Break node not done by ref

I was stuck with an issue where I was calling ‘Set By-Ref Var’ on a struct member exposed via the Break node, but later when reading that value it wasn’t as I expected… It turned out it was setting it correctly, but Break isn’t done by ref, so the value wasn’t written back onto the original struct (which was being exposed/returned by ref), just the break-ed copy was being set.

Posting this incase anyone has any similar problems with it as it’s not mentioned in the documentation

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if I undersqtand correctly, I think you can remake your structure after the modification and set your structure variable to the new one.
Like this :

So, if you have the reference to the structure you can do something like this :

Thanks Lunder,

Yes that would work for BP structs… the struct I was using (sorry should have said) was a member of a class which had a UFUNCTION getter to return a non-const ref to it (no setter implemented), so although I did have direct write access to that struct I had no way of modifying the members of it.

:slight_smile: Yes, totally, though very cumbersome each time you want to just change one param here or there. Though I do appreciate your feedback :slight_smile:

My issue was that despite having direct (by ref) write access to the struct within the container it was fetched from I couldn’t directly modify any of it’s properties by ref as Break isn’t by ref. I think that’s an important bit of info that should be added to the docs.

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