Can you add people/developers to help make your game?

Im trieng to add my friend to my game, but I can’t figure out how? plz help

I’ve seen this misconception a couple of times on here recently. The key thing is that your project is not tied or saved to your epic account, and adding friends or even sharing an account will not give people access to your project.

You can have multiple people working on a project though. You don’t need to add them to your account, but you will need to share your content and assets with them (manually). The standard way of doing this is with Source Control like Git or Perforce. With these you can store all the changes you make to the project as you’re developing it within the Source Control system, and other developers can sync up with it to get the latest version of the project, and commit their own changes.

You can also achieve this just by copying your project folder and sending it to your friend via email / dropbox etc, but I recommend looking into Source Control before too long.

One quick thing to add to @phil_me_up’s answer is that each person using the engine should have their own account on This is to make sure each user accepts the End User License Agreement for UE4 when they sign into the launcher.

Sharing an account can be done if you are a company, but for individuals working on a project they will need to read and accept the terms before using the engine. Aside from that there are no other legal requirements to worry about.

Thank you so much, I really needed to know that. My friend and I are trying to work on a project and we really thank you.

one accaunt cannot friend another, if one party has the other blocked
and i cant add my friend help me pls