Can I Distribute Unreal Engine documentation?


I use one of the many available offline documentation applications and I generated an Unreal Engine documentation docset for it, from publicly available UE4 documentation available at Unreal Engine API Reference | Unreal Engine Documentation .

My question is about distribution of this given compiled docset. Am I allowed to do this? I realize it is part of the UE4, however if I were to do this, I would be distributing something that is already publicly available.

Any input on this matter is appreciated. Thank you.

Edited: free distribution.

Thanks for your interest in the engine and in helping other licensees, but we don’t permit public redistribution of Epic’s engine documentation. You are free to redistribute to other engine licensees though.

Hello! Thank you for your reply. If I cannot distribute compiled documentation publicly (but be able to do so to other licensees), what would be a good way for me to distribute it? Does Epic provide any kind of distribution medium for derived code / projects?

Additionally, another question. If I were to generate my own documentation based on Epic header and source files (by parsing it with custom clang derived tool) - would that still fall under the rule above?

Thank you very much for your answers.

Strangely, I thought I answered this comment before, but I don’t see my answer here. My apologies. Unfortunately, right now there isn’t a good way to distribute to other licensees en masse. But in the future we hope to be able to facilitate that with the Marketplace.

If you’re just looking to distribute a few pages, and they’re generally relevant to UE4 developers, feel free to post them to the UE4 Wiki.

If you want to distribute a lot of files to other developers, fork UE4 on GitHub and check your documentation files in there. These files are available to all UE4 licensees on GitHub, but aren’t available to the general public. So, posting this way is in accords with the EULA.