, reopen it and then restore the file from the recycle bin.
Compiling it afterwards is often enough to revive the project.
And although the references in child blueprints will be auto fixed, all other references to that blueprint will be deleted!
So for example my Character blueprint has an array of the type Item. When I have to do the workaround for fixing the corrupted Item class, the type of the Item array variable of the Character will be set to ‘Object’, which means that I have to delete every single node on the Character blueprint that references that array variable in order to set the type back to Item. Of course then I have to recreate all references. That might not sound like a lot of work and time but this is only an example from a lot of places where references are broken.

Is there maybe the possibility to fix corrupted project different than how I do that, avoiding the loss of all references?

Here is a DxDiag file I from my corrupted project. (I am not quite sure how the DxDiag program works, so please tell me in case the file isn’t right!)
Click Click

Part 2:

I don’t have DxDiag files for a time when the editor crashed, because that happens just so often and according to the crash window that has a lot of different reasons (E.g. sometimes it said something about parent class and net flags, which occurred in connection with problems when trying to override an even of a parent class).

To your question whether the crash happens or a specific blueprint or on all:
Well I have got two big blueprint “trees”, the Character and the Item. Those problems happen with both of them and also with their child classes. I believe it does exclusively happen on them because they are fairly complex and have a lot of references. The last time my project got wrecked I deleted variable from the Item class which was referenced in several blueprints and also in anim blueprints.

Now this post became quite long, but I am just a little bit desperate and also angry, because I have to complete an important project for school and the amount of problems I run into using the UE4 just slows down my progress massively!

Today I was able to work on my project for less than 15 minutes until it the editor crashed and could not be opened again. It crashed when I right clicked in the blueprint editor and typed something into the place node menu.
Here is the error message:


Unknown exception - code 00000001 (first/second chance not available)

Assertion failed: !HasAnyFlags(RF_NeedLoad|RF_NeedPostLoad) [File:D:\BuildFarm\buildmachine_++depot+UE4-Releases+4.3\Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Private\UObject\UObjectLinker.cpp] [Line: 94]
Detaching from existing linker for …//…//…//…//.

I want to confirm that right clicking, in relation to blueprints, tend to crash the editor. We have problematic blueprints which we need to “recreate” every time we start the editor. If we don’t do that we get a crash when right clicking the content browser.

I thought I’d add this to 's issue, because it seems that if there are poorly compiled Blueprints, the editor will crash whenever a right click is made on a blueprint asset or the blueprint class window is opened.

We’re waiting to test 4.4 release before even trying to resolve our issues, hopefully 's issue is related to ours, so we can solve one of them.

Hi ,

The dxdiag is not immediately related to your project. If you go to your start menu and in the searchbar type in CMD you should be able to open your command prompt. Type dxdiag and press enter in the command prompt window. Save that file as a text document and upload it here. Thank you!

That is actually what I did (except for that I ran the program from the start menu). Should I run it immediately after a crash or doesn’t that matter?

The file you listed is actually the html file for this page. for a dxdiag, it does not matter when you do it as the dxdiag is simply getting your system information (harddrive, processor, video card, etc.).

Hello Denny,
I think this was the first time ever that right clicking in the blueprint editor crashes the engine, but it happens quite often that the right click menu takes several seconds to appear.

I think you opened a wrong document accidently, because the one I uploaded is actually a dxdiag file.
Anyway in case the upload is broken or there is some other issue with it here is a new file:
link text

Hi ,

That one worked! I believe the first link is broken. It looks like your system falls within our specifications so that shouldn’t be the problem. Have you tried the 4.4 Preview build to see if it fixes your crashing problems?

I think I figured out now how to deal with it:
I do now recover broken files from backups rather than deleting them and having to redo all references. Also I believe most of the crashes occur when deleting, renaming or changing the type of variables, so I think it is important to know exactly which variables you need before starting with the coding.
But it would be awesome for future versions of UE4 if they could recognize corrupted blueprints on startup and ask the user if he wants to recover an earlier version of it.

Anyway thanks for your patience an will to help me out of my misery!

Hi ,

The error lies with deleting or renaming variables? Does this occur in a blueprint or c++? Further, is it in a specific type of blueprint and does this occur in a blank project with no additional content but a blueprint that you change the variables in? Any additional information that you can provide may help us to track this down and see what might be occurring. Thank you!