AI / Bot Limit?

Is there a limit for AI / Bots?

I’m spawning AI actors (that use a Detour AI Controller and Behavior Tree) using the Spawn AI From Class node. Once the count gets around 50, all following spawned actors never move, as if they’re not getting instruction.

It’s CrowdManager’s limit. You can change it via DefaultEngine.ini by adding something like this:




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I already tried that. I must have an issue elsewhere. I noticed that, even though the bots aren’t moving, if I get close to trigger their perception they will activate. For whatever reason they just wont move when they spawn. The correct branch of their behavior tree is firing, they’re just not moving (wandering state / move to random location).

I know this is late, but for me I didn’t resize my nav mesh to take into account the increase area I used for my 100+ ai running around like chickens with heads cut off :wink:

I have a very similar issue, seems that I’m reaching a limit that some of my AI will stop moving, if I get close to the AI, it will attack normally, but doesn’t move, if I delete the actor that isn’t moving and replace with the same actor, it will work fine, but some other AI will be stopped in the level.

Really looks like a limit, I’m using detour crowd ai controller, tryed to add this lines below to the DefaultEngine.ini but still does’nt work.



Try to set their default location little higher in Z, same issue I had, I think they were colliding with the bottom plane🤷‍♂️, After setting their default height little up, all worked like a charm.