,2D Camera Movement Through Space


For our next project we would like to make a top-down 2d space-rpg. I have been racking my brain for a few weeks and now it’s come to prototyping and I still haven’t the foggiest on how to I should setup my camera in order to create a convincing moving space-scape.

While I understand the basic player controller, key bindings, and collision settings, I am having a lot of difficulty with the movement of the stars. My initial thought was to attach a particle emitter to the player (just ahead, off screen) so that the player is always heading into the spawning star particles. The obvious issue with this is that when the player turns, the stars, do not.

I have tried a few other methods too but have been even less successful. If anyone can think of a ‘simple’ way to achieve the effect of endless space from top-down perspective I would be very grateful.