Animation Toolkits FBX export fails to import to UE4

I used the Animation and Rigging Toolkit to create and rig a skeleton with the basic Mannequin skinned to it, I then used the Toolkit to make a couple of animation cycles which I exported to FBX with the ‘Export Motion’ tool.
However trying to import this FBX to UE4 as a skeletal mesh doesn’t work.
This is the error message:


note that ‘Import as Rigid Mesh’ is actually enabled, it makes no difference to the import or the error message

here is the FBX file: Google Drive: Sign-in

Did you set the FBX version? i recall it has to be 2013 or something that isnt the latest.

yes, 2013 is the only version I have.

I had this exact problem because I had not skinned my bones to my mesh. I also had to disable rigid bones/mesh in the import dialogue and enable the mesh bones option.

I had the same problem and how do we get it

I’m pretty sure you need FBX 2014.