Blend Two FPS Arms animation together, seamlessly?

Dear Community,

While developing my game, I have encountered an issue which I am yet to find a solution for.

I have created locomotion animations for my FPS Arms. Different kind of arm swaying and bounces.
These are handled via state machines, per usual, BUT so is my reload animation (atleast for now).

My current problem is:

While reloading, I want to keep my hand swaying animation as well. I found a solution earlier by making a separate state machine for the weapon fire (which jerks the arm back), but the blending of those two is a very mixed result. It takes some momentum out of both animations when blended, and sort of mellows out the two into one.
Example: Fire and Sway are blended, but there is minimal sway and minimal jerkback when combined, but its there.

My question would be:
Is there any possible way, too keep both the reload animation and the locomotion animation without sacrificing too much movement momentum? Or should I say, to blend the two seamlessly together?

Example, when my player lands from a fall/jump, the arms have a slight bounce to them as they keep momentum, but if I fall during reloading, it obviously doesnt bounce back since its a new anim state inside the machine. My goal would be to keep both the bounceback and the reload at the same time.

Thank you in advance for all your answers.