Can't open project

Project crashed when I tried to compile it and now it crashes all the time. I have no idea why because there is no stacktrace in crash report. Log attached,link text

I found problem. If we have something in object constructor which could produce exception or crash then this crash will happen each time we try to open project.

For example we have following code:

// Sets default values
	FName SwordSocket = TEXT("Sword");
	Sword = GetWorld()->SpawnActor<ASwordActor>(SwordClass);
	Sword->AttachRootComponentTo(GetMesh(), SwordSocket, EAttachLocation::SnapToTarget, true);

And SwordClass is an editable property. We compile this code and it crashes because we didn’t set SwordClass variable. After that we will have constant crash each time we try to open project.

We have to do two things:

  1. Remove this code or comment it.
  2. Remove all builds from Binaries directory to force Unreal Engine build project again.

Only after this two steps I was able to open project again in editor without crash. This is very annoying and I hope will be fixed someday.