Android Package Error Win32Exception (0x80004005)

I was packaging an Android project but there is still an error:
Program.Main: ERROR: AutomationTool terminated with exception: System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (0x80004005): The system cannot find the file specified.
I googled this error for hours and find some solutions:

Firstly, I installed the NVPACK for Android 1R6u1 and set correct paths of Android SDK in Unreal Engine.

Secondly, I checked the Windows System’s Environment Variables of Android Part.


Thirdly ,I install all latest Android SDK contents and SDK 24 contents because 1R6u1 supports up to SDK 24.


These are all what I can come up. But I still get the error. Did I ignore something or did I do something wrong?
My Visual Studio for NVPACK is 2013 with Update3. The Android version of phone is Android 7.1.1.

Bump! I really need to know this as well.

Well,finally I solved it. Spend 3 days! Though I still don’t know what exactly the solutions are.
Here are my solutions:

  1. Uninstall VS2013 and install 2012.
  2. Reinstall NVPACK of 1R6u1 and choose
    SDK 23 & 24
  3. Relocate SDKConfigs and change SDK API-Level to matchndk and change NDK API Level to android-23

check my solutions .)

You should leave NDK API level set to android-19 and set SDK API level to latest; this will use the correct NDK based on the target architecture and the latest installed SDK (android-25 is the latest I’ve fully tested at this point).